
955 B


2024-07-06 - 1.1.0 - feat(core)

Added new afterburner logic for specific bank reference

  • Ensured proper accountId formatting for statements with referenceNumber 'BUNQ BV'
  • Added support for parsing MT940 files from buffers and strings
  • Enhanced testing suite with new test cases
  • Included detailed usage examples in readme

2024-07-02 - 1.0.6 - fix(core)

Ensured proper accountId formatting for statements with referenceNumber 'BUNQ BV'

  • Added condition to modify accountId format if referenceNumber is 'BUNQ BV' in parseMt940Buffer method

2023-11-15 - 1.0.5 - Minor Fixes

  • Fixes in core components for stability

2023-11-15 - 1.0.4 - Minor Fixes

  • Fixes in core components for stability

2023-11-15 - 1.0.3 - Minor Fixes

  • Fixes in core components for stability

2023-11-15 - 1.0.2 - Minor Fixes

  • Fixes in core components for stability

2022-12-06 - 1.0.2 - Minor Fixes

  • Fixes in core components for stability