
1032 lines
40 KiB

import { execSync } from 'child_process';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import { dirname, join } from 'path';
import { fileURLToPath } from 'url';
import { Nupst } from './nupst.js';
* Class for handling CLI commands
* Provides interface between user commands and the application
export class NupstCli {
private readonly nupst: Nupst;
* Create a new CLI handler
constructor() {
this.nupst = new Nupst();
* Parse command line arguments and execute the appropriate command
* @param args Command line arguments (process.argv)
public async parseAndExecute(args: string[]): Promise<void> {
// Extract debug flag from any position
const debugOptions = this.extractDebugOptions(args);
if (debugOptions.debugMode) {
console.log('Debug mode enabled');
// Enable debug mode in the SNMP client
// Get the command (default to help if none provided)
const command = args[2] || 'help';
// Route to the appropriate command handler
await this.executeCommand(command, debugOptions.debugMode);
* Extract and remove debug options from args
* @param args Command line arguments
* @returns Object with debug flags and cleaned args
private extractDebugOptions(args: string[]): { debugMode: boolean; cleanedArgs: string[] } {
const debugMode = args.includes('--debug') || args.includes('-d');
// Remove debug flags from args
const cleanedArgs = args.filter(arg => arg !== '--debug' && arg !== '-d');
return { debugMode, cleanedArgs };
* Execute the command with the given arguments
* @param command Command to execute
* @param debugMode Whether debug mode is enabled
private async executeCommand(command: string, debugMode: boolean): Promise<void> {
switch (command) {
case 'enable':
await this.enable();
case 'daemon-start':
await this.daemonStart(debugMode);
case 'logs':
await this.logs();
case 'stop':
await this.stop();
case 'start':
await this.start();
case 'status':
await this.status();
case 'disable':
await this.disable();
case 'setup':
await this.setup();
case 'test':
await this.test(debugMode);
case 'update':
await this.update();
case 'uninstall':
await this.uninstall();
case 'config':
await this.showConfig();
case 'help':
* Enable the service (requires root)
private async enable(): Promise<void> {
this.checkRootAccess('This command must be run as root.');
await this.nupst.getSystemd().install();
console.log('NUPST service has been installed. Use "nupst start" to start the service.');
* Start the daemon directly
* @param debugMode Whether to enable debug mode
private async daemonStart(debugMode: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
console.log('Starting NUPST daemon...');
try {
// Enable debug mode for SNMP if requested
if (debugMode) {
console.log('SNMP debug mode enabled');
await this.nupst.getDaemon().start();
} catch (error) {
// Error is already logged and process.exit is called in daemon.start()
// No need to handle it here
* Show logs of the systemd service
private async logs(): Promise<void> {
try {
// Use exec with spawn to properly follow logs in real-time
const { spawn } = await import('child_process');
console.log('Tailing nupst service logs (Ctrl+C to exit)...\n');
const journalctl = spawn('journalctl', ['-u', 'nupst.service', '-n', '50', '-f'], {
stdio: ['ignore', 'inherit', 'inherit']
// Forward signals to child process
process.on('SIGINT', () => {
// Wait for process to exit
await new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
journalctl.on('exit', () => resolve());
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to retrieve logs:', error);
* Stop the systemd service
private async stop(): Promise<void> {
await this.nupst.getSystemd().stop();
* Start the systemd service
private async start(): Promise<void> {
try {
await this.nupst.getSystemd().start();
} catch (error) {
// Error will be displayed by systemd.start()
* Show status of the systemd service and UPS
private async status(): Promise<void> {
// Extract debug options from args array
const debugOptions = this.extractDebugOptions(process.argv);
await this.nupst.getSystemd().getStatus(debugOptions.debugMode);
* Disable the service (requires root)
private async disable(): Promise<void> {
this.checkRootAccess('This command must be run as root.');
await this.nupst.getSystemd().disable();
* Check if the user has root access
* @param errorMessage Error message to display if not root
private checkRootAccess(errorMessage: string): void {
if (process.getuid && process.getuid() !== 0) {
* Test the current configuration by connecting to the UPS
* @param debugMode Whether to enable debug mode
private async test(debugMode: boolean = false): Promise<void> {
try {
// Debug mode is now handled in parseAndExecute
if (debugMode) {
console.log('┌─ Debug Mode ─────────────────────────────┐');
console.log('│ SNMP debugging enabled - detailed logs will be shown');
// Try to load the configuration
try {
await this.nupst.getDaemon().loadConfig();
} catch (error) {
console.error('┌─ Configuration Error ─────────────────────┐');
console.error('│ No configuration found.');
console.error('│ Please run \'nupst setup\' first to create a configuration.');
// Get current configuration
const config = this.nupst.getDaemon().getConfig();
await this.testConnection(config);
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Test failed: ${error.message}`);
* Display the configuration for testing
* @param config Current configuration
private displayTestConfig(config: any): void {
console.log('┌─ Testing Configuration ─────────────────────┐');
console.log('│ SNMP Settings:');
console.log(`│ Host: ${}`);
console.log(`│ Port: ${config.snmp.port}`);
console.log(`│ Version: ${config.snmp.version}`);
console.log(`│ UPS Model: ${config.snmp.upsModel || 'cyberpower'}`);
if (config.snmp.version === 1 || config.snmp.version === 2) {
console.log(`│ Community: ${}`);
} else if (config.snmp.version === 3) {
console.log(`│ Security Level: ${config.snmp.securityLevel}`);
console.log(`│ Username: ${config.snmp.username}`);
// Show auth and privacy details based on security level
if (config.snmp.securityLevel === 'authNoPriv' || config.snmp.securityLevel === 'authPriv') {
console.log(`│ Auth Protocol: ${config.snmp.authProtocol || 'None'}`);
if (config.snmp.securityLevel === 'authPriv') {
console.log(`│ Privacy Protocol: ${config.snmp.privProtocol || 'None'}`);
// Show timeout value
console.log(`│ Timeout: ${config.snmp.timeout / 1000} seconds`);
// Show OIDs if custom model is selected
if (config.snmp.upsModel === 'custom' && config.snmp.customOIDs) {
console.log('│ Custom OIDs:');
console.log(`│ Power Status: ${config.snmp.customOIDs.POWER_STATUS || 'Not set'}`);
console.log(`│ Battery Capacity: ${config.snmp.customOIDs.BATTERY_CAPACITY || 'Not set'}`);
console.log(`│ Battery Runtime: ${config.snmp.customOIDs.BATTERY_RUNTIME || 'Not set'}`);
console.log('│ Thresholds:');
console.log(`│ Battery: ${config.thresholds.battery}%`);
console.log(`│ Runtime: ${config.thresholds.runtime} minutes`);
console.log(`│ Check Interval: ${config.checkInterval / 1000} seconds`);
* Test connection to the UPS
* @param config Current configuration
private async testConnection(config: any): Promise<void> {
console.log('\nTesting connection to UPS...');
try {
// Create a test config with a short timeout
const testConfig = {
timeout: Math.min(config.snmp.timeout, 10000) // Use at most 10 seconds for testing
const status = await this.nupst.getSnmp().getUpsStatus(testConfig);
console.log('┌─ Connection Successful! ─────────────────┐');
console.log('│ UPS Status:');
console.log(`│ Power Status: ${status.powerStatus}`);
console.log(`│ Battery Capacity: ${status.batteryCapacity}%`);
console.log(`│ Runtime Remaining: ${status.batteryRuntime} minutes`);
// Check status against thresholds if on battery
if (status.powerStatus === 'onBattery') {
this.analyzeThresholds(status, config);
} catch (error) {
console.error('┌─ Connection Failed! ───────────────────────┐');
console.error(`│ Error: ${error.message}`);
console.log('\nPlease check your settings and run \'nupst setup\' to reconfigure.');
* Analyze UPS status against thresholds
* @param status UPS status
* @param config Current configuration
private analyzeThresholds(status: any, config: any): void {
console.log('┌─ Threshold Analysis ───────────────────────┐');
if (status.batteryCapacity < config.thresholds.battery) {
console.log('│ ⚠️ WARNING: Battery capacity below threshold');
console.log(`│ Current: ${status.batteryCapacity}% | Threshold: ${config.thresholds.battery}%`);
console.log('│ System would initiate shutdown');
} else {
console.log('│ ✓ Battery capacity above threshold');
console.log(`│ Current: ${status.batteryCapacity}% | Threshold: ${config.thresholds.battery}%`);
if (status.batteryRuntime < config.thresholds.runtime) {
console.log('│ ⚠️ WARNING: Runtime below threshold');
console.log(`│ Current: ${status.batteryRuntime} min | Threshold: ${config.thresholds.runtime} min`);
console.log('│ System would initiate shutdown');
} else {
console.log('│ ✓ Runtime above threshold');
console.log(`│ Current: ${status.batteryRuntime} min | Threshold: ${config.thresholds.runtime} min`);
* Display help message
private showHelp(): void {
NUPST - Node.js UPS Shutdown Tool
nupst enable - Install and enable the systemd service (requires root)
nupst disable - Stop and uninstall the systemd service (requires root)
nupst daemon-start - Start the daemon process directly
nupst logs - Show logs of the systemd service
nupst stop - Stop the systemd service
nupst start - Start the systemd service
nupst status - Show status of the systemd service and UPS status
nupst setup - Run the interactive setup to configure SNMP settings
nupst test - Test the current configuration by connecting to the UPS
nupst config - Display the current configuration
nupst update - Update NUPST from repository and refresh systemd service (requires root)
nupst uninstall - Completely uninstall NUPST from the system (requires root)
nupst help - Show this help message
--debug, -d - Enable debug mode for detailed SNMP logging
(Example: nupst test --debug)
* Update NUPST from repository and refresh systemd service
private async update(): Promise<void> {
try {
// Check if running as root
this.checkRootAccess('This command must be run as root to update NUPST and refresh the systemd service.');
console.log('┌─ NUPST Update Process ──────────────────┐');
console.log('│ Updating NUPST from repository...');
// Determine the installation directory (assuming it's either /opt/nupst or the current directory)
const { existsSync } = await import('fs');
let installDir = '/opt/nupst';
if (!existsSync(installDir)) {
// If not installed in /opt/nupst, use the current directory
const { dirname } = await import('path');
installDir = dirname(dirname(process.argv[1])); // Go up two levels from the executable
console.log(`│ Using local installation directory: ${installDir}`);
try {
// 1. Update the repository
console.log('│ Pulling latest changes from git repository...');
execSync(`cd ${installDir} && git fetch origin && git reset --hard origin/main`, { stdio: 'pipe' });
// 2. Run the script
console.log('│ Running to update NUPST...');
execSync(`cd ${installDir} && bash ./`, { stdio: 'pipe' });
// 3. Run the script
console.log('│ Running to update dependencies...');
execSync(`cd ${installDir} && bash ./`, { stdio: 'pipe' });
// 4. Refresh the systemd service
console.log('│ Refreshing systemd service...');
// First check if service exists
const serviceExists = execSync('systemctl list-unit-files | grep nupst.service').toString().includes('nupst.service');
if (serviceExists) {
// Stop the service if it's running
const isRunning = execSync('systemctl is-active nupst.service || true').toString().trim() === 'active';
if (isRunning) {
console.log('│ Stopping nupst service...');
execSync('systemctl stop nupst.service');
// Reinstall the service
console.log('│ Reinstalling systemd service...');
await this.nupst.getSystemd().install();
// Restart the service if it was running
if (isRunning) {
console.log('│ Restarting nupst service...');
execSync('systemctl start nupst.service');
} else {
console.log('│ Systemd service not installed, skipping service refresh.');
console.log('│ Run "nupst enable" to install the service.');
console.log('│ Update completed successfully!');
} catch (error) {
console.error('│ Error during update process:');
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Update failed: ${error.message}`);
* Interactive setup for configuring SNMP settings
private async setup(): Promise<void> {
try {
// Import readline module (ESM style)
const readline = await import('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
// Helper function to prompt for input
const prompt = (question: string): Promise<string> => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
rl.question(question, (answer: string) => {
try {
await this.runSetupProcess(prompt);
} finally {
} catch (error) {
console.error('Setup error:', error.message);
* Run the interactive setup process
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
private async runSetupProcess(prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<void> {
console.log('\nNUPST Interactive Setup');
console.log('This will guide you through configuring your UPS SNMP settings.\n');
// Try to load existing config if available
let config;
try {
await this.nupst.getDaemon().loadConfig();
config = this.nupst.getDaemon().getConfig();
} catch (error) {
// If config doesn't exist, use default config
config = this.nupst.getDaemon().getConfig();
console.log('No existing configuration found. Creating a new configuration.');
// Gather SNMP settings
config = await this.gatherSnmpSettings(config, prompt);
// Gather threshold settings
config = await this.gatherThresholdSettings(config, prompt);
// Gather UPS model settings
config = await this.gatherUpsModelSettings(config, prompt);
// Save the configuration
await this.nupst.getDaemon().saveConfig(config);
// Test the connection if requested
await this.optionallyTestConnection(config, prompt);
console.log('\nSetup complete!');
await this.optionallyEnableService(prompt);
* Gather SNMP settings
* @param config Current configuration
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
* @returns Updated configuration
private async gatherSnmpSettings(config: any, prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<any> {
// SNMP IP Address
const defaultHost =;
const host = await prompt(`UPS IP Address [${defaultHost}]: `); = host.trim() || defaultHost;
// SNMP Port
const defaultPort = config.snmp.port;
const portInput = await prompt(`SNMP Port [${defaultPort}]: `);
const port = parseInt(portInput, 10);
config.snmp.port = (portInput.trim() && !isNaN(port)) ? port : defaultPort;
// SNMP Version
const defaultVersion = config.snmp.version;
console.log('\nSNMP Version:');
console.log(' 1) SNMPv1');
console.log(' 2) SNMPv2c');
console.log(' 3) SNMPv3 (with security features)');
const versionInput = await prompt(`Select SNMP version [${defaultVersion}]: `);
const version = parseInt(versionInput, 10);
config.snmp.version = (versionInput.trim() && (version === 1 || version === 2 || version === 3)) ? version : defaultVersion;
if (config.snmp.version === 1 || config.snmp.version === 2) {
// SNMP Community String (for v1/v2c)
const defaultCommunity = || 'public';
const community = await prompt(`SNMP Community String [${defaultCommunity}]: `); = community.trim() || defaultCommunity;
} else if (config.snmp.version === 3) {
// SNMP v3 settings
config = await this.gatherSnmpV3Settings(config, prompt);
return config;
* Gather SNMPv3 specific settings
* @param config Current configuration
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
* @returns Updated configuration
private async gatherSnmpV3Settings(config: any, prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<any> {
console.log('\nSNMPv3 Security Settings:');
// Security Level
console.log('\nSecurity Level:');
console.log(' 1) noAuthNoPriv (No Authentication, No Privacy)');
console.log(' 2) authNoPriv (Authentication, No Privacy)');
console.log(' 3) authPriv (Authentication and Privacy)');
const defaultSecLevel = config.snmp.securityLevel ?
(config.snmp.securityLevel === 'noAuthNoPriv' ? 1 :
config.snmp.securityLevel === 'authNoPriv' ? 2 : 3) : 3;
const secLevelInput = await prompt(`Select Security Level [${defaultSecLevel}]: `);
const secLevel = parseInt(secLevelInput, 10) || defaultSecLevel;
if (secLevel === 1) {
config.snmp.securityLevel = 'noAuthNoPriv';
// No auth, no priv - clear out authentication and privacy settings
config.snmp.authProtocol = '';
config.snmp.authKey = '';
config.snmp.privProtocol = '';
config.snmp.privKey = '';
// Set appropriate timeout for security level
config.snmp.timeout = 5000; // 5 seconds for basic security
} else if (secLevel === 2) {
config.snmp.securityLevel = 'authNoPriv';
// Auth, no priv - clear out privacy settings
config.snmp.privProtocol = '';
config.snmp.privKey = '';
// Set appropriate timeout for security level
config.snmp.timeout = 10000; // 10 seconds for authentication
} else {
config.snmp.securityLevel = 'authPriv';
// Set appropriate timeout for security level
config.snmp.timeout = 15000; // 15 seconds for full encryption
// Username
const defaultUsername = config.snmp.username || '';
const username = await prompt(`SNMPv3 Username [${defaultUsername}]: `);
config.snmp.username = username.trim() || defaultUsername;
if (secLevel >= 2) {
// Authentication settings
config = await this.gatherAuthenticationSettings(config, prompt);
if (secLevel === 3) {
// Privacy settings
config = await this.gatherPrivacySettings(config, prompt);
// Allow customizing the timeout value
const defaultTimeout = config.snmp.timeout / 1000; // Convert from ms to seconds for display
console.log('\nSNMPv3 operations with authentication and privacy may require longer timeouts.');
const timeoutInput = await prompt(`SNMP Timeout in seconds [${defaultTimeout}]: `);
const timeout = parseInt(timeoutInput, 10);
if (timeoutInput.trim() && !isNaN(timeout)) {
config.snmp.timeout = timeout * 1000; // Convert to ms
return config;
* Gather authentication settings for SNMPv3
* @param config Current configuration
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
* @returns Updated configuration
private async gatherAuthenticationSettings(config: any, prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<any> {
// Authentication protocol
console.log('\nAuthentication Protocol:');
console.log(' 1) MD5');
console.log(' 2) SHA');
const defaultAuthProtocol = config.snmp.authProtocol === 'SHA' ? 2 : 1;
const authProtocolInput = await prompt(`Select Authentication Protocol [${defaultAuthProtocol}]: `);
const authProtocol = parseInt(authProtocolInput, 10) || defaultAuthProtocol;
config.snmp.authProtocol = authProtocol === 2 ? 'SHA' : 'MD5';
// Authentication Key/Password
const defaultAuthKey = config.snmp.authKey || '';
const authKey = await prompt(`Authentication Password ${defaultAuthKey ? '[*****]' : ''}: `);
config.snmp.authKey = authKey.trim() || defaultAuthKey;
return config;
* Gather privacy settings for SNMPv3
* @param config Current configuration
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
* @returns Updated configuration
private async gatherPrivacySettings(config: any, prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<any> {
// Privacy protocol
console.log('\nPrivacy Protocol:');
console.log(' 1) DES');
console.log(' 2) AES');
const defaultPrivProtocol = config.snmp.privProtocol === 'AES' ? 2 : 1;
const privProtocolInput = await prompt(`Select Privacy Protocol [${defaultPrivProtocol}]: `);
const privProtocol = parseInt(privProtocolInput, 10) || defaultPrivProtocol;
config.snmp.privProtocol = privProtocol === 2 ? 'AES' : 'DES';
// Privacy Key/Password
const defaultPrivKey = config.snmp.privKey || '';
const privKey = await prompt(`Privacy Password ${defaultPrivKey ? '[*****]' : ''}: `);
config.snmp.privKey = privKey.trim() || defaultPrivKey;
return config;
* Gather threshold settings
* @param config Current configuration
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
* @returns Updated configuration
private async gatherThresholdSettings(config: any, prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<any> {
console.log('\nShutdown Thresholds:');
// Battery threshold
const defaultBatteryThreshold = config.thresholds.battery;
const batteryThresholdInput = await prompt(`Battery percentage threshold [${defaultBatteryThreshold}%]: `);
const batteryThreshold = parseInt(batteryThresholdInput, 10);
config.thresholds.battery = (batteryThresholdInput.trim() && !isNaN(batteryThreshold))
? batteryThreshold
: defaultBatteryThreshold;
// Runtime threshold
const defaultRuntimeThreshold = config.thresholds.runtime;
const runtimeThresholdInput = await prompt(`Runtime minutes threshold [${defaultRuntimeThreshold} minutes]: `);
const runtimeThreshold = parseInt(runtimeThresholdInput, 10);
config.thresholds.runtime = (runtimeThresholdInput.trim() && !isNaN(runtimeThreshold))
? runtimeThreshold
: defaultRuntimeThreshold;
// Check interval
const defaultInterval = config.checkInterval / 1000; // Convert from ms to seconds for display
const intervalInput = await prompt(`Check interval in seconds [${defaultInterval}]: `);
const interval = parseInt(intervalInput, 10);
config.checkInterval = (intervalInput.trim() && !isNaN(interval))
? interval * 1000 // Convert to ms
: defaultInterval * 1000;
return config;
* Gather UPS model settings
* @param config Current configuration
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
* @returns Updated configuration
private async gatherUpsModelSettings(config: any, prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<any> {
console.log('\nUPS Model Selection:');
console.log(' 1) CyberPower');
console.log(' 2) APC');
console.log(' 3) Eaton');
console.log(' 4) TrippLite');
console.log(' 5) Liebert/Vertiv');
console.log(' 6) Custom (Advanced)');
const defaultModelValue = config.snmp.upsModel === 'cyberpower' ? 1 :
config.snmp.upsModel === 'apc' ? 2 :
config.snmp.upsModel === 'eaton' ? 3 :
config.snmp.upsModel === 'tripplite' ? 4 :
config.snmp.upsModel === 'liebert' ? 5 :
config.snmp.upsModel === 'custom' ? 6 : 1;
const modelInput = await prompt(`Select UPS model [${defaultModelValue}]: `);
const modelValue = parseInt(modelInput, 10) || defaultModelValue;
if (modelValue === 1) {
config.snmp.upsModel = 'cyberpower';
} else if (modelValue === 2) {
config.snmp.upsModel = 'apc';
} else if (modelValue === 3) {
config.snmp.upsModel = 'eaton';
} else if (modelValue === 4) {
config.snmp.upsModel = 'tripplite';
} else if (modelValue === 5) {
config.snmp.upsModel = 'liebert';
} else if (modelValue === 6) {
config.snmp.upsModel = 'custom';
console.log('\nEnter custom OIDs for your UPS:');
console.log('(Leave blank to use standard RFC 1628 OIDs as fallback)');
// Custom OIDs
const powerStatusOID = await prompt('Power Status OID: ');
const batteryCapacityOID = await prompt('Battery Capacity OID: ');
const batteryRuntimeOID = await prompt('Battery Runtime OID: ');
// Create custom OIDs object
config.snmp.customOIDs = {
POWER_STATUS: powerStatusOID.trim(),
BATTERY_CAPACITY: batteryCapacityOID.trim(),
BATTERY_RUNTIME: batteryRuntimeOID.trim()
return config;
* Display configuration summary
* @param config Current configuration
private displayConfigSummary(config: any): void {
console.log('\n┌─ Configuration Summary ─────────────────┐');
console.log(`│ SNMP Host: ${}:${config.snmp.port}`);
console.log(`│ SNMP Version: ${config.snmp.version}`);
console.log(`│ UPS Model: ${config.snmp.upsModel}`);
console.log(`│ Thresholds: ${config.thresholds.battery}% battery, ${config.thresholds.runtime} min runtime`);
console.log(`│ Check Interval: ${config.checkInterval/1000} seconds`);
* Optionally test connection to UPS
* @param config Current configuration
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
private async optionallyTestConnection(config: any, prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<void> {
const testConnection = await prompt('Would you like to test the connection to your UPS? (y/N): ');
if (testConnection.toLowerCase() === 'y') {
console.log('\nTesting connection to UPS...');
try {
// Create a test config with a short timeout
const testConfig = {
timeout: Math.min(config.snmp.timeout, 10000) // Use at most 10 seconds for testing
const status = await this.nupst.getSnmp().getUpsStatus(testConfig);
console.log('\n┌─ Connection Successful! ─────────────────┐');
console.log('│ UPS Status:');
console.log(`│ ✓ Power Status: ${status.powerStatus}`);
console.log(`│ ✓ Battery Capacity: ${status.batteryCapacity}%`);
console.log(`│ ✓ Runtime Remaining: ${status.batteryRuntime} minutes`);
} catch (error) {
console.error('\n┌─ Connection Failed! ───────────────────────┐');
console.error('│ Error: ' + error.message);
console.log('\nPlease check your settings and try again.');
* Optionally enable systemd service
* @param prompt Function to prompt for user input
private async optionallyEnableService(prompt: (question: string) => Promise<string>): Promise<void> {
if (process.getuid && process.getuid() !== 0) {
console.log('\nNote: Run "sudo nupst enable" to set up NUPST as a system service.');
} else {
const setupService = await prompt('Would you like to enable NUPST as a system service? (y/N): ');
if (setupService.toLowerCase() === 'y') {
await this.nupst.getSystemd().install();
console.log('Service installed. Use "nupst start" to start the service.');
* Display the current configuration
private async showConfig(): Promise<void> {
try {
// Try to load configuration
try {
await this.nupst.getDaemon().loadConfig();
} catch (error) {
console.error('┌─ Configuration Error ─────────────────────┐');
console.error('│ No configuration found.');
console.error('│ Please run \'nupst setup\' first to create a configuration.');
// Get current configuration
const config = this.nupst.getDaemon().getConfig();
console.log('┌─ NUPST Configuration ──────────────────────┐');
// SNMP Settings
console.log('│ SNMP Settings:');
console.log(`│ Host: ${}`);
console.log(`│ Port: ${config.snmp.port}`);
console.log(`│ Version: ${config.snmp.version}`);
console.log(`│ UPS Model: ${config.snmp.upsModel || 'cyberpower'}`);
if (config.snmp.version === 1 || config.snmp.version === 2) {
console.log(`│ Community: ${}`);
} else if (config.snmp.version === 3) {
console.log(`│ Security Level: ${config.snmp.securityLevel}`);
console.log(`│ Username: ${config.snmp.username}`);
// Show auth and privacy details based on security level
if (config.snmp.securityLevel === 'authNoPriv' || config.snmp.securityLevel === 'authPriv') {
console.log(`│ Auth Protocol: ${config.snmp.authProtocol || 'None'}`);
if (config.snmp.securityLevel === 'authPriv') {
console.log(`│ Privacy Protocol: ${config.snmp.privProtocol || 'None'}`);
// Show timeout value
console.log(`│ Timeout: ${config.snmp.timeout / 1000} seconds`);
// Show OIDs if custom model is selected
if (config.snmp.upsModel === 'custom' && config.snmp.customOIDs) {
console.log('│ Custom OIDs:');
console.log(`│ Power Status: ${config.snmp.customOIDs.POWER_STATUS || 'Not set'}`);
console.log(`│ Battery Capacity: ${config.snmp.customOIDs.BATTERY_CAPACITY || 'Not set'}`);
console.log(`│ Battery Runtime: ${config.snmp.customOIDs.BATTERY_RUNTIME || 'Not set'}`);
// Thresholds
console.log('│ Thresholds:');
console.log(`│ Battery: ${config.thresholds.battery}%`);
console.log(`│ Runtime: ${config.thresholds.runtime} minutes`);
console.log(`│ Check Interval: ${config.checkInterval / 1000} seconds`);
// Configuration file location
console.log('│ Configuration File Location:');
console.log('│ /etc/nupst/config.json');
// Show service status
try {
const isActive = execSync('systemctl is-active nupst.service || true').toString().trim() === 'active';
const isEnabled = execSync('systemctl is-enabled nupst.service || true').toString().trim() === 'enabled';
console.log('┌─ Service Status ─────────────────────────┐');
console.log(`│ Service Active: ${isActive ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`);
console.log(`│ Service Enabled: ${isEnabled ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`);
} catch (error) {
// Ignore errors checking service status
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Failed to display configuration: ${error.message}`);
* Completely uninstall NUPST from the system
private async uninstall(): Promise<void> {
// Check if running as root
this.checkRootAccess('This command must be run as root.');
try {
// Import readline module for user input
const readline = await import('readline');
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
// Helper function to prompt for input
const prompt = (question: string): Promise<string> => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
rl.question(question, (answer: string) => {
console.log('\nNUPST Uninstaller');
console.log('This will completely remove NUPST from your system.\n');
// Ask about removing configuration
const removeConfig = await prompt('Do you want to remove the NUPST configuration files? (y/N): ');
// Find the script location
let uninstallScriptPath: string;
// Try to determine script location based on executable path
try {
// For ESM, we can use import.meta.url, but since we might be in CJS
// we'll use a more reliable approach based on process.argv[1]
const binPath = process.argv[1];
const modulePath = dirname(dirname(binPath));
uninstallScriptPath = join(modulePath, '');
// Check if the script exists
await fs.access(uninstallScriptPath);
} catch (error) {
// If we can't find it in the expected location, try common installation paths
const commonPaths = [
join(process.cwd(), '')
for (const path of commonPaths) {
try {
await fs.access(path);
uninstallScriptPath = path;
} catch {
// Continue to next path
if (!uninstallScriptPath) {
console.error('Could not locate script. Aborting uninstall.');
// Close readline before executing script
// Execute with the appropriate option
console.log(`\nRunning uninstaller from ${uninstallScriptPath}...`);
// Pass the configuration removal option as an environment variable
const env = {
REMOVE_CONFIG: removeConfig.toLowerCase() === 'y' ? 'yes' : 'no',
REMOVE_REPO: 'yes', // Always remove repo as requested
NUPST_CLI_CALL: 'true' // Flag to indicate this is being called from CLI
// Run the uninstall script with sudo
execSync(`sudo bash ${uninstallScriptPath}`, {
stdio: 'inherit' // Show output in the terminal
} catch (error) {
console.error(`Uninstall failed: ${error.message}`);