import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as smartyaml from '../ts/index'; let yamlString = `someKey: someValue someKey2: someValue2 `; tap.test('should convert yaml string to object', async () => { let myObject = await smartyaml.yamlStringToObject(yamlString); expect(myObject.someKey).to.equal('someValue'); expect(myObject.someKey2).to.equal('someValue2'); }); tap.test('should convert an object to a string', async () => { let myObject = await smartyaml.yamlStringToObject(yamlString); let myString = await smartyaml.objectToYamlString(myObject); expect(myString).to.equal(yamlString); }); // test some behaviours tap.test('should allow dots in key', async () => { let testString = `myKey.with.dots: some`; let testObject = await smartyaml.yamlStringToObject(testString); expect(testObject['myKey.with.dots']).to.equal('some'); }); tap.start();