docker image with nodejs and ship.zone support
Availabililty and Links
Status for master
The purpose of this Docker image is to provide a robust base for node apps and CI. It comes in different flavours and all of them have node, npm, git and ssh in PATH.
The :npmci flavour has npmci in path and can install any required node version and update PATH accordingly:
FROM hosttoday/ht-docker-node:npmci
RUN npmci install [node_version_number] // this installs node using node and sets the default to the new node and npm versions
Registry | Image Path |
GitLab Registry | registry.gitlab.com/hosttoday/ht-docker-node |
Docker Hub | hosttoday/ht-docker-node |
Flavour Overview
- :lts - node lts version, equals :latest
- :stable - node stable version
- :npmci - npmci preinstalled
- :npmts - npmci + npmts preinstalled
- :npmpage - npmci + npmts + npmpage preinstalled
- :mongo - npmci + npmts + mongo
For further information read the linked docs at the top of this README.
MIT licensed | © Lossless GmbH | By using this npm module you agree to our privacy policy
For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
MIT licensed | © Lossless GmbH | By using this npm module you agree to our privacy policy