import * as plugins from './npmci.plugins'; import * as paths from './npmci.paths'; import { repo } from './npmci.env'; import { KeyValueStore } from '@pushrocks/npmextra'; /** * the main config interface for npmci */ export interface INpmciOptions { projectInfo: plugins.projectinfo.ProjectInfo; // npm npmGlobalTools: string[]; npmAccessLevel?: 'private' | 'public'; npmRegistryUrl: string; // docker dockerRegistries: string[]; dockerRegistryRepoMap: { [key: string]: string }; dockerBuildargEnvMap: { [key: string]: string }; } // instantiate a kvStorage for the current directory export let kvStorage = new KeyValueStore('custom', `${repo.user}_${repo.repo}`); // handle config retrival const npmciNpmextra = new plugins.npmextra.Npmextra(paths.cwd); const defaultConfig: INpmciOptions = { projectInfo: new plugins.projectinfo.ProjectInfo(paths.cwd), npmGlobalTools: [], dockerRegistries: [], dockerRegistryRepoMap: {}, npmAccessLevel: 'private', npmRegistryUrl: '', dockerBuildargEnvMap: {} }; export let configObject = npmciNpmextra.dataFor('npmci', defaultConfig); /** * gets the npmci portion of the npmextra.json file */ export let getConfig = async (): Promise => { return configObject; };