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/// <reference types="node" />
* builds a cwd of Dockerfiles by triggering a promisechain
export declare let build: (argvArg: any) => Promise<void>;
* creates instance of class Dockerfile for all Dockerfiles in cwd
* @returns Promise<Dockerfile[]>
export declare let readDockerfiles: (argvArg: any) => Promise<Dockerfile[]>;
* sorts Dockerfiles into a dependency chain
* @param sortableArrayArg an array of instances of class Dockerfile
* @returns Promise<Dockerfile[]>
export declare let sortDockerfiles: (sortableArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => Promise<Dockerfile[]>;
* maps local Dockerfiles dependencies to the correspoding Dockerfile class instances
export declare let mapDockerfiles: (sortedArray: Dockerfile[]) => Promise<Dockerfile[]>;
* builds the correspoding real docker image for each Dockerfile class instance
export declare let buildDockerfiles: (sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => Promise<Dockerfile[]>;
* pushes the real Dockerfile images to a Docker registry
export declare let pushDockerfiles: (sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => Promise<Dockerfile[]>;
* pulls corresponding real Docker images for instances of Dockerfile from a registry.
* This is needed if building, testing, and publishing of Docker images is carried out in seperate CI stages.
export declare let pullDockerfileImages: (sortableArrayArg: Dockerfile[], registryArg?: string) => Promise<Dockerfile[]>;
* tests all Dockerfiles in by calling class Dockerfile.test();
* @param sortedArrayArg Dockerfile[] that contains all Dockerfiles in cwd
export declare let testDockerfiles: (sortedArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => Promise<Dockerfile[]>;
* class Dockerfile represents a Dockerfile on disk in npmci
export declare class Dockerfile {
filePath: string;
repo: string;
version: string;
cleanTag: string;
buildTag: string;
gitlabTestTag: string;
gitlabReleaseTag: string;
releaseTag: string;
containerName: string;
content: string;
baseImage: string;
localBaseImageDependent: boolean;
localBaseDockerfile: Dockerfile;
constructor(options: {
filePath?: string;
fileContents?: string | Buffer;
read?: boolean;
* builds the Dockerfile
build(): Promise<void>;
* pushes the Dockerfile to a registry
push(stageArg: any): Promise<void>;
* pulls the Dockerfile from a registry
pull(registryArg: string): Promise<void>;
* tests the Dockerfile;
test(): Promise<void>;
* gets the id of a Dockerfile
getId(): Promise<string>;
* returns a version for a docker file
* @execution SYNC
export declare let dockerFileVersion: (dockerfileNameArg: string) => string;
* returns the docker base image for a Dockerfile
export declare let dockerBaseImage: (dockerfileContentArg: string) => string;
* returns the docker tag
export declare let getDockerTagString: (registryArg: string, repoArg: string, versionArg: string, suffixArg?: string) => string;
export declare let cleanTagsArrayFunction: (dockerfileArrayArg: Dockerfile[], trackingArrayArg: Dockerfile[]) => string[];