import * as plugins from './npmci.plugins' import { prepare } from './npmci.prepare' import { bash } from './npmci.bash' import * as NpmciEnv from './npmci.env' import * as NpmciBuildDocker from './' /** * type of supported services */ export type TPubService = 'npm' | 'docker' /** * the main exported publish function. * @param pubServiceArg references targeted service to publish to */ export let publish = async (pubServiceArg: TPubService = 'npm') => { switch (pubServiceArg) { case 'npm': return await publishNpm() case 'docker': return await publishDocker() } } /** * tries to publish current cwd to NPM registry */ let publishNpm = async () => { await prepare('npm') .then(async function () { await bash('npm publish') plugins.beautylog.ok('Done!') }) } /** * tries to pubish current cwd to Docker registry */ let publishDocker = async () => { return await NpmciBuildDocker.readDockerfiles() .then(NpmciBuildDocker.pullDockerfileImages) .then(NpmciBuildDocker.pushDockerfiles) .then(dockerfileArray => { return dockerfileArray }) }