2025-03-25 09:06:23 +00:00

514 lines
19 KiB

import { exec } from 'child_process';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import * as dgram from 'dgram';
import type { OIDSet, SnmpConfig, UpsModel, UpsStatus } from './types.js';
import { UpsOidSets } from './oid-sets.js';
import { SnmpPacketCreator } from './packet-creator.js';
import { SnmpPacketParser } from './packet-parser.js';
const execAsync = promisify(exec);
* Class for SNMP communication with UPS devices
* Main entry point for SNMP functionality
export class NupstSnmp {
// Active OID set
private activeOIDs: OIDSet;
// Default SNMP configuration
private readonly DEFAULT_CONFIG: SnmpConfig = {
host: '', // Default to localhost
port: 161, // Default SNMP port
community: 'public', // Default community string for v1/v2c
version: 1, // SNMPv1
timeout: 5000, // 5 seconds timeout
upsModel: 'cyberpower', // Default UPS model
// SNMPv3 engine ID and counters
private engineID: Buffer = Buffer.from([0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]);
private engineBoots: number = 0;
private engineTime: number = 0;
private requestID: number = 1;
private debug: boolean = false; // Enable for debug output
* Create a new SNMP manager
* @param debug Whether to enable debug mode
constructor(debug = false) {
this.debug = debug;
// Set default OID set
this.activeOIDs = UpsOidSets.getOidSet('cyberpower');
* Set active OID set based on UPS model
* @param config SNMP configuration
private setActiveOIDs(config: SnmpConfig): void {
// If custom OIDs are provided, use them
if (config.upsModel === 'custom' && config.customOIDs) {
this.activeOIDs = config.customOIDs;
if (this.debug) {
console.log('Using custom OIDs:', this.activeOIDs);
// Use OIDs for the specified UPS model or default to Cyberpower
const model = config.upsModel || 'cyberpower';
this.activeOIDs = UpsOidSets.getOidSet(model);
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Using OIDs for UPS model: ${model}`);
* Enable debug mode
public enableDebug(): void {
this.debug = true;
console.log('SNMP debug mode enabled - detailed logs will be shown');
* Send an SNMP GET request
* @param oid OID to query
* @param config SNMP configuration
* @returns Promise resolving to the SNMP response value
public async snmpGet(oid: string, config = this.DEFAULT_CONFIG): Promise<any> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
// Create appropriate request based on SNMP version
let request: Buffer;
if (config.version === 3) {
request = SnmpPacketCreator.createSnmpV3GetRequest(
} else {
request = SnmpPacketCreator.createSnmpGetRequest(oid, || 'public', this.debug);
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Sending SNMP ${config.version === 3 ? 'v3' : ('v' + config.version)} request to ${}:${config.port}`);
console.log('Request length:', request.length);
console.log('First 16 bytes of request:', request.slice(0, 16).toString('hex'));
console.log('Full request hex:', request.toString('hex'));
// Set timeout - add extra logging for debugging
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('SNMP request timed out after', config.timeout, 'ms');
console.error('SNMP Version:', config.version);
if (config.version === 3) {
console.error('SNMPv3 Security Level:', config.securityLevel);
console.error('SNMPv3 Username:', config.username);
console.error('SNMPv3 Auth Protocol:', config.authProtocol || 'None');
console.error('SNMPv3 Privacy Protocol:', config.privProtocol || 'None');
console.error('OID:', oid);
console.error('Port:', config.port);
reject(new Error(`SNMP request timed out after ${config.timeout}ms`));
}, config.timeout);
// Listen for responses
socket.on('message', (message, rinfo) => {
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Received SNMP response from ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`);
console.log('Response length:', message.length);
console.log('First 16 bytes of response:', message.slice(0, 16).toString('hex'));
console.log('Full response hex:', message.toString('hex'));
try {
const result = SnmpPacketParser.parseSnmpResponse(message, config, this.debug);
if (this.debug) {
console.log('Parsed SNMP response:', result);
} catch (error) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Error parsing SNMP response:', error);
// Handle errors
socket.on('error', (error) => {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Socket error during SNMP request:', error);
// First send the request directly without binding to a specific port
// This lets the OS pick an available port instead of trying to bind to one
socket.send(request, 0, request.length, config.port,, (error) => {
if (error) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Error sending SNMP request:', error);
} else if (this.debug) {
console.log('SNMP request sent successfully');
* Get the current status of the UPS
* @param config SNMP configuration
* @returns Promise resolving to the UPS status
public async getUpsStatus(config = this.DEFAULT_CONFIG): Promise<UpsStatus> {
try {
// Set active OID set based on UPS model in config
if (this.debug) {
console.log('Getting UPS status with config:');
console.log(' Host:',;
console.log(' Port:', config.port);
console.log(' Version:', config.version);
console.log(' Timeout:', config.timeout, 'ms');
console.log(' UPS Model:', config.upsModel || 'cyberpower');
if (config.version === 1 || config.version === 2) {
console.log(' Community:',;
} else if (config.version === 3) {
console.log(' Security Level:', config.securityLevel);
console.log(' Username:', config.username);
console.log(' Auth Protocol:', config.authProtocol || 'None');
console.log(' Privacy Protocol:', config.privProtocol || 'None');
console.log('Using OIDs:');
console.log(' Power Status:', this.activeOIDs.POWER_STATUS);
console.log(' Battery Capacity:', this.activeOIDs.BATTERY_CAPACITY);
console.log(' Battery Runtime:', this.activeOIDs.BATTERY_RUNTIME);
// For SNMPv3, we need to discover the engine ID first
if (config.version === 3) {
if (this.debug) {
console.log('SNMPv3 detected, starting engine ID discovery');
try {
const discoveredEngineId = await this.discoverEngineId(config);
if (discoveredEngineId) {
this.engineID = discoveredEngineId;
if (this.debug) {
console.log('Using discovered engine ID:', this.engineID.toString('hex'));
} catch (error) {
if (this.debug) {
console.warn('Engine ID discovery failed, using default:', error);
// Helper function to get SNMP value with retry
const getSNMPValueWithRetry = async (oid: string, description: string) => {
if (oid === '') {
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`No OID provided for ${description}, skipping`);
return 0;
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Getting ${description} OID: ${oid}`);
try {
const value = await this.snmpGet(oid, config);
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`${description} value:`, value);
return value;
} catch (error) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error(`Error getting ${description}:`, error.message);
// If we got a timeout and it's SNMPv3, try with different security levels
if (error.message.includes('timed out') && config.version === 3) {
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Retrying ${description} with fallback settings...`);
// Create a retry config with lower security level
if (config.securityLevel === 'authPriv') {
const retryConfig = { ...config, securityLevel: 'authNoPriv' as 'authNoPriv' };
try {
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Retrying with authNoPriv security level`);
const value = await this.snmpGet(oid, retryConfig);
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`${description} retry value:`, value);
return value;
} catch (retryError) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error(`Retry failed for ${description}:`, retryError.message);
// If we're still having trouble, try with standard OIDs
if (config.upsModel !== 'custom') {
try {
// Try RFC 1628 standard UPS MIB OIDs
const standardOIDs = UpsOidSets.getStandardOids();
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Trying standard RFC 1628 OID for ${description}: ${standardOIDs[description]}`);
const standardValue = await this.snmpGet(standardOIDs[description], config);
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`${description} standard OID value:`, standardValue);
return standardValue;
} catch (stdError) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error(`Standard OID retry failed for ${description}:`, stdError.message);
// Return a default value if all attempts fail
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Using default value 0 for ${description}`);
return 0;
// Get all values with independent retry logic
const powerStatusValue = await getSNMPValueWithRetry(this.activeOIDs.POWER_STATUS, 'power status');
const batteryCapacity = await getSNMPValueWithRetry(this.activeOIDs.BATTERY_CAPACITY, 'battery capacity') || 0;
const batteryRuntime = await getSNMPValueWithRetry(this.activeOIDs.BATTERY_RUNTIME, 'battery runtime') || 0;
// Determine power status - handle different values for different UPS models
let powerStatus: 'online' | 'onBattery' | 'unknown' = 'unknown';
// Different UPS models use different values for power status
if (config.upsModel === 'cyberpower') {
// CyberPower RMCARD205: upsBaseOutputStatus values
// 2=onLine, 3=onBattery, 4=onBoost, 5=onSleep, 6=off, etc.
if (powerStatusValue === 2) {
powerStatus = 'online';
} else if (powerStatusValue === 3) {
powerStatus = 'onBattery';
} else {
// Default interpretation for other UPS models
if (powerStatusValue === 1) {
powerStatus = 'online';
} else if (powerStatusValue === 2) {
powerStatus = 'onBattery';
// Convert TimeTicks to minutes for CyberPower runtime (value is in 1/100 seconds)
let processedRuntime = batteryRuntime;
if (config.upsModel === 'cyberpower' && batteryRuntime > 0) {
// TimeTicks is in 1/100 seconds, convert to minutes
processedRuntime = Math.floor(batteryRuntime / 6000); // 6000 ticks = 1 minute
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Converting CyberPower runtime from ${batteryRuntime} ticks to ${processedRuntime} minutes`);
const result = {
batteryRuntime: processedRuntime,
raw: {
powerStatus: powerStatusValue,
if (this.debug) {
console.log('UPS status result:');
console.log(' Power Status:', result.powerStatus);
console.log(' Battery Capacity:', result.batteryCapacity + '%');
console.log(' Battery Runtime:', result.batteryRuntime, 'minutes');
return result;
} catch (error) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Error getting UPS status:', error.message);
throw new Error(`Failed to get UPS status: ${error.message}`);
* Discover SNMP engine ID (for SNMPv3)
* Sends a proper discovery message to get the engine ID from the device
* @param config SNMP configuration
* @returns Promise resolving to the discovered engine ID
public async discoverEngineId(config: SnmpConfig): Promise<Buffer> {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const socket = dgram.createSocket('udp4');
// Create a proper discovery message (SNMPv3 with noAuthNoPriv)
const discoveryConfig: SnmpConfig = {
securityLevel: 'noAuthNoPriv',
username: '', // Empty username for discovery
// Create a simple GetRequest for sysDescr (a commonly available OID)
const request = SnmpPacketCreator.createDiscoveryMessage(discoveryConfig, this.requestID++);
if (this.debug) {
console.log('Sending SNMPv3 discovery message');
console.log('SNMPv3 Discovery message:', request.toString('hex'));
// Set timeout - use a longer timeout for discovery phase
const discoveryTimeout = Math.max(config.timeout, 15000); // At least 15 seconds for discovery
const timeout = setTimeout(() => {
// Fall back to default engine ID if discovery fails
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Engine ID discovery timed out after', discoveryTimeout, 'ms');
console.error('SNMPv3 settings:');
console.error(' Username:', config.username);
console.error(' Security Level:', config.securityLevel);
console.error(' Host:',;
console.error(' Port:', config.port);
console.error('Using default engine ID:', this.engineID.toString('hex'));
}, discoveryTimeout);
// Listen for responses
socket.on('message', (message, rinfo) => {
if (this.debug) {
console.log(`Received SNMPv3 discovery response from ${rinfo.address}:${rinfo.port}`);
console.log('Response:', message.toString('hex'));
try {
// Extract engine ID from response
const engineId = SnmpPacketParser.extractEngineId(message, this.debug);
if (engineId) {
this.engineID = engineId; // Update the engine ID
if (this.debug) {
console.log('Discovered engine ID:', engineId.toString('hex'));
} else {
if (this.debug) {
console.log('Could not extract engine ID, using default');
} catch (error) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Error extracting engine ID:', error);
resolve(this.engineID); // Fall back to default engine ID
// Handle errors
socket.on('error', (error) => {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Engine ID discovery socket error:', error);
resolve(this.engineID); // Fall back to default engine ID
// Send request directly without binding
socket.send(request, 0, request.length, config.port,, (error) => {
if (error) {
if (this.debug) {
console.error('Error sending discovery message:', error);
resolve(this.engineID); // Fall back to default engine ID
} else if (this.debug) {
console.log('Discovery message sent successfully');
* Initiate system shutdown
* @param reason Reason for shutdown
public async initiateShutdown(reason: string): Promise<void> {
console.log(`Initiating system shutdown due to: ${reason}`);
try {
// Execute shutdown command
const { stdout } = await execAsync('shutdown -h +1 "UPS battery critical, shutting down in 1 minute"');
console.log('Shutdown initiated:', stdout);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to initiate shutdown:', error);
// Try a different method if first one fails
try {
console.log('Trying alternative shutdown method...');
await execAsync('poweroff --force');
} catch (innerError) {
console.error('All shutdown methods failed:', innerError);