import * as plugins from '../npmci.plugins'; import * as npmciConfig from '../npmci.config'; import { bash, bashNoError, nvmAvailable, yarnAvailable } from '../npmci.bash'; /** * handle cli input * @param argvArg */ export let handleCli = async argvArg => { if (argvArg._.length >= 3) { let action: string = argvArg._[1]; switch (action) { case 'install': await install(argvArg._[2]); break; default: plugins.beautylog.error(`>>npmci node ...<< action >>${action}<< not supported`); process.exit(1); } } else { plugins.beautylog.error( `>>npmci node ...<< cli arguments invalid... Please read the documentation.` ); process.exit(1); } }; /** * Install a specific version of node * @param versionArg */ export let install = async versionArg => { plugins.beautylog.log(`now installing node version ${versionArg}`); let version: string; if (versionArg === 'stable') { version = 'stable'; } else if (versionArg === 'lts') { version = '8'; } else if (versionArg === 'legacy') { version = '8'; } else { version = versionArg; } if (await nvmAvailable.promise) { await bash(`nvm install ${version} && nvm alias default ${version}`); plugins.beautylog.success(`Node version ${version} successfully installed!`); } else { plugins.beautylog.warn('Nvm not in path so staying at installed node version!'); } await bash('node -v'); await bash('npm -v'); // lets look for further config await npmciConfig.getConfig().then(async configArg => { plugins.beautylog.log('Now checking for needed global npm tools...'); for (let npmTool of configArg.npmGlobalTools) {`Checking for global "${npmTool}"`); let whichOutput: string = await bashNoError(`which ${npmTool}`); let toolAvailable: boolean = !(/not\sfound/.test(whichOutput) || whichOutput === ''); if (toolAvailable) { plugins.beautylog.log(`Tool ${npmTool} is available`); } else {`globally installing ${npmTool} from npm`); if (await yarnAvailable.promise) { await bash(`yarn global add ${npmTool}`); } else { await bash(`npm install ${npmTool} -q -g`); } } } plugins.beautylog.success('all global npm tools specified in npmextra.json are now available!'); }); };