delete process.env.CLI_CALL; import * as coretraffic from '../ts/index.js'; import { tap, expect } from ''; import { Qenv } from ''; const testQenv = new Qenv('./', './.nogit'); let testCoreTraffic: coretraffic.CoreTraffic; tap.test('should create an coretraffic instance', async (tools) => { testCoreTraffic = new coretraffic.CoreTraffic(); expect(testCoreTraffic).toBeInstanceOf(coretraffic.CoreTraffic); }); tap.test('should start the instance', async (tools) => { await testCoreTraffic.start(); }); tap.test('should keep the instance alive', async (tools) => { await tools.delayFor(10000); }); tap.test('should stop the instance', async (tools) => { await testCoreTraffic.stop(); }); tap.start();