fix(core): update

This commit is contained in:
Philipp Kunz 2024-05-17 16:33:49 +02:00
commit 84bb5c8a26
13 changed files with 1932 additions and 0 deletions

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# Breaking changes in 8.x
- Finally dropped support for old EdgeHTML engine.
- Dropped support for browsers that don't support [`cursor.request`](
- Removed separate async iterators build. It's now one build with async iterator support.
# Breaking changes in 7.x
- No longer committing `build` to GitHub.
- Renamed files in dist.
- Added conditional exports.
- iife build is now a umd.
# Breaking changes in 6.x
Some TypeScript definitions changed so write-methods are missing from 'readonly' transactions. This might be backwards-incompatible with code that performs a lot of type wrangling.
# Breaking changes in 5.x
I moved some files around, so I bumped the major version for safety.
# Changes in 4.x
## Breaking changes
### Opening a database
// Old 3.x way
import { openDb } from 'idb';
openDb('db-name', 1, (upgradeDb) => {
// New 4.x way
import { openDB } from 'idb';
openDB('db-name', 1, {
upgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion, transaction) {
- `openDb` and `deleteDb` were renamed `openDB` and `deleteDB` to be more consistent with DOM naming.
- The signature of `openDB` changed. The third parameter used to be the upgrade callback, it's now an option object which can include an `upgrade` method.
- There's no `UpgradeDB` anymore. You get the same database `openDB` resolves with. Versions numbers and the upgrade transaction are included as additional parameters.
### Promises & throwing
The library turns all `IDBRequest` objects into promises, but it doesn't know in advance which methods may return promises.
As a result, methods such as `store.put` may throw instead of returning a promise.
If you're using async functions, there isn't a difference.
### Other breaking changes
- `iterateCursor` and `iterateKeyCursor` have been removed. These existed to work around browsers microtask issues which have since been fixed. Async iterators provide similar functionality.
- All pseudo-private properties (those beginning with an underscore) are gone. Use `unwrap()` to get access to bare IDB objects.
- `transaction.complete` was renamed to `transaction.done` to be shorter and more consistent with the DOM.
- `getAll` is no longer polyfilled on indexes and stores.
- The library no longer officially supports IE11.
## New stuff
- The library now uses proxies, so objects will include everything from their plain-IDB equivalents.
- TypeScript support has massively improved, including the ability to provide types for your database.
- Optional support for async iterators, which makes handling cursors much easier.
- Database objects now have shortcuts for single actions (like `get`, `put`, `add`, `getAll` etc etc).
- For transactions that cover a single store `` is a reference to that store.
- `openDB` lets you add callbacks for when your database is blocking another connection, or when you're blocked by another connection.
# Changes in 3.x
The library became a module.
// Old 2.x way:
import idb from 'idb';…);
// 3.x way:
import { openDb, deleteDb } from 'idb';

LICENSE Normal file
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ISC License (ISC)
Copyright (c) 2016, Jake Archibald <>
Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.

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# IndexedDB with usability.
This is a tiny (~1.19kB brotli'd) library that mostly mirrors the IndexedDB API, but with small improvements that make a big difference to usability.
1. [Installation](#installation)
1. [Changes](#changes)
1. [Browser support](#browser-support)
1. [API](#api)
1. [`openDB`](#opendb)
1. [`deleteDB`](#deletedb)
1. [`unwrap`](#unwrap)
1. [`wrap`](#wrap)
1. [General enhancements](#general-enhancements)
1. [`IDBDatabase` enhancements](#idbdatabase-enhancements)
1. [`IDBTransaction` enhancements](#idbtransaction-enhancements)
1. [`IDBCursor` enhancements](#idbcursor-enhancements)
1. [Async iterators](#async-iterators)
1. [Examples](#examples)
1. [TypeScript](#typescript)
# Installation
## Using npm
npm install idb
Then, assuming you're using a module-compatible system (like webpack, Rollup etc):
import { openDB, deleteDB, wrap, unwrap } from 'idb';
async function doDatabaseStuff() {
const db = await openDB(…);
## Directly in a browser
### Using the modules method directly via jsdelivr:
<script type="module">
import { openDB, deleteDB, wrap, unwrap } from '';
async function doDatabaseStuff() {
const db = await openDB(…);
### Using external script reference
<script src=""></script>
async function doDatabaseStuff() {
const db = await idb.openDB(…);
A global, `idb`, will be created, containing all exports of the module version.
# Changes
[See details of (potentially) breaking changes](
# Browser support
This library targets modern browsers, as in Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and other browsers that use those engines, such as Edge. IE is not supported.
## `openDB`
This method opens a database, and returns a promise for an enhanced [`IDBDatabase`](
const db = await openDB(name, version, {
upgrade(db, oldVersion, newVersion, transaction, event) {
// …
blocked(currentVersion, blockedVersion, event) {
// …
blocking(currentVersion, blockedVersion, event) {
// …
terminated() {
// …
- `name`: Name of the database.
- `version` (optional): Schema version, or `undefined` to open the current version.
- `upgrade` (optional): Called if this version of the database has never been opened before. Use it to specify the schema for the database. This is similar to the [`upgradeneeded` event]( in plain IndexedDB.
- `db`: An enhanced `IDBDatabase`.
- `oldVersion`: Last version of the database opened by the user.
- `newVersion`: Whatever new version you provided.
- `transaction`: An enhanced transaction for this upgrade. This is useful if you need to get data from other stores as part of a migration.
- `event`: The event object for the associated `upgradeneeded` event.
- `blocked` (optional): Called if there are older versions of the database open on the origin, so this version cannot open. This is similar to the [`blocked` event]( in plain IndexedDB.
- `currentVersion`: Version of the database that's blocking this one.
- `blockedVersion`: The version of the database being blocked (whatever version you provided to `openDB`).
- `event`: The event object for the associated `blocked` event.
- `blocking` (optional): Called if this connection is blocking a future version of the database from opening. This is similar to the [`versionchange` event]( in plain IndexedDB.
- `currentVersion`: Version of the open database (whatever version you provided to `openDB`).
- `blockedVersion`: The version of the database that's being blocked.
- `event`: The event object for the associated `versionchange` event.
- `terminated` (optional): Called if the browser abnormally terminates the connection, but not on regular closures like calling `db.close()`. This is similar to the [`close` event]( in plain IndexedDB.
## `deleteDB`
Deletes a database.
await deleteDB(name, {
blocked() {
// …
- `name`: Name of the database.
- `blocked` (optional): Called if the database already exists and there are open connections that dont close in response to a versionchange event, the request will be blocked until they all close.
- `currentVersion`: Version of the database that's blocking the delete operation.
- `event`: The event object for the associated 'versionchange' event.
## `unwrap`
Takes an enhanced IndexedDB object and returns the plain unmodified one.
const unwrapped = unwrap(wrapped);
This is useful if, for some reason, you want to drop back into plain IndexedDB. Promises will also be converted back into `IDBRequest` objects.
## `wrap`
Takes an IDB object and returns a version enhanced by this library.
const wrapped = wrap(unwrapped);
This is useful if some third party code gives you an `IDBDatabase` object and you want it to have the features of this library.
## General enhancements
Once you've opened the database the API is the same as IndexedDB, except for a few changes to make things easier.
Firstly, any method that usually returns an `IDBRequest` object will now return a promise for the result.
const store = db.transaction(storeName).objectStore(storeName);
const value = await store.get(key);
### Promises & throwing
The library turns all `IDBRequest` objects into promises, but it doesn't know in advance which methods may return promises.
As a result, methods such as `store.put` may throw instead of returning a promise.
If you're using async functions, there's no observable difference.
### Transaction lifetime
TL;DR: **Do not `await` other things between the start and end of your transaction**, otherwise the transaction will close before you're done.
An IDB transaction auto-closes if it doesn't have anything left do once microtasks have been processed. As a result, this works fine:
const tx = db.transaction('keyval', 'readwrite');
const store = tx.objectStore('keyval');
const val = (await store.get('counter')) || 0;
await store.put(val + 1, 'counter');
await tx.done;
But this doesn't:
const tx = db.transaction('keyval', 'readwrite');
const store = tx.objectStore('keyval');
const val = (await store.get('counter')) || 0;
// This is where things go wrong:
const newVal = await fetch('/increment?val=' + val);
// And this throws an error:
await store.put(newVal, 'counter');
await tx.done;
In this case, the transaction closes while the browser is fetching, so `store.put` fails.
## `IDBDatabase` enhancements
### Shortcuts to get/set from an object store
It's common to create a transaction for a single action, so helper methods are included for this:
// Get a value from a store:
const value = await db.get(storeName, key);
// Set a value in a store:
await db.put(storeName, value, key);
The shortcuts are: `get`, `getKey`, `getAll`, `getAllKeys`, `count`, `put`, `add`, `delete`, and `clear`. Each method takes a `storeName` argument, the name of the object store, and the rest of the arguments are the same as the equivalent `IDBObjectStore` method.
### Shortcuts to get from an index
The shortcuts are: `getFromIndex`, `getKeyFromIndex`, `getAllFromIndex`, `getAllKeysFromIndex`, and `countFromIndex`.
// Get a value from an index:
const value = await db.getFromIndex(storeName, indexName, key);
Each method takes `storeName` and `indexName` arguments, followed by the rest of the arguments from the equivalent `IDBIndex` method.
## `IDBTransaction` enhancements
### ``
If a transaction involves a single store, the `store` property will reference that store.
const tx = db.transaction('whatever');
const store =;
If a transaction involves multiple stores, `` is undefined, you need to use `tx.objectStore(storeName)` to get the stores.
### `tx.done`
Transactions have a `.done` promise which resolves when the transaction completes successfully, and otherwise rejects with the [transaction error](
const tx = db.transaction(storeName, 'readwrite');
await Promise.all(['bar', 'foo'),'world', 'hello'),
If you're writing to the database, `tx.done` is the signal that everything was successfully committed to the database. However, it's still beneficial to await the individual operations, as you'll see the error that caused the transaction to fail.
## `IDBCursor` enhancements
Cursor advance methods (`advance`, `continue`, `continuePrimaryKey`) return a promise for the cursor, or null if there are no further values to provide.
let cursor = await db.transaction(storeName).store.openCursor();
while (cursor) {
console.log(cursor.key, cursor.value);
cursor = await cursor.continue();
## Async iterators
You can iterate over stores, indexes, and cursors:
const tx = db.transaction(storeName);
for await (const cursor of {
// …
Each yielded object is an `IDBCursor`. You can optionally use the advance methods to skip items (within an async iterator they return void):
const tx = db.transaction(storeName);
for await (const cursor of {
// Skip the next item
If you don't manually advance the cursor, `cursor.continue()` is called for you.
Stores and indexes also have an `iterate` method which has the same signature as `openCursor`, but returns an async iterator:
const index = db.transaction('books').store.index('author');
for await (const cursor of index.iterate('Douglas Adams')) {
# Examples
## Keyval store
This is very similar to `localStorage`, but async. If this is _all_ you need, you may be interested in [idb-keyval]( You can always upgrade to this library later.
import { openDB } from 'idb';
const dbPromise = openDB('keyval-store', 1, {
upgrade(db) {
export async function get(key) {
return (await dbPromise).get('keyval', key);
export async function set(key, val) {
return (await dbPromise).put('keyval', val, key);
export async function del(key) {
return (await dbPromise).delete('keyval', key);
export async function clear() {
return (await dbPromise).clear('keyval');
export async function keys() {
return (await dbPromise).getAllKeys('keyval');
## Article store
import { openDB } from 'idb/with-async-ittr.js';
async function demo() {
const db = await openDB('Articles', 1, {
upgrade(db) {
// Create a store of objects
const store = db.createObjectStore('articles', {
// The 'id' property of the object will be the key.
keyPath: 'id',
// If it isn't explicitly set, create a value by auto incrementing.
autoIncrement: true,
// Create an index on the 'date' property of the objects.
store.createIndex('date', 'date');
// Add an article:
await db.add('articles', {
title: 'Article 1',
date: new Date('2019-01-01'),
body: '…',
// Add multiple articles in one transaction:
const tx = db.transaction('articles', 'readwrite');
await Promise.all([{
title: 'Article 2',
date: new Date('2019-01-01'),
body: '…',
title: 'Article 3',
date: new Date('2019-01-02'),
body: '…',
// Get all the articles in date order:
console.log(await db.getAllFromIndex('articles', 'date'));
// Add 'And, happy new year!' to all articles on 2019-01-01:
const tx = db.transaction('articles', 'readwrite');
const index ='date');
for await (const cursor of index.iterate(new Date('2019-01-01'))) {
const article = { ...cursor.value };
article.body += ' And, happy new year!';
await tx.done;
# TypeScript
This library is fully typed, and you can improve things by providing types for your database:
import { openDB, DBSchema } from 'idb';
interface MyDB extends DBSchema {
'favourite-number': {
key: string;
value: number;
products: {
value: {
name: string;
price: number;
productCode: string;
key: string;
indexes: { 'by-price': number };
async function demo() {
const db = await openDB<MyDB>('my-db', 1, {
upgrade(db) {
const productStore = db.createObjectStore('products', {
keyPath: 'productCode',
productStore.createIndex('by-price', 'price');
// This works
await db.put('favourite-number', 7, 'Jen');
// This fails at compile time, as the 'favourite-number' store expects a number.
await db.put('favourite-number', 'Twelve', 'Jake');
To define types for your database, extend `DBSchema` with an interface where the keys are the names of your object stores.
For each value, provide an object where `value` is the type of values within the store, and `key` is the type of keys within the store.
Optionally, `indexes` can contain a map of index names, to the type of key within that index.
Provide this interface when calling `openDB`, and from then on your database will be strongly typed. This also allows your IDE to autocomplete the names of stores and indexes.
## Opting out of types
If you call `openDB` without providing types, your database will use basic types. However, sometimes you'll need to interact with stores that aren't in your schema, perhaps during upgrades. In that case you can cast.
Let's say we were renaming the 'favourite-number' store to 'fave-nums':
import { openDB, DBSchema, IDBPDatabase } from 'idb';
interface MyDBV1 extends DBSchema {
'favourite-number': { key: string; value: number };
interface MyDBV2 extends DBSchema {
'fave-num': { key: string; value: number };
const db = await openDB<MyDBV2>('my-db', 2, {
async upgrade(db, oldVersion) {
// Cast a reference of the database to the old schema.
const v1Db = db as unknown as IDBPDatabase<MyDBV1>;
if (oldVersion < 1) {
if (oldVersion < 2) {
const store = v1Db.createObjectStore('favourite-number'); = 'fave-num';
You can also cast to a typeless database by omitting the type, eg `db as IDBPDatabase`.
Note: Types like `IDBPDatabase` are used by TypeScript only. The implementation uses proxies under the hood.
# Developing
npm run dev
This will also perform type testing.
To test, navigate to `build/test/` in a browser. You'll need to set up a [basic web server]( for this.

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export {};

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export {};

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export interface OpenDBCallbacks<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown> {
* Called if this version of the database has never been opened before. Use it to specify the
* schema for the database.
* @param database A database instance that you can use to add/remove stores and indexes.
* @param oldVersion Last version of the database opened by the user.
* @param newVersion Whatever new version you provided.
* @param transaction The transaction for this upgrade.
* This is useful if you need to get data from other stores as part of a migration.
* @param event The event object for the associated 'upgradeneeded' event.
upgrade?(database: IDBPDatabase<DBTypes>, oldVersion: number, newVersion: number | null, transaction: IDBPTransaction<DBTypes, StoreNames<DBTypes>[], 'versionchange'>, event: IDBVersionChangeEvent): void;
* Called if there are older versions of the database open on the origin, so this version cannot
* open.
* @param currentVersion Version of the database that's blocking this one.
* @param blockedVersion The version of the database being blocked (whatever version you provided to `openDB`).
* @param event The event object for the associated `blocked` event.
blocked?(currentVersion: number, blockedVersion: number | null, event: IDBVersionChangeEvent): void;
* Called if this connection is blocking a future version of the database from opening.
* @param currentVersion Version of the open database (whatever version you provided to `openDB`).
* @param blockedVersion The version of the database that's being blocked.
* @param event The event object for the associated `versionchange` event.
blocking?(currentVersion: number, blockedVersion: number | null, event: IDBVersionChangeEvent): void;
* Called if the browser abnormally terminates the connection.
* This is not called when `db.close()` is called.
terminated?(): void;
* Open a database.
* @param name Name of the database.
* @param version Schema version.
* @param callbacks Additional callbacks.
export declare function openDB<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown>(name: string, version?: number, { blocked, upgrade, blocking, terminated }?: OpenDBCallbacks<DBTypes>): Promise<IDBPDatabase<DBTypes>>;
export interface DeleteDBCallbacks {
* Called if there are connections to this database open, so it cannot be deleted.
* @param currentVersion Version of the database that's blocking the delete operation.
* @param event The event object for the associated `blocked` event.
blocked?(currentVersion: number, event: IDBVersionChangeEvent): void;
* Delete a database.
* @param name Name of the database.
export declare function deleteDB(name: string, { blocked }?: DeleteDBCallbacks): Promise<void>;
export { unwrap, wrap } from './wrap-idb-value.js';
declare type KeyToKeyNoIndex<T> = {
[K in keyof T]: string extends K ? never : number extends K ? never : K;
declare type ValuesOf<T> = T extends {
[K in keyof T]: infer U;
} ? U : never;
declare type KnownKeys<T> = ValuesOf<KeyToKeyNoIndex<T>>;
declare type Omit<T, K> = Pick<T, Exclude<keyof T, K>>;
export interface DBSchema {
[s: string]: DBSchemaValue;
interface IndexKeys {
[s: string]: IDBValidKey;
interface DBSchemaValue {
key: IDBValidKey;
value: any;
indexes?: IndexKeys;
* Extract known object store names from the DB schema type.
* @template DBTypes DB schema type, or unknown if the DB isn't typed.
export declare type StoreNames<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown> = DBTypes extends DBSchema ? KnownKeys<DBTypes> : string;
* Extract database value types from the DB schema type.
* @template DBTypes DB schema type, or unknown if the DB isn't typed.
* @template StoreName Names of the object stores to get the types of.
export declare type StoreValue<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes>> = DBTypes extends DBSchema ? DBTypes[StoreName]['value'] : any;
* Extract database key types from the DB schema type.
* @template DBTypes DB schema type, or unknown if the DB isn't typed.
* @template StoreName Names of the object stores to get the types of.
export declare type StoreKey<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes>> = DBTypes extends DBSchema ? DBTypes[StoreName]['key'] : IDBValidKey;
* Extract the names of indexes in certain object stores from the DB schema type.
* @template DBTypes DB schema type, or unknown if the DB isn't typed.
* @template StoreName Names of the object stores to get the types of.
export declare type IndexNames<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes>> = DBTypes extends DBSchema ? keyof DBTypes[StoreName]['indexes'] & string : string;
* Extract the types of indexes in certain object stores from the DB schema type.
* @template DBTypes DB schema type, or unknown if the DB isn't typed.
* @template StoreName Names of the object stores to get the types of.
* @template IndexName Names of the indexes to get the types of.
export declare type IndexKey<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName>> = DBTypes extends DBSchema ? IndexName extends keyof DBTypes[StoreName]['indexes'] ? DBTypes[StoreName]['indexes'][IndexName] : IDBValidKey : IDBValidKey;
declare type CursorSource<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> = IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> ? IDBPIndex<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode> : IDBPObjectStore<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, Mode>;
declare type CursorKey<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown> = IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> ? IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> : StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>;
declare type IDBPDatabaseExtends = Omit<IDBDatabase, 'createObjectStore' | 'deleteObjectStore' | 'transaction' | 'objectStoreNames'>;
* A variation of DOMStringList with precise string types
export interface TypedDOMStringList<T extends string> extends DOMStringList {
contains(string: T): boolean;
item(index: number): T | null;
[index: number]: T;
[Symbol.iterator](): IterableIterator<T>;
interface IDBTransactionOptions {
* The durability of the transaction.
* The default is "default". Using "relaxed" provides better performance, but with fewer
* guarantees. Web applications are encouraged to use "relaxed" for ephemeral data such as caches
* or quickly changing records, and "strict" in cases where reducing the risk of data loss
* outweighs the impact to performance and power.
durability?: 'default' | 'strict' | 'relaxed';
export interface IDBPDatabase<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown> extends IDBPDatabaseExtends {
* The names of stores in the database.
readonly objectStoreNames: TypedDOMStringList<StoreNames<DBTypes>>;
* Creates a new object store.
* Throws a "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.
createObjectStore<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(name: Name, optionalParameters?: IDBObjectStoreParameters): IDBPObjectStore<DBTypes, ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, Name, 'versionchange'>;
* Deletes the object store with the given name.
* Throws a "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.
deleteObjectStore(name: StoreNames<DBTypes>): void;
* Start a new transaction.
* @param storeNames The object store(s) this transaction needs.
* @param mode
* @param options
transaction<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'>(storeNames: Name, mode?: Mode, options?: IDBTransactionOptions): IDBPTransaction<DBTypes, [Name], Mode>;
transaction<Names extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'>(storeNames: Names, mode?: Mode, options?: IDBTransactionOptions): IDBPTransaction<DBTypes, Names, Mode>;
* Add a value to a store.
* Rejects if an item of a given key already exists in the store.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param value
* @param key
add<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, value: StoreValue<DBTypes, Name>, key?: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, Name>>;
* Deletes all records in a store.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
clear(name: StoreNames<DBTypes>): Promise<void>;
* Retrieves the number of records matching the given query in a store.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param key
count<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, key?: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange | null): Promise<number>;
* Retrieves the number of records matching the given query in an index.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param indexName Name of the index within the store.
* @param key
countFromIndex<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, Name>>(storeName: Name, indexName: IndexName, key?: IndexKey<DBTypes, Name, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null): Promise<number>;
* Deletes records in a store matching the given query.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param key
delete<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, key: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<void>;
* Retrieves the value of the first record in a store matching the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param query
get<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, query: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, Name> | undefined>;
* Retrieves the value of the first record in an index matching the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param indexName Name of the index within the store.
* @param query
getFromIndex<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, Name>>(storeName: Name, indexName: IndexName, query: IndexKey<DBTypes, Name, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, Name> | undefined>;
* Retrieves all values in a store that match the query.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of values to return.
getAll<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, query?: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, Name>[]>;
* Retrieves all values in an index that match the query.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param indexName Name of the index within the store.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of values to return.
getAllFromIndex<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, Name>>(storeName: Name, indexName: IndexName, query?: IndexKey<DBTypes, Name, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, Name>[]>;
* Retrieves the keys of records in a store matching the query.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of keys to return.
getAllKeys<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, query?: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, Name>[]>;
* Retrieves the keys of records in an index matching the query.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param indexName Name of the index within the store.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of keys to return.
getAllKeysFromIndex<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, Name>>(storeName: Name, indexName: IndexName, query?: IndexKey<DBTypes, Name, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, Name>[]>;
* Retrieves the key of the first record in a store that matches the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param query
getKey<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, query: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | undefined>;
* Retrieves the key of the first record in an index that matches the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param indexName Name of the index within the store.
* @param query
getKeyFromIndex<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, Name>>(storeName: Name, indexName: IndexName, query: IndexKey<DBTypes, Name, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | undefined>;
* Put an item in the database.
* Replaces any item with the same key.
* This is a shortcut that creates a transaction for this single action. If you need to do more
* than one action, create a transaction instead.
* @param storeName Name of the store.
* @param value
* @param key
put<Name extends StoreNames<DBTypes>>(storeName: Name, value: StoreValue<DBTypes, Name>, key?: StoreKey<DBTypes, Name> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, Name>>;
declare type IDBPTransactionExtends = Omit<IDBTransaction, 'db' | 'objectStore' | 'objectStoreNames'>;
export interface IDBPTransaction<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> extends IDBPTransactionExtends {
* The transaction's mode.
readonly mode: Mode;
* The names of stores in scope for this transaction.
readonly objectStoreNames: TypedDOMStringList<TxStores[number]>;
* The transaction's connection.
readonly db: IDBPDatabase<DBTypes>;
* Promise for the completion of this transaction.
readonly done: Promise<void>;
* The associated object store, if the transaction covers a single store, otherwise undefined.
readonly store: TxStores[1] extends undefined ? IDBPObjectStore<DBTypes, TxStores, TxStores[0], Mode> : undefined;
* Returns an IDBObjectStore in the transaction's scope.
objectStore<StoreName extends TxStores[number]>(name: StoreName): IDBPObjectStore<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, Mode>;
declare type IDBPObjectStoreExtends = Omit<IDBObjectStore, 'transaction' | 'add' | 'clear' | 'count' | 'createIndex' | 'delete' | 'get' | 'getAll' | 'getAllKeys' | 'getKey' | 'index' | 'openCursor' | 'openKeyCursor' | 'put' | 'indexNames'>;
export interface IDBPObjectStore<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> extends IDBPObjectStoreExtends {
* The names of indexes in the store.
readonly indexNames: TypedDOMStringList<IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName>>;
* The associated transaction.
readonly transaction: IDBPTransaction<DBTypes, TxStores, Mode>;
* Add a value to the store.
* Rejects if an item of a given key already exists in the store.
add: Mode extends 'readonly' ? undefined : (value: StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName>, key?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange) => Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>>;
* Deletes all records in store.
clear: Mode extends 'readonly' ? undefined : () => Promise<void>;
* Retrieves the number of records matching the given query.
count(key?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange | null): Promise<number>;
* Creates a new index in store.
* Throws an "InvalidStateError" DOMException if not called within an upgrade transaction.
createIndex: Mode extends 'versionchange' ? <IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName>>(name: IndexName, keyPath: string | string[], options?: IDBIndexParameters) => IDBPIndex<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode> : undefined;
* Deletes records in store matching the given query.
delete: Mode extends 'readonly' ? undefined : (key: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange) => Promise<void>;
* Retrieves the value of the first record matching the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
get(query: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName> | undefined>;
* Retrieves all values that match the query.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of values to return.
getAll(query?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName>[]>;
* Retrieves the keys of records matching the query.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of keys to return.
getAllKeys(query?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>[]>;
* Retrieves the key of the first record that matches the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
getKey(query: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | undefined>;
* Get a query of a given name.
index<IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName>>(name: IndexName): IDBPIndex<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>;
* Opens a cursor over the records matching the query.
* Resolves with null if no matches are found.
* @param query If null, all records match.
* @param direction
openCursor(query?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): Promise<IDBPCursorWithValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, unknown, Mode> | null>;
* Opens a cursor over the keys matching the query.
* Resolves with null if no matches are found.
* @param query If null, all records match.
* @param direction
openKeyCursor(query?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): Promise<IDBPCursor<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, unknown, Mode> | null>;
* Put an item in the store.
* Replaces any item with the same key.
put: Mode extends 'readonly' ? undefined : (value: StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName>, key?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange) => Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>>;
* Iterate over the store.
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, unknown, Mode>>;
* Iterate over the records matching the query.
* @param query If null, all records match.
* @param direction
iterate(query?: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): AsyncIterableIterator<IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, unknown, Mode>>;
declare type IDBPIndexExtends = Omit<IDBIndex, 'objectStore' | 'count' | 'get' | 'getAll' | 'getAllKeys' | 'getKey' | 'openCursor' | 'openKeyCursor'>;
export interface IDBPIndex<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> = IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName>, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> extends IDBPIndexExtends {
* The IDBObjectStore the index belongs to.
readonly objectStore: IDBPObjectStore<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, Mode>;
* Retrieves the number of records matching the given query.
count(key?: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null): Promise<number>;
* Retrieves the value of the first record matching the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
get(query: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName> | undefined>;
* Retrieves all values that match the query.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of values to return.
getAll(query?: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName>[]>;
* Retrieves the keys of records matching the query.
* @param query
* @param count Maximum number of keys to return.
getAllKeys(query?: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null, count?: number): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>[]>;
* Retrieves the key of the first record that matches the query.
* Resolves with undefined if no match is found.
getKey(query: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange): Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName> | undefined>;
* Opens a cursor over the records matching the query.
* Resolves with null if no matches are found.
* @param query If null, all records match.
* @param direction
openCursor(query?: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): Promise<IDBPCursorWithValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode> | null>;
* Opens a cursor over the keys matching the query.
* Resolves with null if no matches are found.
* @param query If null, all records match.
* @param direction
openKeyCursor(query?: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): Promise<IDBPCursor<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode> | null>;
* Iterate over the index.
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>>;
* Iterate over the records matching the query.
* Resolves with null if no matches are found.
* @param query If null, all records match.
* @param direction
iterate(query?: IndexKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName> | IDBKeyRange | null, direction?: IDBCursorDirection): AsyncIterableIterator<IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>>;
declare type IDBPCursorExtends = Omit<IDBCursor, 'key' | 'primaryKey' | 'source' | 'advance' | 'continue' | 'continuePrimaryKey' | 'delete' | 'update'>;
export interface IDBPCursor<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown = unknown, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> extends IDBPCursorExtends {
* The key of the current index or object store item.
readonly key: CursorKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName>;
* The key of the current object store item.
readonly primaryKey: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>;
* Returns the IDBObjectStore or IDBIndex the cursor was opened from.
readonly source: CursorSource<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>;
* Advances the cursor a given number of records.
* Resolves to null if no matching records remain.
advance<T>(this: T, count: number): Promise<T | null>;
* Advance the cursor by one record (unless 'key' is provided).
* Resolves to null if no matching records remain.
* @param key Advance to the index or object store with a key equal to or greater than this value.
continue<T>(this: T, key?: CursorKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName>): Promise<T | null>;
* Advance the cursor by given keys.
* The operation is 'and' both keys must be satisfied.
* Resolves to null if no matching records remain.
* @param key Advance to the index or object store with a key equal to or greater than this value.
* @param primaryKey and where the object store has a key equal to or greater than this value.
continuePrimaryKey<T>(this: T, key: CursorKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName>, primaryKey: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>): Promise<T | null>;
* Delete the current record.
delete: Mode extends 'readonly' ? undefined : () => Promise<void>;
* Updated the current record.
update: Mode extends 'readonly' ? undefined : (value: StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName>) => Promise<StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>>;
* Iterate over the cursor.
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<IDBPCursorIteratorValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>>;
declare type IDBPCursorIteratorValueExtends<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown = unknown, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> = Omit<IDBPCursor<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>, 'advance' | 'continue' | 'continuePrimaryKey'>;
export interface IDBPCursorIteratorValue<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown = unknown, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> extends IDBPCursorIteratorValueExtends<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode> {
* Advances the cursor a given number of records.
advance<T>(this: T, count: number): void;
* Advance the cursor by one record (unless 'key' is provided).
* @param key Advance to the index or object store with a key equal to or greater than this value.
continue<T>(this: T, key?: CursorKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName>): void;
* Advance the cursor by given keys.
* The operation is 'and' both keys must be satisfied.
* @param key Advance to the index or object store with a key equal to or greater than this value.
* @param primaryKey and where the object store has a key equal to or greater than this value.
continuePrimaryKey<T>(this: T, key: CursorKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName>, primaryKey: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>): void;
export interface IDBPCursorWithValue<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown = unknown, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> extends IDBPCursor<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode> {
* The value of the current item.
readonly value: StoreValue<DBTypes, StoreName>;
* Iterate over the cursor.
[Symbol.asyncIterator](): AsyncIterableIterator<IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>>;
declare type IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValueExtends<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown = unknown, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> = Omit<IDBPCursorWithValue<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode>, 'advance' | 'continue' | 'continuePrimaryKey'>;
export interface IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValue<DBTypes extends DBSchema | unknown = unknown, TxStores extends ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>> = ArrayLike<StoreNames<DBTypes>>, StoreName extends StoreNames<DBTypes> = StoreNames<DBTypes>, IndexName extends IndexNames<DBTypes, StoreName> | unknown = unknown, Mode extends IDBTransactionMode = 'readonly'> extends IDBPCursorWithValueIteratorValueExtends<DBTypes, TxStores, StoreName, IndexName, Mode> {
* Advances the cursor a given number of records.
advance<T>(this: T, count: number): void;
* Advance the cursor by one record (unless 'key' is provided).
* @param key Advance to the index or object store with a key equal to or greater than this value.
continue<T>(this: T, key?: CursorKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName>): void;
* Advance the cursor by given keys.
* The operation is 'and' both keys must be satisfied.
* @param key Advance to the index or object store with a key equal to or greater than this value.
* @param primaryKey and where the object store has a key equal to or greater than this value.
continuePrimaryKey<T>(this: T, key: CursorKey<DBTypes, StoreName, IndexName>, primaryKey: StoreKey<DBTypes, StoreName>): void;

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'use strict';
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
const instanceOfAny = (object, constructors) => constructors.some((c) => object instanceof c);
let idbProxyableTypes;
let cursorAdvanceMethods;
// This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments.
function getIdbProxyableTypes() {
return (idbProxyableTypes ||
(idbProxyableTypes = [
// This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments.
function getCursorAdvanceMethods() {
return (cursorAdvanceMethods ||
(cursorAdvanceMethods = [
const transactionDoneMap = new WeakMap();
const transformCache = new WeakMap();
const reverseTransformCache = new WeakMap();
function promisifyRequest(request) {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const unlisten = () => {
request.removeEventListener('success', success);
request.removeEventListener('error', error);
const success = () => {
const error = () => {
request.addEventListener('success', success);
request.addEventListener('error', error);
// This mapping exists in reverseTransformCache but doesn't doesn't exist in transformCache. This
// is because we create many promises from a single IDBRequest.
reverseTransformCache.set(promise, request);
return promise;
function cacheDonePromiseForTransaction(tx) {
// Early bail if we've already created a done promise for this transaction.
if (transactionDoneMap.has(tx))
const done = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const unlisten = () => {
tx.removeEventListener('complete', complete);
tx.removeEventListener('error', error);
tx.removeEventListener('abort', error);
const complete = () => {
const error = () => {
reject(tx.error || new DOMException('AbortError', 'AbortError'));
tx.addEventListener('complete', complete);
tx.addEventListener('error', error);
tx.addEventListener('abort', error);
// Cache it for later retrieval.
transactionDoneMap.set(tx, done);
let idbProxyTraps = {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (target instanceof IDBTransaction) {
// Special handling for transaction.done.
if (prop === 'done')
return transactionDoneMap.get(target);
// Make return the only store in the transaction, or undefined if there are many.
if (prop === 'store') {
return receiver.objectStoreNames[1]
? undefined
: receiver.objectStore(receiver.objectStoreNames[0]);
// Else transform whatever we get back.
return wrap(target[prop]);
set(target, prop, value) {
target[prop] = value;
return true;
has(target, prop) {
if (target instanceof IDBTransaction &&
(prop === 'done' || prop === 'store')) {
return true;
return prop in target;
function replaceTraps(callback) {
idbProxyTraps = callback(idbProxyTraps);
function wrapFunction(func) {
// Due to expected object equality (which is enforced by the caching in `wrap`), we
// only create one new func per func.
// Cursor methods are special, as the behaviour is a little more different to standard IDB. In
// IDB, you advance the cursor and wait for a new 'success' on the IDBRequest that gave you the
// cursor. It's kinda like a promise that can resolve with many values. That doesn't make sense
// with real promises, so each advance methods returns a new promise for the cursor object, or
// undefined if the end of the cursor has been reached.
if (getCursorAdvanceMethods().includes(func)) {
return function (...args) {
// Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use
// the original object.
func.apply(unwrap(this), args);
return wrap(this.request);
return function (...args) {
// Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use
// the original object.
return wrap(func.apply(unwrap(this), args));
function transformCachableValue(value) {
if (typeof value === 'function')
return wrapFunction(value);
// This doesn't return, it just creates a 'done' promise for the transaction,
// which is later returned for transaction.done (see idbObjectHandler).
if (value instanceof IDBTransaction)
if (instanceOfAny(value, getIdbProxyableTypes()))
return new Proxy(value, idbProxyTraps);
// Return the same value back if we're not going to transform it.
return value;
function wrap(value) {
// We sometimes generate multiple promises from a single IDBRequest (eg when cursoring), because
// IDB is weird and a single IDBRequest can yield many responses, so these can't be cached.
if (value instanceof IDBRequest)
return promisifyRequest(value);
// If we've already transformed this value before, reuse the transformed value.
// This is faster, but it also provides object equality.
if (transformCache.has(value))
return transformCache.get(value);
const newValue = transformCachableValue(value);
// Not all types are transformed.
// These may be primitive types, so they can't be WeakMap keys.
if (newValue !== value) {
transformCache.set(value, newValue);
reverseTransformCache.set(newValue, value);
return newValue;
const unwrap = (value) => reverseTransformCache.get(value);
* Open a database.
* @param name Name of the database.
* @param version Schema version.
* @param callbacks Additional callbacks.
function openDB(name, version, { blocked, upgrade, blocking, terminated } = {}) {
const request =, version);
const openPromise = wrap(request);
if (upgrade) {
request.addEventListener('upgradeneeded', (event) => {
upgrade(wrap(request.result), event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, wrap(request.transaction), event);
if (blocked) {
request.addEventListener('blocked', (event) => blocked(
// Casting due to
event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, event));
.then((db) => {
if (terminated)
db.addEventListener('close', () => terminated());
if (blocking) {
db.addEventListener('versionchange', (event) => blocking(event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, event));
.catch(() => { });
return openPromise;
* Delete a database.
* @param name Name of the database.
function deleteDB(name, { blocked } = {}) {
const request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name);
if (blocked) {
request.addEventListener('blocked', (event) => blocked(
// Casting due to
event.oldVersion, event));
return wrap(request).then(() => undefined);
const readMethods = ['get', 'getKey', 'getAll', 'getAllKeys', 'count'];
const writeMethods = ['put', 'add', 'delete', 'clear'];
const cachedMethods = new Map();
function getMethod(target, prop) {
if (!(target instanceof IDBDatabase &&
!(prop in target) &&
typeof prop === 'string')) {
if (cachedMethods.get(prop))
return cachedMethods.get(prop);
const targetFuncName = prop.replace(/FromIndex$/, '');
const useIndex = prop !== targetFuncName;
const isWrite = writeMethods.includes(targetFuncName);
if (
// Bail if the target doesn't exist on the target. Eg, getAll isn't in Edge.
!(targetFuncName in (useIndex ? IDBIndex : IDBObjectStore).prototype) ||
!(isWrite || readMethods.includes(targetFuncName))) {
const method = async function (storeName, ...args) {
// isWrite ? 'readwrite' : undefined gzipps better, but fails in Edge :(
const tx = this.transaction(storeName, isWrite ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly');
let target =;
if (useIndex)
target = target.index(args.shift());
// Must reject if op rejects.
// If it's a write operation, must reject if tx.done rejects.
// Must reject with op rejection first.
// Must resolve with op value.
// Must handle both promises (no unhandled rejections)
return (await Promise.all([
isWrite && tx.done,
cachedMethods.set(prop, method);
return method;
replaceTraps((oldTraps) => ({
get: (target, prop, receiver) => getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.get(target, prop, receiver),
has: (target, prop) => !!getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.has(target, prop),
const advanceMethodProps = ['continue', 'continuePrimaryKey', 'advance'];
const methodMap = {};
const advanceResults = new WeakMap();
const ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy = new WeakMap();
const cursorIteratorTraps = {
get(target, prop) {
if (!advanceMethodProps.includes(prop))
return target[prop];
let cachedFunc = methodMap[prop];
if (!cachedFunc) {
cachedFunc = methodMap[prop] = function (...args) {
advanceResults.set(this, ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy.get(this)[prop](...args));
return cachedFunc;
async function* iterate(...args) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-this-assignment
let cursor = this;
if (!(cursor instanceof IDBCursor)) {
cursor = await cursor.openCursor(...args);
if (!cursor)
cursor = cursor;
const proxiedCursor = new Proxy(cursor, cursorIteratorTraps);
ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy.set(proxiedCursor, cursor);
// Map this double-proxy back to the original, so other cursor methods work.
reverseTransformCache.set(proxiedCursor, unwrap(cursor));
while (cursor) {
yield proxiedCursor;
// If one of the advancing methods was not called, call continue().
cursor = await (advanceResults.get(proxiedCursor) || cursor.continue());
function isIteratorProp(target, prop) {
return ((prop === Symbol.asyncIterator &&
instanceOfAny(target, [IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore, IDBCursor])) ||
(prop === 'iterate' && instanceOfAny(target, [IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore])));
replaceTraps((oldTraps) => ({
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (isIteratorProp(target, prop))
return iterate;
return oldTraps.get(target, prop, receiver);
has(target, prop) {
return isIteratorProp(target, prop) || oldTraps.has(target, prop);
exports.deleteDB = deleteDB;
exports.openDB = openDB;
exports.unwrap = unwrap;
exports.wrap = wrap;

build/index.d.ts vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
export * from './entry.js';
import './database-extras.js';
import './async-iterators.js';

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const instanceOfAny = (object, constructors) => constructors.some((c) => object instanceof c);
let idbProxyableTypes;
let cursorAdvanceMethods;
// This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments.
function getIdbProxyableTypes() {
return (idbProxyableTypes ||
(idbProxyableTypes = [
// This is a function to prevent it throwing up in node environments.
function getCursorAdvanceMethods() {
return (cursorAdvanceMethods ||
(cursorAdvanceMethods = [
const transactionDoneMap = new WeakMap();
const transformCache = new WeakMap();
const reverseTransformCache = new WeakMap();
function promisifyRequest(request) {
const promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const unlisten = () => {
request.removeEventListener('success', success);
request.removeEventListener('error', error);
const success = () => {
const error = () => {
request.addEventListener('success', success);
request.addEventListener('error', error);
// This mapping exists in reverseTransformCache but doesn't doesn't exist in transformCache. This
// is because we create many promises from a single IDBRequest.
reverseTransformCache.set(promise, request);
return promise;
function cacheDonePromiseForTransaction(tx) {
// Early bail if we've already created a done promise for this transaction.
if (transactionDoneMap.has(tx))
const done = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const unlisten = () => {
tx.removeEventListener('complete', complete);
tx.removeEventListener('error', error);
tx.removeEventListener('abort', error);
const complete = () => {
const error = () => {
reject(tx.error || new DOMException('AbortError', 'AbortError'));
tx.addEventListener('complete', complete);
tx.addEventListener('error', error);
tx.addEventListener('abort', error);
// Cache it for later retrieval.
transactionDoneMap.set(tx, done);
let idbProxyTraps = {
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (target instanceof IDBTransaction) {
// Special handling for transaction.done.
if (prop === 'done')
return transactionDoneMap.get(target);
// Make return the only store in the transaction, or undefined if there are many.
if (prop === 'store') {
return receiver.objectStoreNames[1]
? undefined
: receiver.objectStore(receiver.objectStoreNames[0]);
// Else transform whatever we get back.
return wrap(target[prop]);
set(target, prop, value) {
target[prop] = value;
return true;
has(target, prop) {
if (target instanceof IDBTransaction &&
(prop === 'done' || prop === 'store')) {
return true;
return prop in target;
function replaceTraps(callback) {
idbProxyTraps = callback(idbProxyTraps);
function wrapFunction(func) {
// Due to expected object equality (which is enforced by the caching in `wrap`), we
// only create one new func per func.
// Cursor methods are special, as the behaviour is a little more different to standard IDB. In
// IDB, you advance the cursor and wait for a new 'success' on the IDBRequest that gave you the
// cursor. It's kinda like a promise that can resolve with many values. That doesn't make sense
// with real promises, so each advance methods returns a new promise for the cursor object, or
// undefined if the end of the cursor has been reached.
if (getCursorAdvanceMethods().includes(func)) {
return function (...args) {
// Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use
// the original object.
func.apply(unwrap(this), args);
return wrap(this.request);
return function (...args) {
// Calling the original function with the proxy as 'this' causes ILLEGAL INVOCATION, so we use
// the original object.
return wrap(func.apply(unwrap(this), args));
function transformCachableValue(value) {
if (typeof value === 'function')
return wrapFunction(value);
// This doesn't return, it just creates a 'done' promise for the transaction,
// which is later returned for transaction.done (see idbObjectHandler).
if (value instanceof IDBTransaction)
if (instanceOfAny(value, getIdbProxyableTypes()))
return new Proxy(value, idbProxyTraps);
// Return the same value back if we're not going to transform it.
return value;
function wrap(value) {
// We sometimes generate multiple promises from a single IDBRequest (eg when cursoring), because
// IDB is weird and a single IDBRequest can yield many responses, so these can't be cached.
if (value instanceof IDBRequest)
return promisifyRequest(value);
// If we've already transformed this value before, reuse the transformed value.
// This is faster, but it also provides object equality.
if (transformCache.has(value))
return transformCache.get(value);
const newValue = transformCachableValue(value);
// Not all types are transformed.
// These may be primitive types, so they can't be WeakMap keys.
if (newValue !== value) {
transformCache.set(value, newValue);
reverseTransformCache.set(newValue, value);
return newValue;
const unwrap = (value) => reverseTransformCache.get(value);
* Open a database.
* @param name Name of the database.
* @param version Schema version.
* @param callbacks Additional callbacks.
function openDB(name, version, { blocked, upgrade, blocking, terminated } = {}) {
const request =, version);
const openPromise = wrap(request);
if (upgrade) {
request.addEventListener('upgradeneeded', (event) => {
upgrade(wrap(request.result), event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, wrap(request.transaction), event);
if (blocked) {
request.addEventListener('blocked', (event) => blocked(
// Casting due to
event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, event));
.then((db) => {
if (terminated)
db.addEventListener('close', () => terminated());
if (blocking) {
db.addEventListener('versionchange', (event) => blocking(event.oldVersion, event.newVersion, event));
.catch(() => { });
return openPromise;
* Delete a database.
* @param name Name of the database.
function deleteDB(name, { blocked } = {}) {
const request = indexedDB.deleteDatabase(name);
if (blocked) {
request.addEventListener('blocked', (event) => blocked(
// Casting due to
event.oldVersion, event));
return wrap(request).then(() => undefined);
const readMethods = ['get', 'getKey', 'getAll', 'getAllKeys', 'count'];
const writeMethods = ['put', 'add', 'delete', 'clear'];
const cachedMethods = new Map();
function getMethod(target, prop) {
if (!(target instanceof IDBDatabase &&
!(prop in target) &&
typeof prop === 'string')) {
if (cachedMethods.get(prop))
return cachedMethods.get(prop);
const targetFuncName = prop.replace(/FromIndex$/, '');
const useIndex = prop !== targetFuncName;
const isWrite = writeMethods.includes(targetFuncName);
if (
// Bail if the target doesn't exist on the target. Eg, getAll isn't in Edge.
!(targetFuncName in (useIndex ? IDBIndex : IDBObjectStore).prototype) ||
!(isWrite || readMethods.includes(targetFuncName))) {
const method = async function (storeName, ...args) {
// isWrite ? 'readwrite' : undefined gzipps better, but fails in Edge :(
const tx = this.transaction(storeName, isWrite ? 'readwrite' : 'readonly');
let target =;
if (useIndex)
target = target.index(args.shift());
// Must reject if op rejects.
// If it's a write operation, must reject if tx.done rejects.
// Must reject with op rejection first.
// Must resolve with op value.
// Must handle both promises (no unhandled rejections)
return (await Promise.all([
isWrite && tx.done,
cachedMethods.set(prop, method);
return method;
replaceTraps((oldTraps) => ({
get: (target, prop, receiver) => getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.get(target, prop, receiver),
has: (target, prop) => !!getMethod(target, prop) || oldTraps.has(target, prop),
const advanceMethodProps = ['continue', 'continuePrimaryKey', 'advance'];
const methodMap = {};
const advanceResults = new WeakMap();
const ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy = new WeakMap();
const cursorIteratorTraps = {
get(target, prop) {
if (!advanceMethodProps.includes(prop))
return target[prop];
let cachedFunc = methodMap[prop];
if (!cachedFunc) {
cachedFunc = methodMap[prop] = function (...args) {
advanceResults.set(this, ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy.get(this)[prop](...args));
return cachedFunc;
async function* iterate(...args) {
// tslint:disable-next-line:no-this-assignment
let cursor = this;
if (!(cursor instanceof IDBCursor)) {
cursor = await cursor.openCursor(...args);
if (!cursor)
cursor = cursor;
const proxiedCursor = new Proxy(cursor, cursorIteratorTraps);
ittrProxiedCursorToOriginalProxy.set(proxiedCursor, cursor);
// Map this double-proxy back to the original, so other cursor methods work.
reverseTransformCache.set(proxiedCursor, unwrap(cursor));
while (cursor) {
yield proxiedCursor;
// If one of the advancing methods was not called, call continue().
cursor = await (advanceResults.get(proxiedCursor) || cursor.continue());
function isIteratorProp(target, prop) {
return ((prop === Symbol.asyncIterator &&
instanceOfAny(target, [IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore, IDBCursor])) ||
(prop === 'iterate' && instanceOfAny(target, [IDBIndex, IDBObjectStore])));
replaceTraps((oldTraps) => ({
get(target, prop, receiver) {
if (isIteratorProp(target, prop))
return iterate;
return oldTraps.get(target, prop, receiver);
has(target, prop) {
return isIteratorProp(target, prop) || oldTraps.has(target, prop);
export { deleteDB, openDB, unwrap, wrap };

build/umd.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@
!function(e,t){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?t(exports):"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(["exports"],t):t((e="undefined"!=typeof globalThis?globalThis:e||self).idb={})}(this,(function(e){"use strict";const t=(e,t)=>t.some((t=>e instanceof t));let n,r;const o=new WeakMap,s=new WeakMap,i=new WeakMap;let a={get(e,t,n){if(e instanceof IDBTransaction){if("done"===t)return o.get(e);if("store"===t)return n.objectStoreNames[1]?void 0:n.objectStore(n.objectStoreNames[0])}return f(e[t])},set:(e,t,n)=>(e[t]=n,!0),has:(e,t)=>e instanceof IDBTransaction&&("done"===t||"store"===t)||t in e};function c(e){a=e(a)}function u(e){return(r||(r=[IDBCursor.prototype.advance,IDBCursor.prototype.continue,IDBCursor.prototype.continuePrimaryKey])).includes(e)?function(...t){return e.apply(l(this),t),f(this.request)}:function(...t){return f(e.apply(l(this),t))}}function d(e){return"function"==typeof e?u(e):(e instanceof IDBTransaction&&function(e){if(o.has(e))return;const t=new Promise(((t,n)=>{const r=()=>{e.removeEventListener("complete",o),e.removeEventListener("error",s),e.removeEventListener("abort",s)},o=()=>{t(),r()},s=()=>{n(e.error||new DOMException("AbortError","AbortError")),r()};e.addEventListener("complete",o),e.addEventListener("error",s),e.addEventListener("abort",s)}));o.set(e,t)}(e),t(e,n||(n=[IDBDatabase,IDBObjectStore,IDBIndex,IDBCursor,IDBTransaction]))?new Proxy(e,a):e)}function f(e){if(e instanceof IDBRequest)return function(e){const t=new Promise(((t,n)=>{const r=()=>{e.removeEventListener("success",o),e.removeEventListener("error",s)},o=()=>{t(f(e.result)),r()},s=()=>{n(e.error),r()};e.addEventListener("success",o),e.addEventListener("error",s)}));return i.set(t,e),t}(e);if(s.has(e))return s.get(e);const t=d(e);return t!==e&&(s.set(e,t),i.set(t,e)),t}const l=e=>i.get(e);const p=["get","getKey","getAll","getAllKeys","count"],D=["put","add","delete","clear"],I=new Map;function y(e,t){if(!(e instanceof IDBDatabase)||t in e||"string"!=typeof t)return;if(I.get(t))return I.get(t);const n=t.replace(/FromIndex$/,""),r=t!==n,o=D.includes(n);if(!(n in(r?IDBIndex:IDBObjectStore).prototype)||!o&&!p.includes(n))return;const s=async function(e,...t){const s=this.transaction(e,o?"readwrite":"readonly");let;return r&&(i=i.index(t.shift())),(await Promise.all([i[n](...t),o&&s.done]))[0]};return I.set(t,s),s}c((e=>({...e,get:(t,n,r)=>y(t,n)||e.get(t,n,r),has:(t,n)=>!!y(t,n)||e.has(t,n)})));const B=["continue","continuePrimaryKey","advance"],b={},g=new WeakMap,v=new WeakMap,h={get(e,t){if(!B.includes(t))return e[t];let n=b[t];return n||(n=b[t]=function(...e){g.set(this,v.get(this)[t](...e))}),n}};async function*m(...e){let t=this;if(t instanceof IDBCursor||(t=await t.openCursor(...e)),!t)return;const n=new Proxy(t,h);for(v.set(n,t),i.set(n,l(t));t;)yield n,t=await(g.get(n)||t.continue()),g.delete(n)}function w(e,n){return n===Symbol.asyncIterator&&t(e,[IDBIndex,IDBObjectStore,IDBCursor])||"iterate"===n&&t(e,[IDBIndex,IDBObjectStore])}c((e=>({...e,get:(t,n,r)=>w(t,n)?m:e.get(t,n,r),has:(t,n)=>w(t,n)||e.has(t,n)}))),e.deleteDB=function(e,{blocked:t}={}){const n=indexedDB.deleteDatabase(e);return t&&n.addEventListener("blocked",(e=>t(e.oldVersion,e))),f(n).then((()=>{}))},e.openDB=function(e,t,{blocked:n,upgrade:r,blocking:o,terminated:s}={}){const,t),a=f(i);return r&&i.addEventListener("upgradeneeded",(e=>{r(f(i.result),e.oldVersion,e.newVersion,f(i.transaction),e)})),n&&i.addEventListener("blocked",(e=>n(e.oldVersion,e.newVersion,e))),a.then((e=>{s&&e.addEventListener("close",(()=>s())),o&&e.addEventListener("versionchange",(e=>o(e.oldVersion,e.newVersion,e)))})).catch((()=>{})),a},e.unwrap=l,e.wrap=f}));

build/util.d.ts vendored Normal file
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export declare type Constructor = new (...args: any[]) => any;
export declare type Func = (...args: any[]) => any;
export declare const instanceOfAny: (object: any, constructors: Constructor[]) => boolean;

build/wrap-idb-value.d.ts vendored Normal file
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import { IDBPCursor, IDBPCursorWithValue, IDBPDatabase, IDBPIndex, IDBPObjectStore, IDBPTransaction } from './entry.js';
export declare const reverseTransformCache: WeakMap<object, any>;
export declare function replaceTraps(callback: (currentTraps: ProxyHandler<any>) => ProxyHandler<any>): void;
* Enhance an IDB object with helpers.
* @param value The thing to enhance.
export declare function wrap(value: IDBDatabase): IDBPDatabase;
export declare function wrap(value: IDBIndex): IDBPIndex;
export declare function wrap(value: IDBObjectStore): IDBPObjectStore;
export declare function wrap(value: IDBTransaction): IDBPTransaction;
export declare function wrap(value: IDBOpenDBRequest): Promise<IDBPDatabase | undefined>;
export declare function wrap<T>(value: IDBRequest<T>): Promise<T>;
* Revert an enhanced IDB object to a plain old miserable IDB one.
* Will also revert a promise back to an IDBRequest.
* @param value The enhanced object to revert.
interface Unwrap {
(value: IDBPCursorWithValue<any, any, any, any, any>): IDBCursorWithValue;
(value: IDBPCursor<any, any, any, any, any>): IDBCursor;
(value: IDBPDatabase): IDBDatabase;
(value: IDBPIndex<any, any, any, any, any>): IDBIndex;
(value: IDBPObjectStore<any, any, any, any>): IDBObjectStore;
(value: IDBPTransaction<any, any, any>): IDBTransaction;
<T extends any>(value: Promise<IDBPDatabase<T>>): IDBOpenDBRequest;
(value: Promise<IDBPDatabase>): IDBOpenDBRequest;
<T>(value: Promise<T>): IDBRequest<T>;
export declare const unwrap: Unwrap;
export {};

package.json Normal file
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"name": "@tempfix/idb",
"version": "8.0.0",
"description": "A small wrapper that makes IndexedDB usable",
"main": "./build/index.cjs",
"module": "./build/index.js",
"types": "./build/index.d.ts",
"exports": {
".": {
"types": "./build/index.d.ts",
"module": "./build/index.js",
"import": "./build/index.js",
"default": "./build/index.cjs"
"./build/*": "./build/*",
"./package.json": "./package.json"
"files": [
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"scripts": {
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"dev": "rollup -c --watch",
"prepack": "npm run build"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "git://"
"author": "Jake Archibald",
"license": "ISC",
"devDependencies": {
"@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^22.0.2",
"@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^14.1.0",
"@types/chai": "^4.3.3",
"@types/estree": "^1.0.0",
"@types/mocha": "^9.1.1",
"chai": "^4.3.6",
"conditional-type-checks": "^1.0.6",
"del": "^7.0.0",
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"typescript": "^4.8.3"