import * as plugins from './mod.plugins' import * as paths from '../npmci.paths' import * as NpmciEnv from '../npmci.env' import { bash } from '../npmci.bash' export let modArgvArg // will be set through the build command /** * handle cli input * @param argvArg */ export let handleCli = async (argvArg) => { modArgvArg = argvArg if (argvArg._.length >= 2) { let action: string = argvArg._[1] switch (action) { case 'build': await build() break case 'prepare': await prepare() break case 'test': await test() break default: plugins.beautylog.error(`>>npmci node ...<< action >>${action}<< not supported`) } } else { plugins.beautylog.log(`>>npmci node ...<< cli arguments invalid... Please read the documentation.`) } } /** * logs in docker */ export let prepare = async () => { NpmciEnv.setDockerRegistry('') // TODO: checkup why we set this here // handle registries plugins.smartparam.forEachMinimatch(process.env, 'NPMCI_LOGIN_DOCKER*', async (envString) => { let dockerRegexResultArray = envString.split('|') if (dockerRegexResultArray.length !== 3) { plugins.beautylog.error('malformed docker env var...') process.exit(1) return } let registry = dockerRegexResultArray[0] let username = dockerRegexResultArray[1] let password = dockerRegexResultArray[2] if (registry === '') { await bash(`docker login -u ${username} -p ${password}`)'Logged in to standard docker hub') } else { await bash(`docker login -u ${username} -p ${password} ${registry}`) } plugins.beautylog.success(`docker authenticated for ${registry}!`) }) // Always login to GitLab Registry if (!process.env.CI_BUILD_TOKEN || process.env.CI_BUILD_TOKEN === '') { plugins.beautylog.error('No registry token specified by gitlab!') return } await bash(`docker login -u gitlab-ci-token -p ${process.env.CI_BUILD_TOKEN}`) plugins.beautylog.success(`docker authenticated for!`) return } /** * builds a cwd of Dockerfiles by triggering a promisechain */ export let build = async () => { plugins.beautylog.log('now building Dockerfiles...') await readDockerfiles() .then(sortDockerfiles) .then(mapDockerfiles) .then(buildDockerfiles) } export let push = async () => { await readDockerfiles() .then(sortDockerfiles) .then(mapDockerfiles) .then(pushDockerfiles) } export let pull = async () => { return await readDockerfiles() .then(pullDockerfileImages) } export let test = async () => { return await readDockerfiles() .then(testDockerfiles) } /** * creates instance of class Dockerfile for all Dockerfiles in cwd * @returns Promise */ export let readDockerfiles = async (): Promise => { let fileTree = await plugins.smartfile.fs.listFileTree(paths.cwd, 'Dockerfile*') // create the Dockerfile array let readDockerfilesArray: Dockerfile[] = []`found ${fileTree.length} Dockerfiles:`) console.log(fileTree) for (let dockerfilePath of fileTree) { let myDockerfile = new Dockerfile({ filePath: dockerfilePath, read: true }) readDockerfilesArray.push(myDockerfile) } return readDockerfilesArray } /** * sorts Dockerfiles into a dependency chain * @param sortableArrayArg an array of instances of class Dockerfile * @returns Promise */ export let sortDockerfiles = (sortableArrayArg: Dockerfile[]): Promise => { let done = plugins.q.defer()'sorting Dockerfiles:') let sortedArray: Dockerfile[] = [] let cleanTagsOriginal = cleanTagsArrayFunction(sortableArrayArg, sortedArray) let sorterFunctionCounter: number = 0 let sorterFunction = function () { sortableArrayArg.forEach((dockerfileArg) => { let cleanTags = cleanTagsArrayFunction(sortableArrayArg, sortedArray) if (cleanTags.indexOf(dockerfileArg.baseImage) === -1 && sortedArray.indexOf(dockerfileArg) === -1) { sortedArray.push(dockerfileArg) } if (cleanTagsOriginal.indexOf(dockerfileArg.baseImage) !== -1) { dockerfileArg.localBaseImageDependent = true } }) if (sortableArrayArg.length === sortedArray.length) { let counter = 1 for (let dockerfile of sortedArray) { plugins.beautylog.log(`tag ${counter}: -> ${dockerfile.cleanTag}`) counter++ } done.resolve(sortedArray) } else if (sorterFunctionCounter < 10) { sorterFunctionCounter++ sorterFunction() } } sorterFunction() return done.promise } /** * maps local Dockerfiles dependencies to the correspoding Dockerfile class instances */ export let mapDockerfiles = async (sortedArray: Dockerfile[]): Promise => { sortedArray.forEach((dockerfileArg) => { if (dockerfileArg.localBaseImageDependent) { sortedArray.forEach((dockfile2: Dockerfile) => { if (dockfile2.cleanTag === dockerfileArg.baseImage) { dockerfileArg.localBaseDockerfile = dockfile2 } }) } }) return sortedArray } /** * builds the correspoding real docker image for each Dockerfile class instance */ export let buildDockerfiles = async (sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => { for (let dockerfileArg of sortedArrayArg) { await } return sortedArrayArg } /** * pushes the real Dockerfile images to a Docker registry */ export let pushDockerfiles = async (sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => { let stageArg = (function () { if (modArgvArg._ && modArgvArg._.length >= 3) { return modArgvArg._[ 2 ] } else { return NpmciEnv.buildStage } })() for (let dockerfileArg of sortedArrayArg) { await dockerfileArg.push(stageArg) } return sortedArrayArg } /** * pulls corresponding real Docker images for instances of Dockerfile from a registry. * This is needed if building, testing, and publishing of Docker images is carried out in seperate CI stages. */ export let pullDockerfileImages = async (sortableArrayArg: Dockerfile[], registryArg = '') => { for (let dockerfileArg of sortableArrayArg) { await dockerfileArg.pull(registryArg) } return sortableArrayArg } /** * tests all Dockerfiles in by calling class Dockerfile.test(); * @param sortedArrayArg Dockerfile[] that contains all Dockerfiles in cwd */ export let testDockerfiles = async (sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => { for (let dockerfileArg of sortedArrayArg) { await dockerfileArg.test() } return sortedArrayArg } /** * class Dockerfile represents a Dockerfile on disk in npmci */ export class Dockerfile { filePath: string repo: string version: string cleanTag: string buildTag: string gitlabTestTag: string gitlabReleaseTag: string releaseTag: string containerName: string content: string baseImage: string localBaseImageDependent: boolean localBaseDockerfile: Dockerfile constructor(options: { filePath?: string, fileContents?: string | Buffer, read?: boolean }) { this.filePath = options.filePath this.repo = NpmciEnv.repo.user + '/' + NpmciEnv.repo.repo this.version = dockerFileVersion(plugins.path.parse(options.filePath).base) this.cleanTag = this.repo + ':' + this.version this.buildTag = this.cleanTag this.gitlabTestTag = getDockerTagString('', this.repo, this.version, 'test') // TODO: using until gitlab is fixed this.gitlabReleaseTag = getDockerTagString('', this.repo, this.version) // TODO: using until gitlab is fixed // the releaseTag determines where the image gets released this.releaseTag = getDockerTagString('', this.repo, this.version) this.containerName = 'dockerfile-' + this.version if (options.filePath && { this.content = plugins.smartfile.fs.toStringSync(plugins.path.resolve(options.filePath)) } this.baseImage = dockerBaseImage(this.content) this.localBaseImageDependent = false } /** * builds the Dockerfile */ async build () {'now building Dockerfile for ' + this.cleanTag) let buildCommand = `docker build -t ${this.buildTag} -f ${this.filePath} .` await bash(buildCommand) NpmciEnv.dockerFilesBuilt.push(this) return } /** * pushes the Dockerfile to a registry */ async push (stageArg) { await bash(`docker tag ${this.buildTag} ${this.releaseTag}`) await bash(`docker tag ${this.buildTag} ${this.gitlabReleaseTag}`) await bash(`docker tag ${this.buildTag} ${this.gitlabTestTag}`) switch (stageArg) { case 'release': await bash(`docker push ${this.gitlabReleaseTag}`) await bash(`docker push ${this.releaseTag}`) break case 'test': default: await bash(`docker push ${this.gitlabTestTag}`) break } } /** * pulls the Dockerfile from a registry */ async pull (registryArg: string) { await bash(`docker pull ${this.gitlabTestTag}`) await bash(`docker tag ${this.gitlabTestTag} ${this.buildTag}`) } /** * tests the Dockerfile; */ async test () { let testFile: string = plugins.path.join(paths.NpmciTestDir, 'test_' + this.version + '.sh') let testFileExists: boolean = plugins.smartfile.fs.fileExistsSync(testFile) if (testFileExists) { // run tests await bash('docker run --name npmci_test_container ' + this.buildTag + ' mkdir /npmci_test') await bash('docker cp ' + testFile + ' npmci_test_container:/npmci_test/') await bash('docker commit npmci_test_container npmci_test_image') await bash('docker run npmci_test_image sh /npmci_test/') await bash('docker rm npmci_test_container') await bash('docker rmi --force npmci_test_image') } else { plugins.beautylog.warn('skipping tests for ' + this.cleanTag + ' because no testfile was found!') } } /** * gets the id of a Dockerfile */ async getId () { let containerId = await bash('docker inspect --type=image --format=\"{{.Id}}\" ' + this.buildTag) return containerId } } /** * returns a version for a docker file * @execution SYNC */ export let dockerFileVersion = (dockerfileNameArg: string): string => { let versionString: string let versionRegex = /Dockerfile_([a-zA-Z0-9\.]*)$/ let regexResultArray = versionRegex.exec(dockerfileNameArg) if (regexResultArray && regexResultArray.length === 2) { versionString = regexResultArray[ 1 ] } else { versionString = 'latest' } return versionString } /** * returns the docker base image for a Dockerfile */ export let dockerBaseImage = function (dockerfileContentArg: string) { let baseImageRegex = /FROM\s([a-zA-z0-9\/\-\:]*)\n?/ let regexResultArray = baseImageRegex.exec(dockerfileContentArg) return regexResultArray[ 1 ] } /** * returns the docker tag */ export let getDockerTagString = function (registryArg: string, repoArg: string, versionArg: string, suffixArg?: string): string { // determine wether the suffix is needed let version = versionArg if (suffixArg) { version = versionArg + '_' + suffixArg } let tagString = `${registryArg}/${repoArg}:${version}` return tagString } /** * */ export let cleanTagsArrayFunction = function (dockerfileArrayArg: Dockerfile[], trackingArrayArg: Dockerfile[]): string[] { let cleanTagsArray: string[] = [] dockerfileArrayArg.forEach(function (dockerfileArg) { if (trackingArrayArg.indexOf(dockerfileArg) === -1) { cleanTagsArray.push(dockerfileArg.cleanTag) } }) return cleanTagsArray }