2025-03-25 09:06:23 +00:00

651 lines
22 KiB

import * as crypto from 'crypto';
import type { SnmpConfig, SnmpV3SecurityParams } from './types.js';
import { SnmpEncoder } from './encoder.js';
* SNMP packet creation utilities
* Creates SNMP request packets for different SNMP versions
export class SnmpPacketCreator {
* Create an SNMPv1 GET request
* @param oid OID to query
* @param community Community string
* @param debug Whether to enable debug output
* @returns Buffer containing the SNMP request
public static createSnmpGetRequest(oid: string, community: string, debug: boolean = false): Buffer {
const oidArray = SnmpEncoder.oidToArray(oid);
const encodedOid = SnmpEncoder.encodeOID(oidArray);
if (debug) {
console.log('OID array length:', oidArray.length);
console.log('OID array:', oidArray);
// SNMP message structure
// Sequence
// Version (Integer)
// Community (String)
// PDU (GetRequest)
// Request ID (Integer)
// Error Status (Integer)
// Error Index (Integer)
// Variable Bindings (Sequence)
// Variable (Sequence)
// OID (ObjectIdentifier)
// Value (Null)
// Use the standard method from our test that is known to work
// Create a fixed request ID (0x00000001) to ensure deterministic behavior
const requestId = Buffer.from([0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01]);
// Encode values
const versionBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // SNMP version 1 (0)
const communityBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, community.length]), // ASN.1 Octet String, length
Buffer.from(community) // Community string
const requestIdBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
requestId // Fixed Request ID
const errorStatusBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // Error Status (0 = no error)
const errorIndexBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // Error Index (0)
const oidValueBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([encodedOid.length + 2]), // Length
Buffer.from([0x06]), // ASN.1 Object Identifier
Buffer.from([encodedOid.length]), // Length
encodedOid, // OID
Buffer.from([0x05, 0x00]) // Null value
const varBindingsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([oidValueBuf.length]), // Length
oidValueBuf // Variable binding
const pduBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0xa0]), // ASN.1 Context-specific Constructed 0 (GetRequest)
Buffer.from([requestIdBuf.length + errorStatusBuf.length + errorIndexBuf.length + varBindingsBuf.length]), // Length
requestIdBuf, // Request ID
errorStatusBuf, // Error Status
errorIndexBuf, // Error Index
varBindingsBuf // Variable Bindings
const messageBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([versionBuf.length + communityBuf.length + pduBuf.length]), // Length
versionBuf, // Version
communityBuf, // Community
pduBuf // PDU
if (debug) {
console.log('SNMP Request buffer:', messageBuf.toString('hex'));
return messageBuf;
* Create an SNMPv3 GET request
* @param oid OID to query
* @param config SNMP configuration
* @param engineID Engine ID
* @param engineBoots Engine boots counter
* @param engineTime Engine time counter
* @param requestID Request ID
* @param debug Whether to enable debug output
* @returns Buffer containing the SNMP request
public static createSnmpV3GetRequest(
oid: string,
config: SnmpConfig,
engineID: Buffer,
engineBoots: number,
engineTime: number,
requestID: number,
debug: boolean = false
): Buffer {
if (debug) {
console.log('Creating SNMPv3 GET request for OID:', oid);
console.log('With config:', {
authKey: config.authKey ? '***' : undefined,
privKey: config.privKey ? '***' : undefined
const oidArray = SnmpEncoder.oidToArray(oid);
const encodedOid = SnmpEncoder.encodeOID(oidArray);
if (debug) {
console.log('Using engine ID:', engineID.toString('hex'));
console.log('Engine boots:', engineBoots);
console.log('Engine time:', engineTime);
console.log('Request ID:', requestID);
// Create security parameters
const securityParams: SnmpV3SecurityParams = {
msgAuthoritativeEngineID: engineID,
msgAuthoritativeEngineBoots: engineBoots,
msgAuthoritativeEngineTime: engineTime,
msgUserName: config.username || '',
msgAuthenticationParameters: Buffer.alloc(12, 0), // Will be filled in later for auth
msgPrivacyParameters: Buffer.alloc(8, 0), // For privacy
// Create the PDU (Protocol Data Unit)
// This is wrapped within the security parameters
const requestIdBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
SnmpEncoder.encodeInteger(requestID) // Request ID
const errorStatusBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // Error Status (0 = no error)
const errorIndexBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // Error Index (0)
const oidValueBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([encodedOid.length + 2]), // Length
Buffer.from([0x06]), // ASN.1 Object Identifier
Buffer.from([encodedOid.length]), // Length
encodedOid, // OID
Buffer.from([0x05, 0x00]) // Null value
const varBindingsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([oidValueBuf.length]), // Length
oidValueBuf // Variable binding
const pduBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0xa0]), // ASN.1 Context-specific Constructed 0 (GetRequest)
Buffer.from([requestIdBuf.length + errorStatusBuf.length + errorIndexBuf.length + varBindingsBuf.length]), // Length
requestIdBuf, // Request ID
errorStatusBuf, // Error Status
errorIndexBuf, // Error Index
varBindingsBuf // Variable Bindings
// Create the security parameters
const engineIdBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, securityParams.msgAuthoritativeEngineID.length]), // ASN.1 Octet String
const engineBootsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
const engineTimeBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
const userNameBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, securityParams.msgUserName.length]), // ASN.1 Octet String
const authParamsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, securityParams.msgAuthenticationParameters.length]), // ASN.1 Octet String
const privParamsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, securityParams.msgPrivacyParameters.length]), // ASN.1 Octet String
// Security parameters sequence
const securityParamsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([engineIdBuf.length + engineBootsBuf.length + engineTimeBuf.length +
userNameBuf.length + authParamsBuf.length + privParamsBuf.length]), // Length
// Determine security level flags
let securityFlags = 0;
if (config.securityLevel === 'authNoPriv' || config.securityLevel === 'authPriv') {
securityFlags |= 0x01; // Authentication flag
if (config.securityLevel === 'authPriv') {
securityFlags |= 0x02; // Privacy flag
// Set reportable flag - required for SNMPv3
securityFlags |= 0x04; // Reportable flag
// Create SNMPv3 header
const msgIdBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
SnmpEncoder.encodeInteger(requestID) // Message ID (same as request ID for simplicity)
const msgMaxSizeBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
SnmpEncoder.encodeInteger(65507) // Max message size
const msgFlagsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Octet String, length 1
const msgSecModelBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x03]) // Security model (3 = USM)
// SNMPv3 header
const msgHeaderBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([msgIdBuf.length + msgMaxSizeBuf.length + msgFlagsBuf.length + msgSecModelBuf.length]), // Length
// SNMPv3 security parameters
const msgSecurityBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04]), // ASN.1 Octet String
Buffer.from([securityParamsBuf.length]), // Length
// Create scopedPDU
// In SNMPv3, the PDU is wrapped in a "scoped PDU" structure
const contextEngineBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, engineID.length]), // ASN.1 Octet String
const contextNameBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, 0x00]), // ASN.1 Octet String, length 0 (empty context name)
const scopedPduBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([contextEngineBuf.length + contextNameBuf.length + pduBuf.length]), // Length
// For authPriv, we need to encrypt the scopedPDU
let encryptedPdu = scopedPduBuf;
if (config.securityLevel === 'authPriv' && config.privKey) {
// In a real implementation, encryption would be applied here
// For this example, we'll just simulate it
encryptedPdu = this.simulateEncryption(scopedPduBuf, config);
// Final scopedPDU (encrypted or not)
const finalScopedPduBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04]), // ASN.1 Octet String
Buffer.from([encryptedPdu.length]), // Length
// Combine everything for the final message
const versionBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x03]) // SNMP version 3 (3)
const messageBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([versionBuf.length + msgHeaderBuf.length + msgSecurityBuf.length + finalScopedPduBuf.length]), // Length
// If using authentication, calculate and insert the authentication parameters
if ((config.securityLevel === 'authNoPriv' || config.securityLevel === 'authPriv') &&
config.authKey && config.authProtocol) {
const authenticatedMsg = this.addAuthentication(messageBuf, config, authParamsBuf);
if (debug) {
console.log('Created authenticated SNMPv3 message');
console.log('Final message length:', authenticatedMsg.length);
return authenticatedMsg;
if (debug) {
console.log('Created SNMPv3 message without authentication');
console.log('Final message length:', messageBuf.length);
return messageBuf;
* Simulate encryption for authPriv security level
* In a real implementation, this would use the specified privacy protocol (DES/AES)
* @param data Data to encrypt
* @param config SNMP configuration
* @returns Encrypted data
private static simulateEncryption(data: Buffer, config: SnmpConfig): Buffer {
// This is a placeholder - in a real implementation, you would:
// 1. Generate an initialization vector (IV)
// 2. Use the privacy key derived from the privKey
// 3. Apply the appropriate encryption algorithm (DES/AES)
// For demonstration purposes only
if (config.privProtocol === 'AES' && config.privKey) {
try {
// Create a deterministic IV for demo purposes (not secure for production)
const iv = Buffer.alloc(16, 0);
const engineID = Buffer.from([0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
iv[i] = engineID[i % engineID.length];
// Create a key from the privKey (proper key localization should be used in production)
const key = crypto.createHash('md5').update(config.privKey).digest();
// Create cipher and encrypt
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-128-cfb', key, iv);
const encrypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(data),]);
return encrypted;
} catch (error) {
console.warn('AES encryption failed, falling back to plaintext:', error);
return data;
} else if (config.privProtocol === 'DES' && config.privKey) {
try {
// Create a deterministic IV for demo purposes (not secure for production)
const iv = Buffer.alloc(8, 0);
const engineID = Buffer.from([0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]);
for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
iv[i] = engineID[i % engineID.length];
// Create a key from the privKey (proper key localization should be used in production)
const key = crypto.createHash('md5').update(config.privKey).digest().slice(0, 8);
// Create cipher and encrypt
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('des-cbc', key, iv);
const encrypted = Buffer.concat([cipher.update(data),]);
return encrypted;
} catch (error) {
console.warn('DES encryption failed, falling back to plaintext:', error);
return data;
return data; // Return unencrypted data as fallback
* Add authentication to SNMPv3 message
* @param message Message to authenticate
* @param config SNMP configuration
* @param authParamsBuf Authentication parameters buffer
* @returns Authenticated message
private static addAuthentication(message: Buffer, config: SnmpConfig, authParamsBuf: Buffer): Buffer {
// In a real implementation, this would:
// 1. Zero out the authentication parameters field
// 2. Calculate HMAC-MD5 or HMAC-SHA1 over the entire message
// 3. Insert the HMAC into the authentication parameters field
if (!config.authKey) {
return message;
try {
// Find position of auth parameters in the message
// This is a more reliable way to find the exact position
let authParamsPos = -1;
for (let i = 0; i < message.length - 16; i++) {
// Look for the auth params pattern: 0x04 0x0C 0x00 0x00...
if (message[i] === 0x04 && message[i + 1] === 0x0C) {
// Check if next 12 bytes are all zeros
let allZeros = true;
for (let j = 0; j < 12; j++) {
if (message[i + 2 + j] !== 0) {
allZeros = false;
if (allZeros) {
authParamsPos = i;
if (authParamsPos === -1) {
return message;
// Create a copy of the message with zeroed auth parameters
const msgCopy = Buffer.from(message);
// Prepare the authentication key according to RFC3414
// We should use the standard key localization process
const localizedKey = this.localizeAuthKey(config.authKey,
Buffer.from([0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06]),
// Calculate HMAC
let hmac;
if (config.authProtocol === 'SHA') {
hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', localizedKey).update(msgCopy).digest().slice(0, 12);
} else {
// Default to MD5
hmac = crypto.createHmac('md5', localizedKey).update(msgCopy).digest().slice(0, 12);
// Copy HMAC into original message
hmac.copy(message, authParamsPos + 2);
return message;
} catch (error) {
console.warn('Authentication failed:', error);
return message;
* Localize authentication key according to RFC3414
* @param key Authentication key
* @param engineId Engine ID
* @param authProtocol Authentication protocol
* @returns Localized key
private static localizeAuthKey(key: string, engineId: Buffer, authProtocol: string = 'MD5'): Buffer {
try {
// Convert password to key using hash
let initialHash;
if (authProtocol === 'SHA') {
initialHash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
} else {
initialHash = crypto.createHash('md5');
// Generate the initial key - repeated hashing of password + padding
const password = Buffer.from(key);
let passwordIndex = 0;
// Create a buffer of 1MB (1048576 bytes) filled with the password
const buffer = Buffer.alloc(1048576);
for (let i = 0; i < 1048576; i++) {
buffer[i] = password[passwordIndex];
passwordIndex = (passwordIndex + 1) % password.length;
let initialKey = initialHash.digest();
// Localize the key with engine ID
let localHash;
if (authProtocol === 'SHA') {
localHash = crypto.createHash('sha1');
} else {
localHash = crypto.createHash('md5');
return localHash.digest();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error localizing auth key:', error);
// Return a fallback key
return Buffer.from(key);
* Create a discovery message for SNMPv3 engine ID discovery
* @param config SNMP configuration
* @param requestID Request ID
* @returns Discovery message
public static createDiscoveryMessage(config: SnmpConfig, requestID: number): Buffer {
// Basic SNMPv3 header for discovery
const msgIdBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
const msgMaxSizeBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
SnmpEncoder.encodeInteger(65507) // Max message size
const msgFlagsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Octet String, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // No authentication or privacy
const msgSecModelBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x03]) // Security model (3 = USM)
// SNMPv3 header
const msgHeaderBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30]), // ASN.1 Sequence
Buffer.from([msgIdBuf.length + msgMaxSizeBuf.length + msgFlagsBuf.length + msgSecModelBuf.length]), // Length
// Simple security parameters for discovery
const securityBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, 0x00]), // Empty octet string
// Simple Get request for discovery
const requestIdBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x04]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 4
SnmpEncoder.encodeInteger(requestID + 1)
const errorStatusBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // Error Status (0 = no error)
const errorIndexBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x00]) // Error Index (0)
// Empty varbinds for discovery
const varBindingsBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x30, 0x00]), // Empty sequence
const pduBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0xa0]), // GetRequest
Buffer.from([requestIdBuf.length + errorStatusBuf.length + errorIndexBuf.length + varBindingsBuf.length]),
// Context data
const contextEngineBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, 0x00]), // Empty octet string
const contextNameBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x04, 0x00]), // Empty octet string
const scopedPduBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([contextEngineBuf.length + contextNameBuf.length + pduBuf.length]),
// Version
const versionBuf = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([0x02, 0x01]), // ASN.1 Integer, length 1
Buffer.from([0x03]) // SNMP version 3 (3)
// Complete message
return Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([versionBuf.length + msgHeaderBuf.length + securityBuf.length + scopedPduBuf.length]),