import * as plugins from './npmci.plugins' import { bash } from './npmci.bash' import * as env from './npmci.env' import * as sshModule from './npmci.ssh' // types /** * defines possible prepare services */ export type TPrepService = 'npm' | 'docker' | 'docker-gitlab' | 'ssh' /** * authenticates npm with token from env var */ let npm = async () => { let npmrcPrefix: string = '//' let npmToken: string = process.env.NPMCI_TOKEN_NPM let npmrcFileString: string = npmrcPrefix + npmToken if (npmToken) {'found access token') } else { plugins.beautylog.error('no access token found! Exiting!') process.exit(1) } plugins.smartfile.memory.toFsSync(npmrcFileString, '/root/.npmrc') return } /** * logs in docker */ let docker = async () => { env.setDockerRegistry('') let dockerRegex = /^([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*)\|([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*)/ if (!process.env.NPMCI_LOGIN_DOCKER) { plugins.beautylog.error('You have to specify Login Data to the Docker Registry') process.exit(1) } plugins.shelljs.exec('docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p ' + process.env.CI_BUILD_TOKEN + ' ' + '') // Always also login to GitLab Registry let dockerRegexResultArray = dockerRegex.exec(process.env.NPMCI_LOGIN_DOCKER) let username = dockerRegexResultArray[1] let password = dockerRegexResultArray[2] plugins.shelljs.exec('docker login -u ' + username + ' -p ' + password) return } /** * prepare docker for gitlab registry */ let dockerGitlab = async () => { env.setDockerRegistry('') plugins.shelljs.exec('docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p ' + process.env.CI_BUILD_TOKEN + ' ' + '') return } /** * prepare ssh */ let ssh = async () => { await sshModule.ssh() } /** * the main exported prepare function * @param servieArg describes the service to prepare */ export let prepare = async (serviceArg: TPrepService) => { switch (serviceArg) { case 'npm': return await npm() case 'docker': return await docker() case 'docker-gitlab': return await dockerGitlab() case 'ssh': return await ssh() default: break } }