an unofficial api abstraction for tink.com
Availabililty and Links
Status for master
Use TypeScript for best inclass intellisense
// this example assumes toplevel await
import * as tink from '@mojoio/tink';
const tinkAccount = new TinkAccount('<clientId>', '<clientSecret>');
const tinkUser = await tinkAccount.createTinkUser('<YourOwnUniqueUserId/externalUserId>');
const tinkLinkUrl = await tinkUser.getTinkLink('<marketCode like DE>');
// present the link to your user to connect their bank accounts to the tink platform.
const tinkProviderConsents = await tinkUser.getProviderConsents();
for (const providerConsent of tinkProviderConsents) {
const bankAccounts = await providerConsent.getBankAccounts();
for (const bankAccount of bankAccounts) {
const transactions = bankAccount.getTransactions();
// additional stuff
const existingTinkUser = await tinkAccount.getUser('<YourOwnUniqueUserId/externalUserId>')
await existingTinkuser.delete(); // delete the user on the tink platform
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For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
MIT licensed | © Lossless GmbH | By using this npm module you agree to our privacy policy