import * as plugins from './mod.plugins.js'; import * as paths from '../npmci.paths.js'; import { logger } from '../npmci.logging.js'; import { bash } from '../npmci.bash.js'; import { DockerRegistry } from './mod.classes.dockerregistry.js'; import * as helpers from './mod.helpers.js'; import { NpmciDockerManager } from './index.js'; import { Npmci } from '../npmci.classes.npmci.js'; /** * class Dockerfile represents a Dockerfile on disk in npmci */ export class Dockerfile { // STATIC /** * creates instance of class Dockerfile for all Dockerfiles in cwd * @returns Promise */ public static async readDockerfiles( npmciDockerManagerRefArg: NpmciDockerManager ): Promise { const fileTree = await plugins.smartfile.fs.listFileTree(paths.cwd, 'Dockerfile*'); // create the Dockerfile array const readDockerfilesArray: Dockerfile[] = []; logger.log('info', `found ${fileTree.length} Dockerfiles:`); console.log(fileTree); for (const dockerfilePath of fileTree) { const myDockerfile = new Dockerfile(npmciDockerManagerRefArg, { filePath: dockerfilePath, read: true, }); readDockerfilesArray.push(myDockerfile); } return readDockerfilesArray; } /** * sorts Dockerfiles into a dependency chain * @param sortableArrayArg an array of instances of class Dockerfile * @returns Promise */ public static async sortDockerfiles(sortableArrayArg: Dockerfile[]): Promise { const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer(); logger.log('info', 'sorting Dockerfiles:'); const sortedArray: Dockerfile[] = []; const cleanTagsOriginal = Dockerfile.cleanTagsArrayFunction(sortableArrayArg, sortedArray); let sorterFunctionCounter: number = 0; const sorterFunction = () => { sortableArrayArg.forEach((dockerfileArg) => { const cleanTags = Dockerfile.cleanTagsArrayFunction(sortableArrayArg, sortedArray); if ( cleanTags.indexOf(dockerfileArg.baseImage) === -1 && sortedArray.indexOf(dockerfileArg) === -1 ) { sortedArray.push(dockerfileArg); } if (cleanTagsOriginal.indexOf(dockerfileArg.baseImage) !== -1) { dockerfileArg.localBaseImageDependent = true; } }); if (sortableArrayArg.length === sortedArray.length) { let counter = 1; for (const dockerfile of sortedArray) { logger.log('info', `tag ${counter}: -> ${dockerfile.cleanTag}`); counter++; } done.resolve(sortedArray); } else if (sorterFunctionCounter < 10) { sorterFunctionCounter++; sorterFunction(); } }; sorterFunction(); return done.promise; } /** * maps local Dockerfiles dependencies to the correspoding Dockerfile class instances */ public static async mapDockerfiles(sortedDockerfileArray: Dockerfile[]): Promise { sortedDockerfileArray.forEach((dockerfileArg) => { if (dockerfileArg.localBaseImageDependent) { sortedDockerfileArray.forEach((dockfile2: Dockerfile) => { if (dockfile2.cleanTag === dockerfileArg.baseImage) { dockerfileArg.localBaseDockerfile = dockfile2; } }); } }); return sortedDockerfileArray; } /** * builds the correspoding real docker image for each Dockerfile class instance */ public static async buildDockerfiles(sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) { for (const dockerfileArg of sortedArrayArg) { await; } return sortedArrayArg; } /** * tests all Dockerfiles in by calling class Dockerfile.test(); * @param sortedArrayArg Dockerfile[] that contains all Dockerfiles in cwd */ public static async testDockerfiles(sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) { for (const dockerfileArg of sortedArrayArg) { await dockerfileArg.test(); } return sortedArrayArg; } /** * returns a version for a docker file * @execution SYNC */ public static dockerFileVersion(dockerfileNameArg: string): string { let versionString: string; const versionRegex = /Dockerfile_([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*)$/; const regexResultArray = versionRegex.exec(dockerfileNameArg); if (regexResultArray && regexResultArray.length === 2) { versionString = regexResultArray[1]; } else { versionString = 'latest'; } return versionString; } /** * returns the docker base image for a Dockerfile */ public static dockerBaseImage(dockerfileContentArg: string): string { const baseImageRegex = /FROM\s([a-zA-z0-9\/\-\:]*)\n?/; const regexResultArray = baseImageRegex.exec(dockerfileContentArg); return regexResultArray[1]; } /** * returns the docker tag */ public static getDockerTagString( npmciDockerManagerRef: NpmciDockerManager, registryArg: string, repoArg: string, versionArg: string, suffixArg?: string ): string { // determine wether the repo should be mapped accordingly to the registry const mappedRepo = npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig().dockerRegistryRepoMap[registryArg]; const repo = (() => { if (mappedRepo) { return mappedRepo; } else { return repoArg; } })(); // determine wether the version contais a suffix let version = versionArg; if (suffixArg) { version = versionArg + '_' + suffixArg; } const tagString = `${registryArg}/${repo}:${version}`; return tagString; } public static async getDockerBuildArgs( npmciDockerManagerRef: NpmciDockerManager ): Promise { logger.log('info', 'checking for env vars to be supplied to the docker build'); let buildArgsString: string = ''; for (const key of Object.keys( npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig().dockerBuildargEnvMap )) { const targetValue = process.env[ npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig().dockerBuildargEnvMap[key] ]; buildArgsString = `${buildArgsString} --build-arg ${key}="${targetValue}"`; } return buildArgsString; } /** * */ public static cleanTagsArrayFunction( dockerfileArrayArg: Dockerfile[], trackingArrayArg: Dockerfile[] ): string[] { const cleanTagsArray: string[] = []; dockerfileArrayArg.forEach((dockerfileArg) => { if (trackingArrayArg.indexOf(dockerfileArg) === -1) { cleanTagsArray.push(dockerfileArg.cleanTag); } }); return cleanTagsArray; } // INSTANCE public npmciDockerManagerRef: NpmciDockerManager; public filePath: string; public repo: string; public version: string; public cleanTag: string; public buildTag: string; public pushTag: string; public containerName: string; public content: string; public baseImage: string; public localBaseImageDependent: boolean; public localBaseDockerfile: Dockerfile; constructor( dockerManagerRefArg: NpmciDockerManager, options: { filePath?: string; fileContents?: string | Buffer; read?: boolean } ) { this.npmciDockerManagerRef = dockerManagerRefArg; this.filePath = options.filePath; this.repo = this.npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.npmciEnv.repo.user + '/' + this.npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.npmciEnv.repo.repo; this.version = Dockerfile.dockerFileVersion(plugins.path.parse(options.filePath).base); this.cleanTag = this.repo + ':' + this.version; this.buildTag = this.cleanTag; this.containerName = 'dockerfile-' + this.version; if (options.filePath && { this.content = plugins.smartfile.fs.toStringSync(plugins.path.resolve(options.filePath)); } this.baseImage = Dockerfile.dockerBaseImage(this.content); this.localBaseImageDependent = false; } /** * builds the Dockerfile */ public async build() { logger.log('info', 'now building Dockerfile for ' + this.cleanTag); const buildArgsString = await Dockerfile.getDockerBuildArgs(this.npmciDockerManagerRef); const buildCommand = `docker build --label="version=${ this.npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig().projectInfo.npm.version }" -t ${this.buildTag} -f ${this.filePath} ${buildArgsString} .`; await bash(buildCommand); return; } /** * pushes the Dockerfile to a registry */ public async push(dockerRegistryArg: DockerRegistry, versionSuffix: string = null) { this.pushTag = Dockerfile.getDockerTagString( this.npmciDockerManagerRef, dockerRegistryArg.registryUrl, this.repo, this.version, versionSuffix ); await bash(`docker tag ${this.buildTag} ${this.pushTag}`); await bash(`docker push ${this.pushTag}`); const imageDigest = ( await bash(`docker inspect --format="{{index .RepoDigests 0}}" ${this.pushTag}`) ).split('@')[1]; console.log(`The image ${this.pushTag} has digest ${imageDigest}`); await this.npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.cloudlyConnector.announceDockerContainer({ registryUrl: this.pushTag, tag: this.buildTag, labels: [], version: this.npmciDockerManagerRef.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig().projectInfo.npm.version, }); } /** * pulls the Dockerfile from a registry */ public async pull(registryArg: DockerRegistry, versionSuffixArg: string = null) { const pullTag = Dockerfile.getDockerTagString( this.npmciDockerManagerRef, registryArg.registryUrl, this.repo, this.version, versionSuffixArg ); await bash(`docker pull ${pullTag}`); await bash(`docker tag ${pullTag} ${this.buildTag}`); } /** * tests the Dockerfile; */ public async test() { const testFile: string = plugins.path.join(paths.NpmciTestDir, 'test_' + this.version + '.sh'); const testFileExists: boolean = plugins.smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync(testFile); if (testFileExists) { // run tests await bash( `docker run --name npmci_test_container --entrypoint="bash" ${this.buildTag} -c "mkdir /npmci_test"` ); await bash(`docker cp ${testFile} npmci_test_container:/npmci_test/`); await bash(`docker commit npmci_test_container npmci_test_image`); await bash(`docker run --entrypoint="bash" npmci_test_image -x /npmci_test/`); await bash(`docker rm npmci_test_container`); await bash(`docker rmi --force npmci_test_image`); } else { logger.log('warn', 'skipping tests for ' + this.cleanTag + ' because no testfile was found!'); } } /** * gets the id of a Dockerfile */ public async getId() { const containerId = await bash( 'docker inspect --type=image --format="{{.Id}}" ' + this.buildTag ); return containerId; } }