import * as plugins from './mod.plugins.js'; import * as paths from '../npmci.paths.js'; import { logger } from '../npmci.logging.js'; import { bash, bashNoError, nvmAvailable } from '../npmci.bash.js'; import { Npmci } from '../npmci.classes.npmci.js'; export class NpmciNpmManager { public npmciRef: Npmci; constructor(npmciRefArg: Npmci) { this.npmciRef = npmciRefArg; } /** * handle cli input * @param argvArg */ public async handleCli(argvArg: any) { if (argvArg._.length >= 2) { const action: string = argvArg._[1]; switch (action) { case 'install': await this.install(); break; case 'build': await; break; case 'prepare': await this.prepare(); break; case 'test': await this.test(); break; case 'publish': await this.publish(); break; default: logger.log('error', `>>npmci npm ...<< action >>${action}<< not supported`); process.exit(1); } } else { logger.log( 'info', `>>npmci npm ...<< cli arguments invalid... Please read the documentation.` ); process.exit(1); } } /** * authenticates npm with token from env var */ public async prepare() { const config = this.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig(); let npmrcFileString: string = ''; await plugins.smartobject.forEachMinimatch( process.env, 'NPMCI_TOKEN_NPM*', (npmEnvArg: string) => { const npmRegistryUrl = npmEnvArg.split('|')[0]; logger.log('ok', `found token for ${npmRegistryUrl}`); let npmToken = npmEnvArg.split('|')[1]; if (npmEnvArg.split('|')[2] && npmEnvArg.split('|')[2] === 'plain') { logger.log('ok', 'npm token not base64 encoded.'); } else { logger.log('ok', 'npm token base64 encoded.'); npmToken = plugins.smartstring.base64.decode(npmToken); } npmrcFileString += `//${npmRegistryUrl}/:_authToken="${npmToken}"\n`; } ); logger.log('info', `setting default npm registry to ${config.npmRegistryUrl}`); npmrcFileString += `registry=https://${config.npmRegistryUrl}\n`; // final check if (npmrcFileString.length > 0) { logger.log('info', 'found one or more access tokens'); } else { logger.log('error', 'no access token found! Exiting!'); process.exit(1); } // lets save it to disk plugins.smartfile.memory.toFsSync(npmrcFileString, '/root/.npmrc'); // lets set the cache directory await bash(`npm config set cache ${paths.NpmciCacheDir} --global `); return; } /** * publish a package to npm */ public async publish() { const buildPublishCommand = async () => { let npmAccessCliString = ``; let npmRegistryCliString = ``; let publishVerdaccioAsWell = false; const config = this.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig(); const availableRegistries: string[] = []; await plugins.smartobject.forEachMinimatch( process.env, 'NPMCI_TOKEN_NPM*', (npmEnvArg: string) => { availableRegistries.push(npmEnvArg.split('|')[0]); } ); // -> configure package access level if (config.npmAccessLevel) { npmAccessCliString = `--access=${config.npmAccessLevel}`; if (config.npmAccessLevel === 'public') { publishVerdaccioAsWell = true; } } else { throw new Error('You need to set a npmAccessLevel!!!'); } // -> configure registry url if (config.npmRegistryUrl) { npmRegistryCliString = `--registry=https://${config.npmRegistryUrl}`; } else { logger.log('error', `no registry url specified. Can't publish!`); process.exit(1); } let publishCommand = `npm publish ${npmAccessCliString} ${npmRegistryCliString} `; // publishEverywhere if (publishVerdaccioAsWell) { const verdaccioRegistry = availableRegistries.find((registryString) => registryString.startsWith('verdaccio') ); if (verdaccioRegistry) { logger.log( 'info', `package is public and verdaccio registry is specified. Also publishing to Verdaccio!` ); publishCommand = `${publishCommand} && npm publish ${npmAccessCliString} --registry=https://${verdaccioRegistry}`; } else { logger.log( 'error', `This package should also be published to Verdaccio, however there is no Verdaccio registry data available!` ); } } return publishCommand; }; // -> preparing logger.log('info', `now preparing environment:`); this.prepare(); await bash(`npm -v`); await bash(`pnpm -v`); // -> build it await this.install(); await; logger.log('success', `Nice!!! The build for the publication was successfull!`); logger.log('info', `Lets clean up so we don't publish any packages that don't belong to us:`); // -> clean up before we publish stuff await bashNoError(`rm -r ./.npmci_cache`); await bash(`rm -r ./node_modules`); logger.log('success', `Cleaned up!:`); // -> publish it logger.log('info', `now invoking npm to publish the package!`); await bash(await buildPublishCommand()); logger.log('success', `Package was successfully published!`); } public async install(): Promise { logger.log('info', 'now installing dependencies:'); await bash('pnpm install'); } public async build(): Promise { logger.log('info', 'now building the project:'); await bash('pnpm run build'); } public async test(): Promise { logger.log('info', 'now starting tests:'); await bash('pnpm test'); } }