import { logger } from '../npmci.logging.js'; import * as plugins from './mod.plugins.js'; import * as paths from '../npmci.paths.js'; import { bash } from '../npmci.bash.js'; // classes import { Npmci } from '../npmci.classes.npmci.js'; import { Dockerfile } from './mod.classes.dockerfile.js'; import { DockerRegistry } from './mod.classes.dockerregistry.js'; import { RegistryStorage } from './mod.classes.registrystorage.js'; export class NpmciDockerManager { public npmciRef: Npmci; public npmciRegistryStorage = new RegistryStorage(); constructor(npmciArg: Npmci) { this.npmciRef = npmciArg; } /** * handle cli input * @param argvArg */ public handleCli = async (argvArg: any) => { if (argvArg._.length >= 2) { const action: string = argvArg._[1]; switch (action) { case 'build': await; break; case 'login': case 'prepare': await this.login(); break; case 'test': await this.test(); break; case 'push': await this.push(argvArg); break; case 'pull': await this.pull(argvArg); break; default: logger.log('error', `>>npmci docker ...<< action >>${action}<< not supported`); } } else { logger.log( 'info', `>>npmci docker ...<< cli arguments invalid... Please read the documentation.` ); } }; /** * builds a cwd of Dockerfiles by triggering a promisechain */ public build = async () => { await this.prepare(); logger.log('info', 'now building Dockerfiles...'); await Dockerfile.readDockerfiles(this) .then(Dockerfile.sortDockerfiles) .then(Dockerfile.mapDockerfiles) .then(Dockerfile.buildDockerfiles); }; /** * login to the DockerRegistries */ public login = async () => { await this.prepare(); await this.npmciRegistryStorage.loginAll(); }; /** * logs in docker */ public prepare = async () => { // Always login to GitLab Registry if (process.env.GITLAB_CI) { console.log('gitlab ci detected'); if (!process.env.CI_JOB_TOKEN || process.env.CI_JOB_TOKEN === '') { logger.log('error', 'Running in Gitlab CI, but no registry token specified by gitlab!'); process.exit(1); } this.npmciRegistryStorage.addRegistry( new DockerRegistry({ registryUrl: '', username: 'gitlab-ci-token', password: process.env.CI_JOB_TOKEN, }) ); } // handle registries await plugins.smartparam.forEachMinimatch( process.env, 'NPMCI_LOGIN_DOCKER*', async (envString: string) => { this.npmciRegistryStorage.addRegistry(DockerRegistry.fromEnvString(envString)); } ); return; }; /** * pushes an image towards a registry * @param argvArg */ public push = async (argvArg: any) => { await this.prepare(); let dockerRegistryUrls: string[] = []; // lets parse the input of cli and npmextra if (argvArg._.length >= 3 && argvArg._[2] !== 'npmextra') { dockerRegistryUrls.push(argvArg._[2]); } else { if (this.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig().dockerRegistries.length === 0) { logger.log( 'warn', `There are no docker registries listed in npmextra.json! This is strange!` ); } dockerRegistryUrls = dockerRegistryUrls.concat( this.npmciRef.npmciConfig.getConfig().dockerRegistries ); } // lets determine the suffix let suffix = null; if (argvArg._.length >= 4) { suffix = argvArg._[3]; } // lets push to the registries for (const dockerRegistryUrl of dockerRegistryUrls) { const dockerfileArray = await Dockerfile.readDockerfiles(this) .then(Dockerfile.sortDockerfiles) .then(Dockerfile.mapDockerfiles); const dockerRegistryToPushTo = await this.npmciRegistryStorage.getRegistryByUrl( dockerRegistryUrl ); if (!dockerRegistryToPushTo) { logger.log( 'error', `Cannot push to registry ${dockerRegistryUrl}, because it was not found in the authenticated registry list.` ); process.exit(1); } for (const dockerfile of dockerfileArray) { await dockerfile.push(dockerRegistryToPushTo, suffix); } } }; /** * pulls an image */ public pull = async (argvArg: any) => { await this.prepare(); const registryUrlArg = argvArg._[2]; let suffix = null; if (argvArg._.length >= 4) { suffix = argvArg._[3]; } const localDockerRegistry = await this.npmciRegistryStorage.getRegistryByUrl(registryUrlArg); const dockerfileArray = await Dockerfile.readDockerfiles(this) .then(Dockerfile.sortDockerfiles) .then(Dockerfile.mapDockerfiles); for (const dockerfile of dockerfileArray) { await dockerfile.pull(localDockerRegistry, suffix); } }; /** * tests docker files */ public test = async () => { await this.prepare(); return await Dockerfile.readDockerfiles(this).then(Dockerfile.testDockerfiles); }; }