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2025-03-07 - 1.13.1 - fix(cli)

Improve commit message logging

  • Updated logging to display recommended next commit details.
  • Enabled interactive prompt for choosing commit type and scope.

2025-02-28 - 1.13.0 - feat(templates)

Updated and added new TypeScript template files for npm projects

  • Added new paths.ts and plugins.ts template files for npm projects.
  • Removed outdated some.plugins.ts template file.

2025-02-25 - 1.12.8 - fix(metadata)

Updated package and npmextra json description and keywords for enhanced development workflow clarity

  • Updated the description in package.json to focus on project setup and management.
  • Aligned the keywords in both package.json and npmextra.json to include more relevant terms such as gitzone utilities, template management, and CI/CD.

2025-02-25 - 1.12.7 - fix(meta)

Fix issues in project metadata and configuration.

  • Updated package metadata to ensure accurate project description and licensing.
  • Ensured npm access level configuration consistency within npmextra.json.

2025-02-25 - 1.12.7 - fix(ci)

Updated dependencies and added CI/CD workflows.

  • Updated several dependencies in package.json for compatibility and security.
  • Added default GitHub and GitLab CI/CD workflow files to the test directory.
  • Introduced a .gitignore file to exclude certain directories and files.
  • Ensured consistent formatting with Prettier and TypeScript configurations.

2025-01-29 - 1.12.6 - fix(project)

Minor fixes and cleanup

  • Removed outdated pages/ directory entry in .gitignore.
  • Adjusted Docker module files to include proper newlines.
  • Updated TypeScript configuration for modular paths.
  • Fixed formatting issues across various TypeScript files.

2025-01-29 - 1.12.5 - fix(cli)

Initial implementation of CLI utility with project management features

  • Integration of various plugins for logging, command-line interactions, and project management.
  • Setup CLI commands for project initialization, updating, formatting, and more.
  • Implement commands for packaging, versioning, and deprecating npm packages.

2025-01-29 - 1.12.2 - fix(format)

Add overrides for peek-readable in package.json formatting

  • Added a URL correction in the packageJson repository information.
  • Introduced support for pnpm overrides by including an overrides.json file.

2025-01-18 - 1.12.1 - fix(dependencies)

Update various package dependencies and Dockerfile base image

  • Updated Dockerfile base image from 'alpinenpmci' to 'alpine_npmci'.
  • Upgraded,,, and other dependencies to their latest versions.

2025-01-17 - 1.12.0 - feat(build)

Update TypeScript configuration to support emit decorator metadata

  • Added emitDecoratorMetadata to the tsconfig.json template in assets/templates/tsconfig_update.

2025-01-08 - 1.11.0 - feat(cli)

Add Docker command for cleaning up Docker system and extend deprecation command for multiple registries

  • Added a new command 'docker' to handle Docker system cleanup operations.
  • Improved the 'deprecate' command to support deprecating packages across multiple npm registry URLs.

2025-01-01 - 1.10.10 - fix(templates)

Corrected typo in template file comment

  • Fixed repeated comment in the template file for services under 'assets/templates/service/ts/some.plugins.ts'.

2025-01-01 - 1.10.9 - fix(templates)

Correct template file paths and organization for service projects

  • Moved 'some.classes.some.ts' to 'classes.some.ts'
  • Moved 'some.classes.some.db.ts' to 'classes.some.db.ts'
  • Resolved incorrect import paths in service templates

2025-01-01 - 1.10.8 - fix(assets/templates)

Update CI template configurations to use module.githost

  • Replaced occurrences of {{}} with {{module.githost}} in CI workflow files
  • Updated package dependencies for service template

2024-12-26 - 1.10.7 - fix(assets)

Correct URLs in templates and fix TypeScript declaration

  • Updated incorrect URLs in Dockerfile templates to ''.
  • Fixed type declaration for 'TemplateResult' in header.ts file.

2024-12-08 - 1.10.6 - fix(ci)

Corrected Docker image URL in CI templates

  • Updated Docker image URL from '' to '' in default_nottags.yaml and default_tags.yaml.
  • Adjusted gitignore template to include a custom section delineation.

2024-12-02 - 1.10.5 - fix(assets)

Update .gitignore template to remove pages directory

  • Removed 'pages/' from the ignored directories in the .gitignore template.

2024-11-05 - 1.10.4 - fix(mod_format)

Correct file extension for TypeScript path configuration

  • Fixed the TypeScript configuration to use correct file extensions for module subdirectories.

2024-10-27 - 1.10.3 - fix(mod_format)

Reorder TypeScript formatting steps in mod_format module

  • Moved TypeScript configuration formatting earlier in the sequence for better logical consistency.

2024-10-27 - 1.10.2 - fix(format)

Add logging for tsconfig.json formatting

  • Added an info log message for tsconfig.json formatting in format.tsconfig.ts.

2024-10-27 - 1.10.1 - fix(format)

Fixed async issue in tsconfig module lookup and corrected property access

2024-10-27 - 1.10.0 - feat(mod_format)

Add support for tsconfig.json formatting

  • Added a new script to format tsconfig.json.
  • Updated package.json to include as a dependency.

2024-10-23 - 1.9.126 - fix(format)

Remove redundant package.json property checks

  • Removed property checks for main, typings, and browserslist from format.packagejson.ts
  • This change streamlines the formatting process by removing unnecessary exits

2024-09-29 - 1.9.125 - fix(cli)

Fix package version configuration and formatting issues

  • Updated metadata fields in package.json (repository URL, bugs URL, and homepage).
  • Ensured presence and correctness of essential fields in package.json (main, typings, files, scripts, etc.).
  • Added missing Prettier default TypeScript and Markdown configurations.

2024-09-27 - 1.9.124 - fix(cli)

Ensured proper existence and initialization of readme files

  • Ensured and files are created and initialized if they do not exist.

2024-09-27 - 1.9.123 - fix(core)

No changes detected

2024-09-27 - 1.9.123 - fix(core)

Update dependencies and improve build configurations

  • Updated several dependencies in package.json for better compatibility
  • Changed typedserver dependency version in website template
  • Adjusted website server and service worker in templates
  • Added security and test workflows for Gitea repositories
  • Added and configured .gitignore, .npmrc, .vscode settings for the project
  • Provided initial structure for readme and readme hints

2024-06-24 - 1.9.122 - fix(mod_commit)

Update package.json dependencies: and to latest versions.

    • Updated to ^1.3.12
    • Updated to ^11.0.21

2024-06-23 - 1.9.121 - fix(mod_commit)

Fix changelog template rendering by removing extra new line when no version details are provided.

  • Update package.json dependencies: and to latest versions.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.120 - fix(mod_commit)

Handle edge case for empty version details in changelog formatting

  • Added check for the length of the recommendedNextVersionDetails array
  • Ensure no extra newline in changelog if there are no version details

2024-06-23 - 1.9.119 - fix(dependencies)

Update to v1.3.8

  • Updated from v1.3.7 to v1.3.8 in package.json

2024-06-23 - 1.9.118 - fix(dependencies)

Update to version 1.3.7

  • Bump from 1.3.6 to 1.3.7 in both package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml

2024-06-23 - 1.9.117 - fix(dependencies)

Update dependency to v1.3.6

  • Updated version from 1.3.5 to 1.3.6 in package.json
  • Updated pnpm-lock.yaml to reflect the new version of

2024-06-23 - 1.9.116 - fix(dependencies)

Update to version 1.3.5

  • Updated the dependency in package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml from version 1.3.4 to 1.3.5
  • Removed the outdated file.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.114 - fix(format)

Fixed formatting issues across multiple TypeScript files.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.113 - fix(mod_commit)

Remove extra new lines in changelog.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.112 - fix(core)

Update changelog formatting and remove outdated entries.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.111 - fix(changelog)

Remove outdated changelog entries and update formatting.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.110 - fix(dependencies)

Update to version 1.3.4.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.109 - fix(changelog)

Remove outdated entries and adjust formatting in changelog.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.108 - fix(dependencies)

Update dependency to version 1.3.2.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.107 - fix(changelog)

Remove placeholder entries and adjust formatting in changelog.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.106 - fix(dependencies)

Updated from version 1.3.0 to 1.3.1.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.105 - fix(dependencies)

Updated dependency from 1.2.2 to 1.3.0 in package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.104 - fix(changelog)

Remove placeholder entries and adjust formatting in changelog.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.103 - fix(changelog)

Fix changelog to remove placeholder entries and adjust formatting.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.102 - fix(logging)

Optimize logger instantiation and configuration.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.101 - fix(metadata)

Ensure accurate project metadata in package.json.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.100 - fix(dependencies)

Updated dependency version to ^1.2.2 in package.json and pnpm-lock.yaml.

2024-06-23 - 1.9.99 - fix(mod_commit)

Fix variable reassignment issue in changelog writing step.