2019-09-13 18:16:21 +02:00

186 lines
4.9 KiB

import * as plugins from './docker.plugins';
import { DockerContainer } from './docker.classes.container';
import { DockerNetwork } from './';
import { DockerService } from './docker.classes.service';
export class DockerHost {
* the path where the docker sock can be found
public socketPath: string;
private registryToken: string = '';
* the constructor to instantiate a new docker sock instance
* @param pathArg
constructor(pathArg?: string) {
let pathToUse: string;
if (pathArg) {
pathToUse = pathArg;
} else if (process.env.CI) {
pathToUse = 'http://docker:2375/';
} else {
pathToUse = 'http://unix:/var/run/docker.sock:';
this.socketPath = pathToUse;
* authenticate against a registry
* @param userArg
* @param passArg
public async auth(registryUrl: string, userArg: string, passArg: string) {
const response = await this.request('POST', '/auth', {
serveraddress: registryUrl,
username: userArg,
password: passArg
if (response.body.Status !== 'Login Succeeded') {
console.log(`Login failed with ${response.body.Status}`);
throw new Error(response.body.Status);
this.registryToken = plugins.smartstring.base64.encode(response.body.IdentityToken);
* sets an auth token
* @param authToken
public setAuthToken(authToken: string) {
this.registryToken = authToken;
* gets the token from the .docker/config.json file for GitLab registry
public async getGitlabComTokenFromDockerConfig() {
const dockerConfigPath = plugins.smartpath.get.home('~/.docker/config.json');
const configObject = plugins.smartfile.fs.toObjectSync(dockerConfigPath);
this.registryToken = configObject.auths[''].auth;
* gets all networks
public async getNetworks() {
return await DockerNetwork.getNetworks(this);
* gets all containers
public async getContainers() {
const containerArray = await DockerContainer.getContainers(this);
return containerArray;
* gets all services
public async getServices() {
const serviceArray = await DockerService.getServices(this);
return serviceArray;
public async getEventObservable(): Promise<plugins.rxjs.Observable<any>> {
const response = await this.requestStreaming('GET', '/events');
return plugins.rxjs.Observable.create(observer => {
response.on('data', data => {
const eventString = data.toString();
try {
const eventObject = JSON.parse(eventString);;
} catch (e) {
return () => {
* activates docker swarm
public async activateSwarm(addvertisementIpArg?: string) {
// determine advertisement address
let addvertisementIp: string;
if (addvertisementIpArg) {
addvertisementIp = addvertisementIpArg;
} else {
const smartnetworkInstance = new plugins.smartnetwork.SmartNetwork();
const defaultGateway = await smartnetworkInstance.getDefaultGateway();
if (defaultGateway) {
addvertisementIp = defaultGateway.ipv4.address;
const response = await this.request('POST', '/swarm/init', {
ListenAddr: '',
AdvertiseAddr: addvertisementIp,
DataPathPort: 4789,
DefaultAddrPool: ['', ''],
SubnetSize: 24,
ForceNewCluster: false
if (response.statusCode === 200) {
plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('info', 'created Swam succesfully');
} else {
plugins.smartlog.defaultLogger.log('error', 'could not initiate swarm');
* fire a request
public async request(methodArg: string, routeArg: string, dataArg = {}) {
const requestUrl = `${this.socketPath}${routeArg}`;
const response = await plugins.smartrequest.request(requestUrl, {
method: methodArg,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'X-Registry-Auth': this.registryToken,
Host: 'docker.sock'
requestBody: dataArg,
keepAlive: false
if (response.statusCode !== 200) {
return response;
public async requestStreaming(methodArg: string, routeArg: string, dataArg = {}) {
const requestUrl = `${this.socketPath}${routeArg}`;
const response = await plugins.smartrequest.request(
method: methodArg,
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Host: 'docker.sock'
requestBody: null,
keepAlive: false
return response;