# @serve.zone/spark A tool to maintain and configure servers on the base OS level for the Servezone infrastructure. ## Install To install `@serve.zone/spark`, run the following command in your terminal: ```sh npm install @serve.zone/spark --save ``` ## Usage ### Getting Started To use `@serve.zone/spark` in your project, you need to include and initiate it in your TypeScript project. Ensure you have TypeScript and the necessary build tools set up in your project. First, import `@serve.zone/spark`: ```typescript import { Spark } from '@serve.zone/spark'; ``` ### Initializing Spark Create an instance of the `Spark` class to start using Spark. This instance will serve as the main entry point for interacting with the Spark functionalities. ```typescript const sparkInstance = new Spark(); ``` ### Running Spark as a Daemon To run Spark as a daemon, which is useful for maintaining and configuring servers on the base OS level, use the CLI feature bundled with Spark. This should ideally be handled outside of your code through a command-line terminal but can also be automated within your Node.js scripts if required. ```shell spark installdaemon ``` The command above sets up Spark as a system service, enabling it to run and maintain server configurations automatically. ### Updating Spark or Maintained Services Spark can self-update and manage updates for its maintained services. Trigger an update check and process by calling the `updateServices` method on the Spark instance. ```typescript await sparkInstance.sparkUpdateManager.updateServices(); ``` ### Managing Configuration and Logging Spark allows for extensive configuration and logging customization. Use the `SparkLocalConfig` and logging features to tailor Spark's operation to your needs. ```typescript // Accessing the local configuration const localConfig = sparkInstance.sparkLocalConfig; // Utilizing the logger for custom log messages import { logger } from '@serve.zone/spark'; logger.log('info', 'Custom log message'); ``` ### Advanced Usage `@serve.zone/spark` offers a suite of tools for detailed server and service management, including but not limited to task scheduling, daemon management, and service updates. Explore the `SparkTaskManager` for scheduling specific tasks, `SparkUpdateManager` for handling service updates, and `SparkLocalConfig` for configuration. ### Example: Scheduling Custom Tasks ```typescript import { SparkTaskManager } from '@serve.zone/spark'; const sparkInstance = new Spark(); const myTask = { name: 'customTask', taskFunction: async () => { console.log('Running custom task'); }, }; sparkInstance.sparkTaskManager.taskmanager.addAndScheduleTask(myTask, '* * * * * *'); ``` The example above creates a simple task that logs a message every second, demonstrating how to use Spark's task manager for custom scheduled tasks. ### Detailed Service Management For advanced configurations, including Docker and service management: - Use `SparkUpdateManager` to handle Docker image updates, service creation, and management. - Access and modify Docker and service configurations through Spark's integration with configuration files and environment variables. ```typescript // Managing Docker services with Spark await sparkInstance.sparkUpdateManager.dockerHost.someDockerMethod(); // Example: Creating a Docker service const newServiceDefinition = {...}; await sparkInstance.sparkUpdateManager.createService(newServiceDefinition); ``` ### CLI Commands Spark provides several CLI commands to interact with and manage the system services: #### Installing Spark as a Daemon ```shell spark installdaemon ``` Sets up Spark as a system service to maintain server configurations automatically. #### Updating the Daemon ```shell spark updatedaemon ``` Updates the daemon service if a new version is available. #### Running Spark as Daemon ```shell spark asdaemon ``` Runs Spark in daemon mode, which is suitable for executing automated tasks. #### Viewing Logs ```shell spark logs ``` Views the logs of the Spark daemon service. #### Cleaning Up Services ```shell spark prune ``` Stops and cleans up all Docker services (stacks, networks, secrets, etc.) and prunes the Docker system. ### Programmatic Daemon Management You can also manage the daemon programmatically as shown in the following examples: ```typescript import { SmartDaemon } from '@push.rocks/smartdaemon'; import { Spark } from '@serve.zone/spark'; const sparkInstance = new Spark(); const smartDaemon = new SmartDaemon(); const startDaemon = async () => { const sparkService = await smartDaemon.addService({ name: 'spark', version: sparkInstance.sparkInfo.projectInfo.version, command: 'spark asdaemon', description: 'Spark daemon service', workingDir: '/path/to/project', }); await sparkService.save(); await sparkService.enable(); await sparkService.start(); }; const updateDaemon = async () => { const sparkService = await smartDaemon.addService({ name: 'spark', version: sparkInstance.sparkInfo.projectInfo.version, command: 'spark asdaemon', description: 'Spark daemon service', workingDir: '/path/to/project', }); await sparkService.reload(); }; startDaemon(); updateDaemon(); ``` This illustrates how to initiate and update the Spark daemon using the `SmartDaemon` class from `@push.rocks/smartdaemon`. ### Configuration Management Extensive configuration management is possible through the `SparkLocalConfig` and other configuration classes. This feature allows you to make your application's behavior adaptable based on different environments and requirements. ```typescript // Example on setting local config import { SparkLocalConfig } from '@serve.zone/spark'; const localConfig = new SparkLocalConfig(sparkInstance); await localConfig.kvStore.set('someKey', 'someValue'); // Retrieving a value from local config const someConfigValue = await localConfig.kvStore.get('someKey'); console.log(someConfigValue); // Outputs: someValue ``` ### Detailed Log Management Logging is a crucial aspect of any automation tool, and `@serve.zone/spark` offers rich logging functionality through its built-in logging library. ```typescript import { logger, Spark } from '@serve.zone/spark'; const sparkInstance = new Spark(); logger.log('info', 'Spark instance created.'); // Using logger in various levels of severity logger.log('debug', 'This is a debug message'); logger.log('warn', 'This is a warning message'); logger.log('error', 'This is an error message'); logger.log('ok', 'This is a success message'); ``` ### Real-World Scenarios #### Automated System Update and Restart In real-world scenarios, you might want to automate system updates and reboots to ensure your services are running the latest security patches and features. ```typescript import { Spark } from '@serve.zone/spark'; import { SmartShell } from '@push.rocks/smartshell'; const sparkInstance = new Spark(); const shell = new SmartShell({ executor: 'bash' }); const updateAndRestart = async () => { await shell.exec('apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y'); console.log('System updated.'); await shell.exec('reboot'); }; sparkInstance.sparkTaskManager.taskmanager.addAndScheduleTask( { name: 'updateAndRestart', taskFunction: updateAndRestart }, '0 3 * * 7' // Every Sunday at 3 AM ); ``` This example demonstrates creating and scheduling a task to update and restart the server every Sunday at 3 AM using Spark's task management capabilities. #### Integrating with Docker for Service Deployment Spark's tight integration with Docker makes it an excellent tool for deploying containerized applications across your infrastructure. ```typescript import { Spark } from '@serve.zone/spark'; import { DockerHost } from '@apiclient.xyz/docker'; const sparkInstance = new Spark(); const dockerHost = new DockerHost({}); const deployService = async () => { const image = await dockerHost.pullImage('my-docker-repo/my-service:latest'); const newService = await dockerHost.createService({ name: 'my-service', image, ports: ['80:8080'], environmentVariables: { NODE_ENV: 'production', }, }); console.log(`Service ${newService.name} deployed.`); }; deployService(); ``` This example demonstrates how to pull a Docker image and deploy it as a new service in your infrastructure using Spark's Docker integration. ### Managing Secrets Managing secrets and sensitive data is crucial in any configuration and automation tool. Spark's integration with Docker allows you to handle secrets securely. ```typescript import { Spark, SparkUpdateManager } from '@serve.zone/spark'; import { DockerSecret } from '@apiclient.xyz/docker'; const sparkInstance = new Spark(); const updateManager = new SparkUpdateManager(sparkInstance); const createDockerSecret = async () => { const secret = await DockerSecret.createSecret(updateManager.dockerHost, { name: 'dbPassword', contentArg: 'superSecretPassword', }); console.log(`Secret ${secret.Spec.Name} created.`); }; createDockerSecret(); ``` This example shows how to create a Docker secret using Spark's `SparkUpdateManager` class, ensuring that sensitive information is securely stored and managed. ### Conclusion `@serve.zone/spark` is a comprehensive toolkit for orchestrating and managing server environments and Docker-based services. By leveraging its CLI and programmatic interfaces, you can automate and streamline server operations, configurations, updates, and task scheduling, ensuring your infrastructure is responsive, updated, and maintained efficiently. undefined