import { expect, tap } from '@pushrocks/tapbundle'; import * as webstore from '../ts/index'; let testWebstore: webstore.WebStore; tap.test('first test', async () => { testWebstore = new webstore.WebStore({ dbName: 'mytest-db', storeName: 'mytest-store', }); expect(testWebstore); }); tap.test('should allow storing a string', async () => { await testWebstore.set('mystring', 'heythere'); expect(await testWebstore.get('mystring')).to.equal('heythere'); }); tap.test('should allow storing an object', async () => { await testWebstore.set('testProp1', { wow: 'wowVal', }); console.log(JSON.stringify(await testWebstore.get('testProp1'))); }); tap.test('should overwrite a value', async () => { await testWebstore.set('testProp1', { wow: 'wowVal2', }); console.log(JSON.stringify(await testWebstore.get('testProp1'))); }); tap.test('should correctly check the existence of keys', async () => { const resultNotThere = await testWebstore.check('notThere'); const resultThere = await testWebstore.check('testProp1'); expect(resultNotThere); expect(resultThere); }); tap.start();