
173 lines
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// Import necessary plugins from plugins.ts
import * as plugins from './plugins.js';
interface DnssecZone {
zone: string;
algorithm: 'ECDSA' | 'ED25519' | 'RSA';
keySize: number;
days: number;
interface DnssecKeyPair {
privateKey: string;
publicKey: string;
export class DnsSec {
private zone: DnssecZone;
private keyPair: DnssecKeyPair;
private ec?:; // For ECDSA algorithms
private eddsa?: plugins.elliptic.eddsa; // For EdDSA algorithms
constructor(zone: DnssecZone) { = zone;
// Initialize the appropriate cryptographic instance based on the algorithm
switch ( {
case 'ECDSA': = new'p256'); // Use P-256 curve for ECDSA
case 'ED25519':
this.eddsa = new plugins.elliptic.eddsa('ed25519');
case 'RSA':
// RSA implementation would go here
throw new Error('RSA algorithm is not yet implemented.');
throw new Error(`Unsupported algorithm: ${}`);
// Generate the key pair
this.keyPair = this.generateKeyPair();
private generateKeyPair(): DnssecKeyPair {
let privateKey: string;
let publicKey: string;
switch ( {
case 'ECDSA':
if (! throw new Error('EC instance is not initialized.');
const ecKeyPair =;
privateKey = ecKeyPair.getPrivate('hex');
publicKey = ecKeyPair.getPublic(false, 'hex'); // Uncompressed format
case 'ED25519':
if (!this.eddsa) throw new Error('EdDSA instance is not initialized.');
const secret = plugins.crypto.randomBytes(32);
const edKeyPair = this.eddsa.keyFromSecret(secret);
privateKey = edKeyPair.getSecret('hex');
publicKey = edKeyPair.getPublic('hex');
case 'RSA':
// RSA key generation would be implemented here
throw new Error('RSA key generation is not yet implemented.');
throw new Error(`Unsupported algorithm: ${}`);
return { privateKey, publicKey };
private getAlgorithmNumber(): number {
switch ( {
case 'ECDSA':
return 13; // ECDSAP256SHA256
case 'ED25519':
return 15;
case 'RSA':
return 8; // RSASHA256
throw new Error(`Unsupported algorithm: ${}`);
public signData(data: Buffer): Buffer {
// Sign the data using the private key
const keyPair =!.keyFromPrivate(this.keyPair.privateKey, 'hex');
const signature = keyPair.sign(plugins.crypto.createHash('sha256').update(data).digest());
return Buffer.from(signature.toDER());
private generateDNSKEY(): Buffer {
const flags = 256; // 256 indicates a Zone Signing Key (ZSK)
const protocol = 3; // Must be 3 according to RFC
const algorithm = this.getAlgorithmNumber();
let publicKeyData: Buffer;
switch ( {
case 'ECDSA':
if (! throw new Error('EC instance is not initialized.');
const ecPublicKey =, 'hex').getPublic();
const x = ecPublicKey.getX().toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be', 32);
const y = ecPublicKey.getY().toArrayLike(Buffer, 'be', 32);
publicKeyData = Buffer.concat([x, y]);
case 'ED25519':
publicKeyData = Buffer.from(this.keyPair.publicKey, 'hex');
case 'RSA':
// RSA public key extraction would go here
throw new Error('RSA public key extraction is not yet implemented.');
throw new Error(`Unsupported algorithm: ${}`);
// Construct the DNSKEY RDATA
const dnskeyRdata = Buffer.concat([
Buffer.from([flags >> 8, flags & 0xff]), // Flags (2 bytes)
Buffer.from([protocol]), // Protocol (1 byte)
Buffer.from([algorithm]), // Algorithm (1 byte)
publicKeyData, // Public Key
return dnskeyRdata;
private computeKeyTag(dnskeyRdata: Buffer): number {
// Key Tag calculation as per RFC 4034, Appendix B
let acc = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < dnskeyRdata.length; i++) {
acc += i & 1 ? dnskeyRdata[i] : dnskeyRdata[i] << 8;
acc += (acc >> 16) & 0xffff;
return acc & 0xffff;
private getDNSKEYRecord(): string {
const dnskeyRdata = this.generateDNSKEY();
const flags = 256;
const protocol = 3;
const algorithm = this.getAlgorithmNumber();
const publicKeyData = dnskeyRdata.slice(4); // Skip flags, protocol, algorithm bytes
const publicKeyBase64 = publicKeyData.toString('base64');
return `${}. IN DNSKEY ${flags} ${protocol} ${algorithm} ${publicKeyBase64}`;
public getDSRecord(): string {
const dnskeyRdata = this.generateDNSKEY();
const keyTag = this.computeKeyTag(dnskeyRdata);
const algorithm = this.getAlgorithmNumber();
const digestType = 2; // SHA-256
const digest = plugins.crypto
return `${}. IN DS ${keyTag} ${algorithm} ${digestType} ${digest}`;
public getKeyPair(): DnssecKeyPair {
return this.keyPair;
public getDsAndKeyPair(): { keyPair: DnssecKeyPair; dsRecord: string; dnskeyRecord: string } {
const dsRecord = this.getDSRecord();
const dnskeyRecord = this.getDNSKEYRecord();
return { keyPair: this.keyPair, dsRecord, dnskeyRecord };