import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import taskbuffer = require('../ts/index'); import * as smartpromise from '@pushrocks/smartpromise'; import * as smartdelay from '@pushrocks/smartdelay'; // setup some testData to work with let testTask: taskbuffer.Task; let testPreTask = new taskbuffer.Task({ taskFunction: function() { let done = smartpromise.defer(); console.log('preTask executed'); done.resolve(); return done.promise; }, preTask: testTask }); // some more tasks to test with let task1Counter = 0; // how often task 1 is being executed let task1 = new taskbuffer.Task({ name: 'Task 1', taskFunction: () => { let done = smartpromise.defer(); console.log('Task1 started'); setTimeout(() => { task1Counter++; console.log('Task1 executed'); done.resolve(); }, 5000); return done.promise; } }); let task2 = new taskbuffer.Task({ name: 'Task 1', taskFunction: () => { let done = smartpromise.defer(); console.log('Task2 started'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Task2 executed'); done.resolve(); }, 5000); return done.promise; } }); let task3 = new taskbuffer.Task({ name: 'Task 3', taskFunction: () => { let done = smartpromise.defer(); console.log('Task3 started'); setTimeout(() => { console.log('Task3 executed'); done.resolve(); }, 5000); return done.promise; } }); tap.test('new Task() should return a new task', async () => { testTask = new taskbuffer.Task({ taskFunction: async () => { console.log('executed twice'); }, preTask: testPreTask }); }); tap.test('expect testTask to be an instance of Task', async () => { expect(testTask); }); tap.test('expect testTask.idle is true', async () => { if (!testTask.idle) { throw new Error('testTask.idle is not true'); } }); tap.test('testTask.running should be of type boolean and initially false', async () => { expect(testTask.running)'boolean'); // tslint:disable-next-line:no-unused-expression expect(testTask.running); }); tap.test('testTask.trigger() should return Promise', async () => { expect(testTask.trigger()); }); tap.test('testTask.trigger() returned Promise should be fullfilled', async () => { await testTask.trigger(); }); tap.test('expect to run a task without pre and afterTask errorless', async () => { let localTestTask = new taskbuffer.Task({ taskFunction: async () => { console.log('only once'); } }); await localTestTask.trigger(); }); tap.test('expect task to run in buffered mode', async () => { let localTestTask = new taskbuffer.Task({ taskFunction: async () => { await smartdelay.delayFor(3000); }, buffered: true, bufferMax: 2 }); localTestTask.trigger(); localTestTask.trigger(); localTestTask.trigger(); await localTestTask.trigger(); }); tap.start();