- Renamed port proxy and SNI handler source files to classes.pp.portproxy.js and classes.pp.snihandler.js respectively - Updated import paths in index.ts and test files (e.g. in test.ts and test.router.ts) to reference the new file names - This refactor improves code organization but breaks direct imports from the old paths
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import * as plugins from './plugins.js';
/** Domain configuration with per-domain allowed port ranges */
export interface IDomainConfig {
domains: string[]; // Glob patterns for domain(s)
allowedIPs: string[]; // Glob patterns for allowed IPs
blockedIPs?: string[]; // Glob patterns for blocked IPs
targetIPs?: string[]; // If multiple targetIPs are given, use round robin.
portRanges?: Array<{ from: number; to: number }>; // Optional port ranges
// Allow domain-specific timeout override
connectionTimeout?: number; // Connection timeout override (ms)
// NetworkProxy integration options for this specific domain
useNetworkProxy?: boolean; // Whether to use NetworkProxy for this domain
networkProxyPort?: number; // Override default NetworkProxy port for this domain
/** Port proxy settings including global allowed port ranges */
export interface IPortProxySettings {
fromPort: number;
toPort: number;
targetIP?: string; // Global target host to proxy to, defaults to 'localhost'
domainConfigs: IDomainConfig[];
sniEnabled?: boolean;
defaultAllowedIPs?: string[];
defaultBlockedIPs?: string[];
preserveSourceIP?: boolean;
// TLS options
pfx?: Buffer;
key?: string | Buffer | Array<Buffer | string>;
passphrase?: string;
cert?: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer>;
ca?: string | Buffer | Array<string | Buffer>;
ciphers?: string;
honorCipherOrder?: boolean;
rejectUnauthorized?: boolean;
secureProtocol?: string;
servername?: string;
minVersion?: string;
maxVersion?: string;
// Timeout settings
initialDataTimeout?: number; // Timeout for initial data/SNI (ms), default: 60000 (60s)
socketTimeout?: number; // Socket inactivity timeout (ms), default: 3600000 (1h)
inactivityCheckInterval?: number; // How often to check for inactive connections (ms), default: 60000 (60s)
maxConnectionLifetime?: number; // Default max connection lifetime (ms), default: 86400000 (24h)
inactivityTimeout?: number; // Inactivity timeout (ms), default: 14400000 (4h)
gracefulShutdownTimeout?: number; // (ms) maximum time to wait for connections to close during shutdown
globalPortRanges: Array<{ from: number; to: number }>; // Global allowed port ranges
forwardAllGlobalRanges?: boolean; // When true, forwards all connections on global port ranges to the global targetIP
// Socket optimization settings
noDelay?: boolean; // Disable Nagle's algorithm (default: true)
keepAlive?: boolean; // Enable TCP keepalive (default: true)
keepAliveInitialDelay?: number; // Initial delay before sending keepalive probes (ms)
maxPendingDataSize?: number; // Maximum bytes to buffer during connection setup
// Enhanced features
disableInactivityCheck?: boolean; // Disable inactivity checking entirely
enableKeepAliveProbes?: boolean; // Enable TCP keep-alive probes
enableDetailedLogging?: boolean; // Enable detailed connection logging
enableTlsDebugLogging?: boolean; // Enable TLS handshake debug logging
enableRandomizedTimeouts?: boolean; // Randomize timeouts slightly to prevent thundering herd
allowSessionTicket?: boolean; // Allow TLS session ticket for reconnection (default: true)
// Rate limiting and security
maxConnectionsPerIP?: number; // Maximum simultaneous connections from a single IP
connectionRateLimitPerMinute?: number; // Max new connections per minute from a single IP
// Enhanced keep-alive settings
keepAliveTreatment?: 'standard' | 'extended' | 'immortal'; // How to treat keep-alive connections
keepAliveInactivityMultiplier?: number; // Multiplier for inactivity timeout for keep-alive connections
extendedKeepAliveLifetime?: number; // Extended lifetime for keep-alive connections (ms)
// NetworkProxy integration
useNetworkProxy?: number[]; // Array of ports to forward to NetworkProxy
networkProxyPort?: number; // Port where NetworkProxy is listening (default: 8443)
// ACME certificate management options
acme?: {
enabled?: boolean; // Whether to enable automatic certificate management
port?: number; // Port to listen on for ACME challenges (default: 80)
contactEmail?: string; // Email for Let's Encrypt account
useProduction?: boolean; // Whether to use Let's Encrypt production (default: false for staging)
renewThresholdDays?: number; // Days before expiry to renew certificates (default: 30)
autoRenew?: boolean; // Whether to automatically renew certificates (default: true)
certificateStore?: string; // Directory to store certificates (default: ./certs)
skipConfiguredCerts?: boolean; // Skip domains that already have certificates configured
* Enhanced connection record
export interface IConnectionRecord {
id: string; // Unique connection identifier
incoming: plugins.net.Socket;
outgoing: plugins.net.Socket | null;
incomingStartTime: number;
outgoingStartTime?: number;
outgoingClosedTime?: number;
lockedDomain?: string; // Used to lock this connection to the initial SNI
connectionClosed: boolean; // Flag to prevent multiple cleanup attempts
cleanupTimer?: NodeJS.Timeout; // Timer for max lifetime/inactivity
lastActivity: number; // Last activity timestamp for inactivity detection
pendingData: Buffer[]; // Buffer to hold data during connection setup
pendingDataSize: number; // Track total size of pending data
// Enhanced tracking fields
bytesReceived: number; // Total bytes received
bytesSent: number; // Total bytes sent
remoteIP: string; // Remote IP (cached for logging after socket close)
localPort: number; // Local port (cached for logging)
isTLS: boolean; // Whether this connection is a TLS connection
tlsHandshakeComplete: boolean; // Whether the TLS handshake is complete
hasReceivedInitialData: boolean; // Whether initial data has been received
domainConfig?: IDomainConfig; // Associated domain config for this connection
// Keep-alive tracking
hasKeepAlive: boolean; // Whether keep-alive is enabled for this connection
inactivityWarningIssued?: boolean; // Whether an inactivity warning has been issued
incomingTerminationReason?: string | null; // Reason for incoming termination
outgoingTerminationReason?: string | null; // Reason for outgoing termination
// NetworkProxy tracking
usingNetworkProxy?: boolean; // Whether this connection is using a NetworkProxy
// Renegotiation handler
renegotiationHandler?: (chunk: Buffer) => void; // Handler for renegotiation detection
// Browser connection tracking
isBrowserConnection?: boolean; // Whether this connection appears to be from a browser
domainSwitches?: number; // Number of times the domain has been switched on this connection
} |