2024-02-15 20:30:38 +01:00
import * as plugins from './email.plugins.js' ;
2024-02-16 13:28:40 +01:00
import { EmailService } from './email.classes.emailservice.js' ;
2024-02-15 20:30:38 +01:00
import { logger } from './email.logging.js' ;
export class RuleManager {
2024-02-16 13:28:40 +01:00
public emailRef : EmailService ;
2024-02-15 20:30:38 +01:00
public smartruleInstance = new plugins . smartrule . SmartRule <
plugins . smartmail . Smartmail < plugins.mailgun.IMailgunMessage >
> ( ) ;
2024-02-16 13:28:40 +01:00
constructor ( emailRefArg : EmailService ) {
2024-02-15 20:30:38 +01:00
this . emailRef = emailRefArg ;
public async handleNotification ( notification : plugins.mailgun.IMailgunNotification ) {
console . log ( notification [ 'message-url' ] ) ;
// basic checks here
// none for now
const fetchedSmartmail = await this . emailRef . mailgunConnector . receiveEmail (
notification [ 'message-url' ]
) ;
console . log ( '=======================' ) ;
console . log ( 'Received a mail:' ) ;
console . log ( ` From: ${ fetchedSmartmail . options . creationObjectRef . From } ` ) ;
console . log ( ` To: ${ fetchedSmartmail . options . creationObjectRef . To } ` ) ;
console . log ( ` Subject: ${ fetchedSmartmail . options . creationObjectRef . Subject } ` ) ;
console . log ( '^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^' ) ;
logger . log (
'info' ,
` email from ${ fetchedSmartmail . options . creationObjectRef . From } to ${ fetchedSmartmail . options . creationObjectRef . To } with subject ' ${ fetchedSmartmail . options . creationObjectRef . Subject } ' ` ,
eventType : 'receivedEmail' ,
email : {
from : fetchedSmartmail . options . creationObjectRef . From ,
to : fetchedSmartmail.options.creationObjectRef.To ,
subject : fetchedSmartmail.options.creationObjectRef.Subject ,
} ,
) ;
this . smartruleInstance . makeDecision ( fetchedSmartmail ) ;
public async init() {
// lets forward stuff
await this . createForwards ( ) ;
/ * *
* creates the default forwards
* /
public async createForwards() {
const forwards : { originalToAddress : string [ ] ; forwardedToAddress : string [ ] } [ ] = [
originalToAddress : [ 'bot@mail.nevermind.group' ] ,
forwardedToAddress : [ 'phil@metadata.company' , 'dominik@metadata.company' ] ,
} ,
originalToAddress : [ 'legal@mail.lossless.com' ] ,
forwardedToAddress : [ 'phil@lossless.com' ] ,
} ,
originalToAddress : [ 'christine.nyamwaro@mail.lossless.com' , 'christine@nyamwaro.com' ] ,
forwardedToAddress : [ 'phil@lossless.com' ] ,
} ,
] ;
console . log ( ` ${ forwards . length } forward rules configured: ` ) ;
for ( const forward of forwards ) {
console . log ( forward ) ;
for ( const forward of forwards ) {
this . smartruleInstance . createRule (
10 ,
async ( smartmailArg ) = > {
const matched = forward . originalToAddress . reduce < boolean > ( ( prevValue , currentValue ) = > {
return smartmailArg . options . creationObjectRef . To . includes ( currentValue ) || prevValue ;
} , false ) ;
if ( matched ) {
console . log ( 'Forward rule matched' ) ;
console . log ( forward ) ;
return 'apply-continue' ;
} else {
return 'continue' ;
} ,
async ( smartmailArg : plugins.smartmail.Smartmail < plugins.mailgun.IMailgunMessage > ) = > {
forward . forwardedToAddress . map ( async ( toArg ) = > {
const forwardedSmartMail = new plugins . smartmail . Smartmail ( {
body :
< div style = "background: #CCC; padding: 10px; border-radius: 3px;" >
< div > < b > Original Sender : < / b > < / div >
< div > $ { smartmailArg . options . creationObjectRef . From } < / div >
< div > < b > Original Recipient : < / b > < / div >
< div > $ { smartmailArg . options . creationObjectRef . To } < / div >
< div > < b > Forwarded to : < / b > < / div >
< div > $ { forward . forwardedToAddress . reduce < string > ( ( pVal , cVal ) = > {
return ` ${ pVal ? pVal + ', ' : '' } ${ cVal } ` ;
} , null ) } < / div >
< div > < b > Subject : < / b > < / div >
< div > $ { smartmailArg . getSubject ( ) } < / div >
< div > < b > The original body can be found below . < / b > < / div >
< / div >
` + smartmailArg.getBody(),
from : 'forwarder@mail.lossless.one' ,
subject : ` Forwarded mail for ' ${ smartmailArg . options . creationObjectRef . To } ' ` ,
} ) ;
for ( const attachment of smartmailArg . attachments ) {
forwardedSmartMail . addAttachment ( attachment ) ;
await this . emailRef . mailgunConnector . sendEmail ( forwardedSmartMail , toArg ) ;
console . log ( ` forwarded mail to ${ toArg } ` ) ;
logger . log (
'info' ,
` email from ${
smartmailArg . options . creationObjectRef . From
} to phil @lossless . com with subject '${smartmailArg.getSubject()}' ` ,
eventType : 'forwardedEmail' ,
email : {
from : smartmailArg . options . creationObjectRef . From ,
to : smartmailArg.options.creationObjectRef.To ,
forwardedTo : toArg ,
subject : smartmailArg.options.creationObjectRef.Subject ,
} ,
) ;
} ) ;
) ;