browserify fully implemented
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,12 +2,14 @@
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@ -1,11 +1,15 @@
/// <reference path="./index.ts" />
var GulpBrowserBrowserify;
(function (GulpBrowserBrowserify) {
function init() {
return function () {
//this is the trough object that gets returned by gulpBrowser.browserify();
return through.obj(function (file, enc, cb) {
var content = file.content;
var content = String(file.contents);
var basedir = file.base;
var bundleCallback = function (err, bundledBuffer) {
//run callback function to signal end of plugin process.
return cb(null, file);
@ -18,6 +22,7 @@ var GulpBrowserBrowserify;
var through = require("through2");
var path = require("path");
var browserify = require("browserify");
var pr = require("pushrocks");
//create the return object
var gulpBrowser = {};
gulpBrowser.browserify = GulpBrowserBrowserify.init();
@ -25,7 +25,10 @@
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"browserify": "^11.2.0"
"browserify": "^11.2.0",
"gutil": "^1.6.4",
"pushrocks": "^1.0.18",
"through2": "^2.0.0"
"devDependencies": {
"gulp": "3.9.0",
@ -2,8 +2,10 @@
/// <reference path="./modulebrowserify.ts" />
var through = require("through2");
var gutil = require("gulp-util");
var path = require("path");
var browserify = require("browserify");
var pr = require("pushrocks");
//create the return object
var gulpBrowser:any = {};
@ -1,16 +1,15 @@
/// <reference path="./index.ts" />
module GulpBrowserBrowserify {
export function init() {
return function() {
//this is the trough object that gets returned by gulpBrowser.browserify();
return through.obj((file, enc, cb) => {
var content = file.content;
var basedir = file.base;
//run callback function to signal end of plugin process.
return cb(null, file);
return through.obj((file, enc, cb) => { //this is the trough object that gets returned by gulpBrowser.browserify();
var content = String(file.contents); // get the content of the file
var bundleCallback = (err,bundledBuffer) => { //gets called by browserify, arrow function (TS) preserves this
file.contents = bundledBuffer;
@ -6,7 +6,10 @@
"bundle": "typings/tsd.d.ts",
"installed": {
"node/node.d.ts": {
"commit": "efa0c1196d7280640e624ac1e7fa604502e7bd63"
"commit": "3191f6e0088eee07c4d8fd24e4d27a40a60d9eb9"
"browserify/browserify.d.ts": {
"commit": "3191f6e0088eee07c4d8fd24e4d27a40a60d9eb9"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
// Type definitions for Browserify
// Project:
// Definitions by: Andrew Gaspar <>
// Definitions:
/// <reference path="../node/node.d.ts" />
interface BrowserifyObject extends NodeJS.EventEmitter {
add(file:string, opts?:any): BrowserifyObject;
require(file:string, opts?:{
expose: string;
}): BrowserifyObject;
insertGlobals?: boolean;
detectGlobals?: boolean;
debug?: boolean;
standalone?: string;
insertGlobalVars?: any;
}, cb?:(err:any, src:any) => void): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
external(file:string, opts?:any): BrowserifyObject;
ignore(file:string, opts?:any): BrowserifyObject;
transform(tr:string, opts?:any): BrowserifyObject;
transform(tr:Function, opts?:any): BrowserifyObject;
plugin(plugin:string, opts?:any): BrowserifyObject;
plugin(plugin:Function, opts?:any): BrowserifyObject;
interface Browserify {
(): BrowserifyObject;
(files:string[]): BrowserifyObject;
entries?: string[];
noParse?: string[];
}): BrowserifyObject;
declare module "browserify" {
var browserify: Browserify;
export = browserify;
@ -9,6 +9,11 @@
* *
interface Error {
stack?: string;
// compat for TypeScript 1.5.3
// if you use with --target es3 or --target es5 and use below definitions,
// use the lib.es6.d.ts that is bundled with TypeScript 1.5.3.
@ -114,7 +119,7 @@ declare var Buffer: {
* @param obj object to test.
isBuffer(obj: any): boolean;
isBuffer(obj: any): obj is Buffer;
* Returns true if {encoding} is a valid encoding argument.
* Valid string encodings in Node 0.12: 'ascii'|'utf8'|'utf16le'|'ucs2'(alias of 'utf16le')|'base64'|'binary'(deprecated)|'hex'
@ -188,8 +193,7 @@ declare module NodeJS {
export interface WritableStream extends EventEmitter {
writable: boolean;
write(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(buffer: Buffer|string, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
end(): void;
end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
@ -373,21 +377,21 @@ interface NodeBuffer {
readFloatBE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
readDoubleLE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
readDoubleBE(offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeUInt8(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeUInt16LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeUInt16BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeUInt32LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeUInt32BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeInt8(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeInt16LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeInt16BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeInt32LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeInt32BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeFloatLE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeFloatBE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeDoubleLE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
writeDoubleBE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): void;
fill(value: any, offset?: number, end?: number): void;
writeUInt8(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeUInt16LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeUInt16BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeUInt32LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeUInt32BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeInt8(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeInt16LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeInt16BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeInt32LE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeInt32BE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeFloatLE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeFloatBE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeDoubleLE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
writeDoubleBE(value: number, offset: number, noAssert?: boolean): number;
fill(value: any, offset?: number, end?: number): Buffer;
@ -856,7 +860,7 @@ declare module "child_process" {
env?: any;
encoding?: string;
timeout?: number;
maxBuffer?: string;
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
}, callback?: (error: Error, stdout: Buffer, stderr: Buffer) =>void ): ChildProcess;
export function fork(modulePath: string, args?: string[], options?: {
@ -864,6 +868,26 @@ declare module "child_process" {
env?: any;
encoding?: string;
}): ChildProcess;
export function spawnSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: {
cwd?: string;
input?: string | Buffer;
stdio?: any;
env?: any;
uid?: number;
gid?: number;
timeout?: number;
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
encoding?: string;
}): {
pid: number;
output: string[];
stdout: string | Buffer;
stderr: string | Buffer;
status: number;
signal: string;
error: Error;
export function execSync(command: string, options?: {
cwd?: string;
input?: string|Buffer;
@ -875,7 +899,7 @@ declare module "child_process" {
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
encoding?: string;
}): ChildProcess;
}): string | Buffer;
export function execFileSync(command: string, args?: string[], options?: {
cwd?: string;
input?: string|Buffer;
@ -887,7 +911,7 @@ declare module "child_process" {
maxBuffer?: number;
killSignal?: string;
encoding?: string;
}): ChildProcess;
}): string | Buffer;
declare module "url" {
@ -1062,6 +1086,7 @@ declare module "fs" {
atime: Date;
mtime: Date;
ctime: Date;
birthtime: Date;
interface FSWatcher extends events.EventEmitter {
@ -1214,6 +1239,9 @@ declare module "fs" {
export function fsyncSync(fd: number): void;
export function write(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: Buffer) => void): void;
export function write(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, buffer: Buffer) => void): void;
export function write(fd: number, data: any, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, str: string) => void): void;
export function write(fd: number, data: any, offset: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, str: string) => void): void;
export function write(fd: number, data: any, offset: number, encoding: string, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, written: number, str: string) => void): void;
export function writeSync(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number): number;
export function read(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number, callback?: (err: NodeJS.ErrnoException, bytesRead: number, buffer: Buffer) => void): void;
export function readSync(fd: number, buffer: Buffer, offset: number, length: number, position: number): number;
@ -1302,21 +1330,15 @@ declare module "fs" {
export function createReadStream(path: string, options?: {
flags?: string;
encoding?: string;
fd?: string;
fd?: number;
mode?: number;
bufferSize?: number;
}): ReadStream;
export function createReadStream(path: string, options?: {
flags?: string;
encoding?: string;
fd?: string;
mode?: string;
bufferSize?: number;
autoClose?: boolean;
}): ReadStream;
export function createWriteStream(path: string, options?: {
flags?: string;
encoding?: string;
string?: string;
fd?: number;
mode?: number;
}): WriteStream;
@ -1622,12 +1644,12 @@ declare module "crypto" {
setAutoPadding(auto_padding: boolean): void;
export function createSign(algorithm: string): Signer;
interface Signer {
interface Signer extends NodeJS.WritableStream {
update(data: any): void;
sign(private_key: string, output_format: string): string;
export function createVerify(algorith: string): Verify;
interface Verify {
interface Verify extends NodeJS.WritableStream {
update(data: any): void;
verify(object: string, signature: string, signature_format?: string): boolean;
@ -1671,14 +1693,13 @@ declare module "stream" {
readable: boolean;
constructor(opts?: ReadableOptions);
_read(size: number): void;
read(size?: number): string|Buffer;
read(size?: number): any;
setEncoding(encoding: string): void;
pause(): void;
resume(): void;
pipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean; }): T;
unpipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination?: T): void;
unshift(chunk: string): void;
unshift(chunk: Buffer): void;
unshift(chunk: any): void;
wrap(oldStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
push(chunk: any, encoding?: string): boolean;
@ -1686,20 +1707,18 @@ declare module "stream" {
export interface WritableOptions {
highWaterMark?: number;
decodeStrings?: boolean;
objectMode?: boolean;
export class Writable extends events.EventEmitter implements NodeJS.WritableStream {
writable: boolean;
constructor(opts?: WritableOptions);
_write(data: Buffer, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
_write(data: string, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
write(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
_write(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
write(chunk: any, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
end(): void;
end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
end(str: string, cb?: Function): void;
end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
end(chunk: any, cb?: Function): void;
end(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
export interface DuplexOptions extends ReadableOptions, WritableOptions {
@ -1710,15 +1729,12 @@ declare module "stream" {
export class Duplex extends Readable implements NodeJS.ReadWriteStream {
writable: boolean;
constructor(opts?: DuplexOptions);
_write(data: Buffer, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
_write(data: string, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
write(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
_write(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
write(chunk: any, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
end(): void;
end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
end(str: string, cb?: Function): void;
end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
end(chunk: any, cb?: Function): void;
end(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
export interface TransformOptions extends ReadableOptions, WritableOptions {}
@ -1728,8 +1744,7 @@ declare module "stream" {
readable: boolean;
writable: boolean;
constructor(opts?: TransformOptions);
_transform(chunk: Buffer, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
_transform(chunk: string, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
_transform(chunk: any, encoding: string, callback: Function): void;
_flush(callback: Function): void;
read(size?: number): any;
setEncoding(encoding: string): void;
@ -1737,17 +1752,14 @@ declare module "stream" {
resume(): void;
pipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination: T, options?: { end?: boolean; }): T;
unpipe<T extends NodeJS.WritableStream>(destination?: T): void;
unshift(chunk: string): void;
unshift(chunk: Buffer): void;
unshift(chunk: any): void;
wrap(oldStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): NodeJS.ReadableStream;
push(chunk: any, encoding?: string): boolean;
write(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(chunk: any, cb?: Function): boolean;
write(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): boolean;
end(): void;
end(buffer: Buffer, cb?: Function): void;
end(str: string, cb?: Function): void;
end(str: string, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
end(chunk: any, cb?: Function): void;
end(chunk: any, encoding?: string, cb?: Function): void;
export class PassThrough extends Transform {}
@ -1774,6 +1786,7 @@ declare module "util" {
export function isDate(object: any): boolean;
export function isError(object: any): boolean;
export function inherits(constructor: any, superConstructor: any): void;
export function debuglog(key:string): (msg:string,...param: any[])=>void;
declare module "assert" {
@ -1 +1,2 @@
/// <reference path="node/node.d.ts" />
/// <reference path="browserify/browserify.d.ts" />
Reference in New Issue
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