import { logger } from '../npmci.logging'; import * as plugins from './mod.plugins'; import { bash } from '../npmci.bash'; import { repo } from '../npmci.env'; /** * handle cli input * @param argvArg */ export let handleCli = async argvArg => { if (argvArg._.length >= 2) { const action: string = argvArg._[1]; switch (action) { case 'mirror': await mirror(); break; default: logger.log('error', `>>npmci git ...<< action >>${action}<< not supported`); } } else { logger.log('info', `>>npmci git ...<< cli arguments invalid... Please read the documentation.`); } }; export let mirror = async () => { const githubToken = process.env.NPMCI_GIT_GITHUBTOKEN; const githubUser = process.env.NPMCI_GIT_GITHUBGROUP || repo.user; const githubRepo = process.env.NPMCI_GIT_GITHUB || repo.repo; if (githubToken) { logger.log('info', 'found github token.'); logger.log('info', 'attempting the mirror the repository to GitHub'); // add the mirror await bash( `git remote add mirror https://${githubToken}${githubUser}/${githubRepo}.git` ); await bash(`git push mirror --all`); logger.log('ok', 'pushed all branches to mirror!'); await bash(`git push mirror --tags`); logger.log('ok', 'pushed all tags to mirror!'); } else { logger.log('error', `cannot find NPMCI_GIT_GITHUBTOKEN env var!`); process.exit(1); } };