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Using npmextra for managing toolconfigs
The main purpose of npmextra is to configure different tools using one npmextra.json. This way complex setups avoid additional complexity caused by too many configuration files.
"sometool": {
"defaultKey1": "awesomeValueFromConfig"
import { Npmextra } from 'npmextra';
let myNpmExtra = new Npmextra('my/path/to/cwd'); // cwd argument is optional
mergedData = myNpmExtra.dataFor('sometool', {
// gets merged with whatever is in the configfile
defaultKey1: 'defaultValue1', // so this will get overwritten with "awesomeValueFromConfig"
defaultKey2: 'defaultValue2', // this one will pass through unaltered
Tools that already use the config feature of npmextra
Using the KeyValueStore
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For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
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