import { tap, expect } from 'tapbundle'
import * as path from 'path'

// set up environment
process.env.CI_REPOSITORY_URL = ''
process.env.NPMCI_SSHKEY_1 = 'hostString|somePrivKey|##'
process.env.NPMTS_TEST = 'true'
process.cwd = () => {
  return path.join(__dirname, 'assets/')

// require NPMCI files
import '../ts/index'
import NpmciBuildDocker = require('../ts/mod_docker/index')
import NpmciPublish = require('../ts/mod_publish/index')
import NpmciTest = require('../ts/mod_test/index')
import NpmciSsh = require('../ts/mod_ssh/index')
import NpmciEnv = require('../ts/npmci.env')

let dockerfile1: NpmciBuildDocker.Dockerfile
let dockerfile2: NpmciBuildDocker.Dockerfile
let sortableArray: NpmciBuildDocker.Dockerfile[]

tap.test('should return valid Dockerfiles', async () => {
  dockerfile1 = new NpmciBuildDocker.Dockerfile({ filePath: './Dockerfile', read: true })
  dockerfile2 = new NpmciBuildDocker.Dockerfile({ filePath: './Dockerfile_sometag1', read: true })
  return expect(dockerfile2.version).to.equal('sometag1')

tap.test('should read a directory of Dockerfiles', async () => {
  return NpmciBuildDocker.readDockerfiles({})
    .then(async (readDockerfilesArrayArg: NpmciBuildDocker.Dockerfile[]) => {
      sortableArray = readDockerfilesArrayArg
      return expect(readDockerfilesArrayArg[1].version).to.equal('sometag1')

tap.test('should sort an array of Dockerfiles', async () => {
  return NpmciBuildDocker.sortDockerfiles(sortableArray)
    .then(async (sortedArrayArg: NpmciBuildDocker.Dockerfile[]) => {

tap.test('should correctly chain Dockerfile handling', async () => {

tap.test('should publish all built Dockerfiles', async () => {
  return NpmciPublish.publish({
    _: [

tap.test('should source nvm using bash and install a specific node version, then test it', async () => {
  await NpmciTest.test({
    _: [
  await NpmciTest.test({
    _: [
  await NpmciTest.test({
    _: [

tap.test('should test dockerfiles', async () => {
  return NpmciTest.test({
    _: [

tap.test('should pick up SSH keys', async () => {
  return NpmciSsh.ssh()

tap.test('reset paths', async () => {
  process.cwd = () => {
    return path.join(__dirname, '../')

tap.test('', async () => {
  await NpmciEnv.configStore()
