/// import * as plugins from "./taskbuffer.plugins"; import {Task} from "./taskbuffer.classes.task"; import helpers = require("./taskbuffer.classes.helpers"); export class Taskchain extends Task { taskArray:Task[]; private _oraObject; constructor(optionsArg:{ name?:string, log?:boolean, taskArray:Task[] }){ let options = plugins.lodash.assign( { name:"unnamed Task", log:false }, optionsArg, { taskFunction: () => { // this is the function that gets executed when TaskChain is triggered console.log("running taskchain function"); let done = plugins.Q.defer(); // this is the starting Deferred object let taskCounter = 0; let iterateTasks = () => { if(typeof this.taskArray[taskCounter] != "undefined"){ this.taskArray[taskCounter].trigger() .then(()=>{ taskCounter++; iterateTasks(); }); } else { done.resolve(); } }; iterateTasks(); return done.promise; } } ); super(options); this.taskArray = optionsArg.taskArray; this._oraObject = new plugins.beautylog.Ora("Taskchain idle","blue"); } addTask(taskArg:Task){ this.taskArray.push(taskArg); }; removeTask(taskArg:Task){ //TODO }; shiftTask(){ }; trigger(){ this._oraObject.start(this.name + " running..."); return helpers.runTask(this); } };