import * as plugins from '../plugins.js'; import * as shared from '../elements/shared/index.js'; import { DeesElement, customElement, html, state, css, cssManager, } from ''; import * as appstate from '../appstate.js'; @customElement('cloudly-view-dbs') export class CloudlyViewDbs extends DeesElement { @state() private data: appstate.IDataState = { secretGroups: [], secretBundles: [], }; constructor() { super(); const subecription = appstate.dataState .select((stateArg) => stateArg) .subscribe((dataArg) => { = dataArg; }); this.rxSubscriptions.push(subecription); } public static styles = [ cssManager.defaultStyles, shared.viewHostCss, css` `, ]; public render() { return html` <cloudly-sectionheading>DBs</cloudly-sectionheading> <dees-table .heading1=${'DBs'} .heading2=${'decoded in client'} .data=${} .displayFunction=${(itemArg: => { return { id:, serverAmount:, }; }} .dataActions=${[ { name: 'add configBundle', iconName: 'plus', type: ['header', 'footer'], actionFunc: async (dataActionArg) => { const modal = await plugins.deesCatalog.DeesModal.createAndShow({ heading: 'Add ConfigBundle', content: html` <dees-form> <dees-input-text .key=${'id'} .label=${'ID'} .value=${''}></dees-input-text> <dees-input-text .key=${'data.secretGroupIds'} .label=${'secretGroupIds'} .value=${''} ></dees-input-text> <dees-input-text .key=${'data.includedTags'} .label=${'includedTags'} .value=${''} ></dees-input-text> </dees-form> `, menuOptions: [ { name: 'create', action: async (modalArg) => {} }, { name: 'cancel', action: async (modalArg) => { modalArg.destroy(); }, }, ], }); }, }, { name: 'delete', iconName: 'trash', type: ['contextmenu', 'inRow'], actionFunc: async (actionDataArg) => { plugins.deesCatalog.DeesModal.createAndShow({ heading: `Delete ConfigBundle ${}`, content: html` <div style="text-align:center"> Do you really want to delete the ConfigBundle? </div> <div style="font-size: 0.8em; color: red; text-align:center; padding: 16px; margin-top: 24px; border: 1px solid #444; font-family: Intel One Mono; font-size: 16px;" > ${} </div> `, menuOptions: [ { name: 'cancel', action: async (modalArg) => { await modalArg.destroy(); }, }, { name: 'delete', action: async (modalArg) => { appstate.dataState.dispatchAction(appstate.deleteSecretBundleAction, { configBundleId:, }); await modalArg.destroy(); }, }, ], }); }, }, ] as plugins.deesCatalog.ITableAction[]} ></dees-table> `; } }