133 lines
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133 lines
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import * as plugins from './smartexit.plugins.js';
export type TProcessSignal =
| 'SIGHUP' // Hangup detected on controlling terminal or death of controlling process
| 'SIGINT' // Interrupt from keyboard
| 'SIGQUIT' // Quit from keyboard
| 'SIGILL' // Illegal Instruction
| 'SIGTRAP' // Trace/breakpoint trap
| 'SIGABRT' // Abort signal from abort(3)
| 'SIGIOT' // IOT trap. A synonym for SIGABRT
| 'SIGBUS' // Bus error (bad memory access)
| 'SIGFPE' // Floating-point exception
| 'SIGKILL' // Kill signal
| 'SIGUSR1' // User-defined signal 1
| 'SIGSEGV' // Invalid memory reference
| 'SIGUSR2' // User-defined signal 2
| 'SIGPIPE' // Broken pipe: write to pipe with no readers
| 'SIGALRM' // Timer signal from alarm(2)
| 'SIGTERM' // Termination signal
| 'SIGCHLD' // Child stopped or terminated
| 'SIGCONT' // Continue if stopped
| 'SIGSTOP' // Stop process
| 'SIGTSTP' // Stop typed at terminal
| 'SIGTTIN' // Terminal input for background process
| 'SIGTTOU' // Terminal output for background process
| 'SIGURG' // Urgent condition on socket
| 'SIGXCPU' // CPU time limit exceeded
| 'SIGXFSZ' // File size limit exceeded
| 'SIGVTALRM' // Virtual alarm clock
| 'SIGPROF' // Profiling timer expired
| 'SIGWINCH' // Window resize signal
| 'SIGPOLL' // Pollable event (Sys V). Synonym for SIGIO
| 'SIGIO' // I/O now possible (4.2BSD)
| 'SIGPWR' // Power failure (System V)
| 'SIGINFO' // Information request (some systems)
| 'SIGLOST' // Resource lost (unused on most UNIX systems)
| 'SIGSYS' // Bad system call (unused on most UNIX systems)
| 'SIGUNUSED'; // Synonym for SIGSYS
export class SmartExit {
public static async killTreeByPid(pidArg: number, signalArg: TProcessSignal = 'SIGKILL') {
const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer();
plugins.treeKill.default(pidArg, signalArg, (err) => {
if (err) {
} else {
await done.promise;
// Instance
public processesToEnd = new plugins.lik.ObjectMap<plugins.childProcess.ChildProcess>();
public cleanupFunctions = new plugins.lik.ObjectMap<() => Promise<any>>();
* adds a process to be exited
* @param childProcessArg
public addProcess(childProcessArg: plugins.childProcess.ChildProcess) {
public addCleanupFunction(cleanupFunctionArg: () => Promise<any>) {
* removes a process to be exited
public removeProcess(childProcessArg: plugins.childProcess.ChildProcess) {
public async killAll() {
console.log('Checking for remaining child processes before exit...');
if (this.processesToEnd.getArray().length > 0) {
console.log('found remaining child processes');
let counter = 1;
this.processesToEnd.forEach(async (childProcessArg) => {
const pid = childProcessArg.pid;
console.log(`killing process #${counter} with pid ${pid}`);
plugins.smartdelay.delayFor(10000).then(() => {
if (childProcessArg.killed) {
process.kill(pid, 'SIGKILL');
process.kill(pid, 'SIGINT');
} else {
console.log(`ChildProcesses look clean.`);
if (this.cleanupFunctions.getArray.length > 0) {
this.cleanupFunctions.forEach(async (cleanupFunction) => {
await cleanupFunction();
console.log(`Ready to exit!`);
constructor() {
// do app specific cleaning before exiting
process.on('exit', async (code) => {
if (code === 0) {
console.log('Process wants to exit');
await this.killAll();
console.log('Exited ok!');
} else {
console.error('Exited NOT OK!');
// catch ctrl+c event and exit normally
process.on('SIGINT', async () => {
console.log('Ctrl-C... or SIGINT signal received!');
await this.killAll();
//catch uncaught exceptions, trace, then exit normally
process.on('uncaughtException', async (err) => {
console.log('SMARTEXIT: uncaught exception...');
await this.killAll();