import * as plugins from './mod.plugins' import * as NpmciEnv from '../npmci.env' import { bash } from '../npmci.bash' import * as paths from '../npmci.paths' import { DockerRegistry } from './mod.classes.dockerregistry' import * as helpers from './mod.helpers' /** * class Dockerfile represents a Dockerfile on disk in npmci */ export class Dockerfile { filePath: string repo: string version: string cleanTag: string buildTag: string containerName: string content: string baseImage: string localBaseImageDependent: boolean localBaseDockerfile: Dockerfile constructor (options: { filePath?: string, fileContents?: string | Buffer, read?: boolean }) { this.filePath = options.filePath this.repo = NpmciEnv.repo.user + '/' + NpmciEnv.repo.repo this.version = helpers.dockerFileVersion(plugins.path.parse(options.filePath).base) this.cleanTag = this.repo + ':' + this.version this.buildTag = this.cleanTag this.containerName = 'dockerfile-' + this.version if (options.filePath && { this.content = plugins.smartfile.fs.toStringSync(plugins.path.resolve(options.filePath)) } this.baseImage = helpers.dockerBaseImage(this.content) this.localBaseImageDependent = false } /** * builds the Dockerfile */ async build () {'now building Dockerfile for ' + this.cleanTag) let buildCommand = `docker build -t ${this.buildTag} -f ${this.filePath} .` await bash(buildCommand) return } /** * pushes the Dockerfile to a registry */ async push (dockerRegistryArg: DockerRegistry, versionSuffix: string = null) { let pushTag = helpers.getDockerTagString(dockerRegistryArg.registryUrl, this.repo, this.version, versionSuffix) await bash(`docker tag ${this.buildTag} ${pushTag}`) await bash(`docker push ${pushTag}`) } /** * pulls the Dockerfile from a registry */ async pull (registryArg: DockerRegistry, versionSuffixArg: string = null) { let pullTag = helpers.getDockerTagString(registryArg.registryUrl,this.repo, this.version, versionSuffixArg) await bash(`docker tag ${pullTag} ${this.buildTag}`) } /** * tests the Dockerfile; */ async test () { let testFile: string = plugins.path.join(paths.NpmciTestDir, 'test_' + this.version + '.sh') let testFileExists: boolean = plugins.smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync(testFile) if (testFileExists) { // run tests await bash('docker run --name npmci_test_container ' + this.buildTag + ' mkdir /npmci_test') await bash('docker cp ' + testFile + ' npmci_test_container:/npmci_test/') await bash('docker commit npmci_test_container npmci_test_image') await bash('docker run npmci_test_image sh /npmci_test/') await bash('docker rm npmci_test_container') await bash('docker rmi --force npmci_test_image') } else { plugins.beautylog.warn('skipping tests for ' + this.cleanTag + ' because no testfile was found!') } } /** * gets the id of a Dockerfile */ async getId () { let containerId = await bash('docker inspect --type=image --format=\"{{.Id}}\" ' + this.buildTag) return containerId } }