
751 lines
29 KiB

import * as plugins from './smartacme.plugins'
import * as q from 'q'
import * as crypto from 'crypto'
import * as fs from 'fs'
import * as readline from 'readline'
import { JWebClient } from './smartacme.classes.jwebclient'
import { IReqResArg } from './smartacme.classes.jwebclient'
* json_to_utf8buffer
* @private
* @description convert JSON to Buffer using UTF-8 encoding
* @param {Object} obj
* @return {Buffer}
* @throws Exception if object cannot be stringified or contains cycle
let json_to_utf8buffer = (obj) => {
return new Buffer(JSON.stringify(obj), 'utf8')
* @class AcmeClient
* @constructor
* @description ACME protocol implementation from client perspective
* @param {string} directory_url - Address of directory
* @param {module:JWebClient~JWebClient} jWebClient - Reference to JSON-Web-Client
export class AcmeClient {
clientProfilePubKey: any
daysValid: number
defaultRsaKeySize: number
directory: any
directoryUrl: string
emailDefaultPrefix: string
emailOverride: string
jWebClient: any
regLink: string
tosLink: string
webroot: string
wellKnownPath: string
withInteraction: boolean
constructor(directoryUrlArg) {
* @member {Object} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#clientProfilePubKey
* @desc Cached public key obtained from profile
this.clientProfilePubKey = {}
* @member {number} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#days_valid
* @desc Validity period in days
* @default 1
this.daysValid = 1
* @member {number} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#defaultRsaKeySize
* @desc Key strength in bits
* @default 4096
this.defaultRsaKeySize = 4096
* @member {Object} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#directory
* @desc Hash map of REST URIs
*/ = {}
* @member {string} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#directory_url
* @desc Address of directory
this.directoryUrl = directoryUrlArg
* @member {string} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#emailDefaultPrefix
* @desc Prefix of email address if constructed from domain name
* @default "hostmaster"
this.emailDefaultPrefix = 'hostmaster' // {string}
* @member {string} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#emailOverride
* @desc Email address to use
this.emailOverride = null // {string}
* @member {module:JWebClient~JWebClient} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#jWebClient
* @desc Reference to JSON-Web-Client
this.jWebClient = new JWebClient() // {JWebClient}
* @member {string} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#regLink
* @desc Cached registration URI
this.regLink = null // {string}
* @member {string} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#tosLink
* @desc Cached terms of service URI
this.tosLink = null // {string}
* @member {string} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#webroot
* @desc Path to server web root (or path to store challenge data)
* @default "."
this.webroot = '.' // {string}
* @member {string} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#well_known_path
* @desc Directory structure for challenge data
* @default "/.well-known/acme-challenge/"
this.wellKnownPath = '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' // {string}
* @member {boolean} module:AcmeClient~AcmeClient#withInteraction
* @desc Determines if interaction of user is required
* @default true
this.withInteraction = true // {boolean}
// *****************************************************************************
// REQUEST-Section
// *****************************************************************************
* getDirectory
* @description retrieve directory entries (directory url must be set prior to execution)
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
getDirectory() {
let done = q.defer<IReqResArg>()
.then((reqResArg: IReqResArg) => {
return done.promise
* newRegistration
* @description try to register (directory lookup must have occured prior to execution)
* @param {Object} payload
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
newRegistration(payload, callback) {
if (!(payload instanceof Object)) {
payload = {} // ensure payload is object
payload.resource = 'new-reg'['new-reg'], payload, callback, callback)
// dereference
callback = null
payload = null
* getRegistration
* @description get information about registration
* @param {string} uri - will be exposed when trying to register
* @param {Object} payload - update information
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
getRegistration(uri, payload) {
let done = q.defer<IReqResArg>()
payload['resource'] = 'reg', payload, (ans, res) => {
if (ans instanceof Object) {
this.clientProfilePubKey = ans.key // cache or reset returned public key
if ((res instanceof Object) && (res['headers'] instanceof Object)) {
let linkStr = res.headers['link']
if (typeof linkStr === 'string') {
let tosLink = this.getTosLink(linkStr)
if (typeof tosLink === 'string') {
this.tosLink = tosLink // cache TOS link
} else {
this.tosLink = null // reset TOS link
} else {
this.tosLink = null // reset TOS link
} else {
this.tosLink = null // reset TOS link
done.resolve({ ans: ans, res: res })
} else {
done.reject(new Error('some error'))
return done.promise
* authorizeDomain
* @description authorize domain using challenge-response-method
* @param {string} domain
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
authorizeDomain(domain, callback) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = this.emptyCallback // ensure callback is function
.then(profile => {
if (!(profile instanceof Object)) {
callback(false) // no profile returned
} else {['new-authz'], this.makeDomainAuthorizationRequest(domain), (ans, res) => {
if ((res instanceof Object) && (res['statusCode'] === 403)) { // if unauthorized
this.agreeTos(this.tosLink, (ans_, res_) => { // agree to TOS
if ( // if TOS were agreed successfully
(res_ instanceof Object)
&& (res_['statusCode'] >= 200)
&& (res_['statusCode'] <= 400)
) {
this.authorizeDomain(domain, callback) // try authorization again
} else {
callback(false) // agreement failed
} else {
if (
(res instanceof Object)
&& (res['headers'] instanceof Object)
&& (typeof res.headers['location'] === 'string')
&& (ans instanceof Object)
) {
let poll_uri = res.headers['location'] // status URI for polling
let challenge = this.selectChallenge(ans, 'http-01') // select simple http challenge
if (challenge instanceof Object) { // desired challenge is in list
this.prepareChallenge(domain, challenge, () => { // prepare all objects and files for challenge
// reset
ans = null
res = null
// accept challenge
this.acceptChallenge(challenge, (ans, res) => {
if (
(res instanceof Object)
&& (res['statusCode'] < 400) // server confirms challenge acceptance
) {
this.pollUntilValid(poll_uri, callback) // poll status until server states success
} else {
callback(false) // server did not confirm challenge acceptance
} else {
callback(false) // desired challenge is not in list
} else {
callback(false) // server did not respond with status URI
* acceptChallenge
* @description tell server which challenge will be accepted
* @param {Object} challenge
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
acceptChallenge(challenge, callback) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (!(challenge instanceof Object)) {
challenge = {} // ensure challenge is object
}['uri'], this.makeChallengeResponse(challenge), callback)
// dereference
callback = null
challenge = null
* pollUntilValid
* @description periodically (with exponential back-off) check status of challenge
* @param {string} uri
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
* @param {number} retry - factor of delay
pollUntilValid(uri, callback, retry = 1) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = this.emptyCallback // ensure callback is function
if (retry > 128) {
callback(false) // stop if retry value exceeds maximum
} else {
this.jWebClient.get(uri, (ans, res) => {
if (!(ans instanceof Object)) {
callback(false) // invalid answer
} else {
if (ans['status'] === 'pending') { // still pending
setTimeout(() => {
this.pollUntilValid(uri, callback, retry * 2) // retry
}, retry * 500)
} else {
callback(ans, res) // challenge complete
* pollUntilIssued
* @description periodically (with exponential back-off) check status of CSR
* @param {string} uri
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
* @param {number} retry - factor of delay
pollUntilIssued(uri, callback, retry = 1) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = this.emptyCallback // ensure callback is function
if (retry > 128) {
callback(false) // stop if retry value exceeds maximum
} else {
this.jWebClient.get(uri, (ans, res) => {
if ((ans instanceof Buffer) && (ans.length > 0)) {
callback(ans) // certificate was returned with answer
} else {
if ((res instanceof Object) && (res['statusCode'] < 400)) { // still pending
setTimeout(() => {
this.pollUntilIssued(uri, callback, retry * 2) // retry
}, retry * 500)
} else {
callback(false) // CSR complete
* requestSigning
* @description send CSR
* @param {string} domain - expected to be already sanitized
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
requestSigning(domain, callback) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = this.emptyCallback // ensure callback is function
fs.readFile(domain + '.csr', (err, csrBuffer: Buffer) => {
if (err instanceof Object) { // file system error
if (this.jWebClient.verbose) {
console.error('Error : File system error', err['code'], 'while reading key from file')
} else {
let csr = csrBuffer.toString()['new-cert'], this.makeCertRequest(csr, this.daysValid), (ans, res) => {
if ((ans instanceof Buffer) && (ans.length > 0)) { // answer is buffer
callback(ans) // certificate was returned with answer
} else {
if (res instanceof Object) {
if ((res['statusCode'] < 400) && !ans) { // success response, but no answer was provided
let headers = res['headers']
if (!(headers instanceof Object)) {
headers = {} // ensure headers is object
this.pollUntilIssued(headers['location'], callback) // poll provided status URI
// dereference
headers = null
} else {
callback((res['statusCode'] < 400) ? ans : false) // answer may be provided as string or object
} else {
callback(false) // invalid response
* retrieves profile of user (will make directory lookup and registration check)
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
getProfile() {
let done = q.defer()
.then((dir) => {
if (!(dir instanceof Object)) {
done.reject(new Error('server did not respond with directory'))
} else { = dir // cache directory
this.newRegistration(null, (ans, res) => { // try new registration to get registration link
if (
(res instanceof Object)
&& (res['headers'] instanceof Object)
&& (typeof res.headers['location'] === 'string')
) {
this.regLink = res.headers['location']
this.getRegistration(this.regLink, null)
.then((reqResArg: IReqResArg) => {
}) // get registration info from link
} else {
done.reject(new Error('registration failed'))
return done.promise
* createAccount
* @description create new account (assumes directory lookup has already occured)
* @param {string} email
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the registration URI
createAccount(email, callback) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (typeof email === 'string') {
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = this.emptyCallback // ensure callback is function
contact: [
'mailto:' + email
(ans, res) => {
if (
(res instanceof Object)
&& (res['statusCode'] === 201)
&& (res['headers'] instanceof Object)
&& (typeof res.headers['location'] === 'string')
) {
this.regLink = res.headers['location']
callback(this.regLink) // registration URI
} else {
callback(false) // registration failed
} else {
callback(false) // no email address provided
* agreeTos
* @description agree with terms of service (update agreement status in profile)
* @param {string} tosLink
* @param {function} callback - first argument will be the answer object
agreeTos(tosLink, callback) {
let done = q.defer()
this.getRegistration(this.regLink, {
'Agreement': tosLink // terms of service URI
}).then(() => { done.resolve() })
* Entry-Point: Request certificate
* @param {string} domain
* @param {string} organization
* @param {string} country
* @param {function} callback
* @returns Promise
requestCertificate(domain: string, organization: string, country: string) {
let done = q.defer()
.then((profile) => {
let email = this.extractEmail(profile) // try to determine email address from profile
let bit = this.defaultRsaKeySize
// sanitize
bit = Number(bit)
country = this.makeSafeFileName(country)
domain = this.makeSafeFileName(domain)
email = this.makeSafeFileName(email)
organization = this.makeSafeFileName(organization)
// create key pair
this.createKeyPair(bit, country, organization, domain, email)
.then(() => { // create key pair
this.requestSigning(domain, (cert) => { // send CSR
if ((cert instanceof Buffer) || (typeof cert === 'string')) { // valid certificate data
fs.writeFile(domain + '.der', cert, (err) => { // sanitize domain name for file path
if (err instanceof Object) { // file system error
if (this.jWebClient.verbose) {
console.error('Error : File system error', err['code'], 'while writing certificate to file')
} else {
done.resolve() // CSR complete and certificate written to file system
} else {
done.reject('invalid certificate data')
return done.promise
* External: Create key pair
* @param {number} bit - key strength, expected to be already sanitized
* @param {string} c - country code, expected to be already sanitized
* @param {string} o - organization, expected to be already sanitized
* @param {string} cn - common name (domain name), expected to be already sanitized
* @param {string} e - email address, expected to be already sanitized
* @param {function} callback
createKeyPair(bit, c, o, cn, e) {
let done = q.defer()
let openssl = `openssl req -new -nodes -newkey rsa:${bit} -sha256 -subj "/C=${c}/O=${o}/CN=${cn}/emailAddress=${e}" -keyout \"${cn}.key\" -outform der -out \"${cn}.csr\"`
console.error('Action : Creating key pair')
if (this.jWebClient.verbose) {
console.error('Running:', openssl)
plugins.shelljs.exec(openssl, (codeArg, stdOutArg, stdErrorArg) => {
if (!stdErrorArg) {
} else {
return done.promise
* Helper: Empty callback
emptyCallback() {
// nop
* Helper: Make safe file name or path from string
* @param {string} name
* @param {boolean} withPath - optional, default false
* @return {string}
makeSafeFileName(name, withPath = false) {
if (typeof name !== 'string') {
name = ''
// respects file name restrictions for ntfs and ext2
let regexFile = '[<>:\"/\\\\\\|\\?\\*\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f\\u0080-\\u009f]'
let regexPath = '[<>:\"\\\\\\|\\?\\*\\u0000-\\u001f\\u007f\\u0080-\\u009f]'
return name.replace(new RegExp(withPath ? regexPath : regexFile, 'g'), (charToReplace) => {
if (typeof charToReplace === 'string') {
return '%' + charToReplace.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toLocaleUpperCase()
return '%00'
* Helper: Prepare challenge
* @param {string} domain
* @param {Object} challenge
* @param {function} callback
prepareChallenge(domain, challenge, callback) {
/*jshint -W069, unused:false*/
if (typeof callback !== 'function') {
callback = this.emptyCallback // ensure callback is function
if (challenge instanceof Object) {
if (challenge['type'] === 'http-01') { // simple http challenge
let path = this.webroot + this.wellKnownPath + challenge['token'] // webroot and well_known_path are expected to be already sanitized
fs.writeFile(path, this.makeKeyAuthorization(challenge), (err) => { // create challenge file
if (err instanceof Object) { // file system error
if (this.jWebClient.verbose) {
'Error : File system error',
err['code'], 'while writing challenge data to file'
} else {
// let uri = "http://" + domain + this.well_known_path + challenge["token"]
let rl = readline.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout)
if (this.withInteraction) {
rl.question('Press enter to proceed', (answer) => { // wait for user to proceed
} else {
callback() // skip interaction prompt if desired
} else { // no supported challenge
console.error('Error : Challenge not supported')
} else { // invalid challenge response
console.error('Error : Invalid challenge response')
* Helper: Extract TOS Link, e.g. from "&lt;http://...&gt;;rel="terms-of-service"
* @param {string} linkStr
* @return {string}
getTosLink(linkStr) {
let match = /(<)([^>]+)(>;rel="terms-of-service")/g.exec(linkStr)
if ((match instanceof Array) && (match.length > 2)) {
let result = match[2]
// dereference
match = null
return result
* Helper: Select challenge by type
* @param {Object} ans
* @param {string} challenge_type
* @return {Object}
selectChallenge(ans, challengeType: string) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if ((ans instanceof Object) && (ans['challenges'] instanceof Array)) {
return ans.challenges.filter((entry) => {
let type = entry['type']
// dereference
entry = null
if (type === challengeType) { // check for type match
return true
return false
} // return first match or undefined
// dereference
ans = null
return void 0 // challenges not available or in expected format
* Helper: Extract first found email from profile (without mailto prefix)
* @param {Object} profile
* @return {string}
extractEmail(profile) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (!(profile instanceof Object) || !(profile['contact'] instanceof Array)) {
// dereference
profile = null
return void 0 // invalid profile
let prefix = 'mailto:'
let email = => {
if (typeof entry !== 'string') {
return false
} else {
return !entry.indexOf(prefix) // check for mail prefix
// dereference
profile = null
if (typeof email !== 'string') {
return void 0
} // return default
return email.substr(prefix.length) // only return email address without protocol prefix
* Make ACME-Request: Domain-Authorization Request - Object: resource, identifier
* @param {string} domain
* @return {{resource: string, identifier: Object}}
makeDomainAuthorizationRequest(domain) {
return {
'resource': 'new-authz',
'identifier': {
'type': 'dns',
'value': domain
* Make ACME-Object: Key-Authorization (encoded) - String: Challenge-Token . Encoded-Account-Key-Hash
* @param {Object} challenge
* @return {string}
makeKeyAuthorization(challenge) {
/*jshint -W069 */
if (challenge instanceof Object) {
if (this.clientProfilePubKey instanceof Object) {
let jwk = json_to_utf8buffer({
e: this.clientProfilePubKey['e'],
kty: this.clientProfilePubKey['kty'],
n: this.clientProfilePubKey['n']
let hash = crypto.createHash('sha256').update(jwk.toString('utf8'), 'utf8').digest()
// create base64 encoded hash of account key
let ACCOUNT_KEY = plugins.smartstring.base64.encodeUri(hash.toString())
let token = challenge['token']
return token + '.' + ACCOUNT_KEY
} else {
return '' // return default (for writing to file)
* Make ACME-Request: Challenge-Response - Object: resource, keyAuthorization
* @param {Object} challenge
* @return {{resource: string, keyAuthorization: string}}
makeChallengeResponse(challenge) {
return {
'resource': 'challenge',
'keyAuthorization': this.makeKeyAuthorization(challenge)
* Make ACME-Request: CSR - Object: resource, csr, notBefore, notAfter
* @param {string} csr
* @param {number} days_valid
* @return {{resource: string, csr: string, notBefore: string, notAfter: string}}
makeCertRequest(csr: string, DAYS_VALID: number) {
if (typeof csr !== 'string' && !(csr instanceof Buffer)) {
csr = '' // default string for CSR
if ((typeof DAYS_VALID !== 'number') || (isNaN(DAYS_VALID)) || (DAYS_VALID === 0)) {
DAYS_VALID = 1 // default validity duration (1 day)
let DOMAIN_CSR_DER = plugins.smartstring.base64.encodeUri(csr) // create base64 encoded CSR
let CURRENT_DATE = (new Date()).toISOString() // set start date to current date
// set end date to current date + days_valid
let NOTAFTER_DATE = (new Date((+new Date()) + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * Math.abs(DAYS_VALID))).toISOString()
return {
'resource': 'new-cert',
'notBefore': CURRENT_DATE,