import { logger } from '../npmci.logging.js'; import * as plugins from './mod.plugins.js'; let sshInstance: plugins.smartssh.SshInstance; export let handleCli = async (argvArg: any) => { if (argvArg._.length >= 2) { const action: string = argvArg._[1]; switch (action) { case 'prepare': await prepare(); break; default: logger.log('error', `action >>${action}<< not supported`); process.exit(1); } } else { logger.log('error', `>>npmci ssh ...<< please specify an action!`); process.exit(1); } }; /** * checks if not undefined */ const notUndefined = (stringArg: string) => { return stringArg && stringArg !== 'undefined' && stringArg !== '##'; }; /** * checks for ENV vars in form of NPMCI_SSHKEY_* and deploys any found ones */ export let prepare = async () => { sshInstance = new plugins.smartssh.SshInstance(); // init ssh instance plugins.smartparam.forEachMinimatch(process.env, 'NPMCI_SSHKEY_*', evaluateSshEnv); if (!process.env.NPMTS_TEST) { sshInstance.writeToDisk(); } else { logger.log('info', 'In test mode, so not storing SSH keys to disk!'); } }; /** * gets called for each found SSH ENV Var and deploys it */ const evaluateSshEnv = async (sshkeyEnvVarArg: string) => { const sshEnvArray = sshkeyEnvVarArg.split('|'); const sshKey = new plugins.smartssh.SshKey(); logger.log('info', 'Found SSH identity for ' + sshEnvArray[1]); if (notUndefined(sshEnvArray[0])) { logger.log('info', '---> host defined!'); = sshEnvArray[0]; } if (notUndefined(sshEnvArray[1])) { logger.log('info', '---> privKey defined!'); sshKey.privKeyBase64 = sshEnvArray[1]; } if (notUndefined(sshEnvArray[2])) { logger.log('info', '---> pubKey defined!'); sshKey.pubKeyBase64 = sshEnvArray[2]; } sshInstance.addKey(sshKey); return; };