smart wrapper for nodegit
Availabililty and Links
Status for master
We recommend the use of TypeScript for best in class intellisense
// import smartgit:
import { GitRepo } from 'smartgit';
// Initialize smartgit:
// -- note: there are 3 ways to initialize smartgit
// -- -- 1. with a existing Git repo
// -- -- 2. with a cloned Git repo
// -- -- 3. with a new Git repo
// -- 1. existing Git Repo:
let myExistingGitRepo = new GitRepo('/path/to/existing/git/repo/');
// -- 2. cloned Git Repo:
let myClonedGitRepo: GitRepo;
smartgit.createRepoFromClone('git@github.com:username/reponame.git').then((gitRepo) => {
// non blocking
myClonedGitRepo = gitRepo;
// -- 3. new Git Repo
let myNewGitRepo: GitRepo;
.createRepoFromInit('/path/to/new/folder') // smartgit will create any new folder, be careful
.then((gitRepo) => {
// non blocking
myNewGitRepo = gitRepo;
// Using smartgit instance
// -- most used actions
// -- all actions return promises, so make sure to use promise chaining for any dependent tasks
myExistingGitRepo.addAll(); // returns promise, stages all changed files
myExistingGitRepo.add(['relative/path/to/file.txt', 'another/file2.txt']); // returns promise, stages specific files
myExistingGitRepo.commit('my commit message'); // returns promise, commits staged files
.status() // returns promise
.then((status) => {
// Use TypeScript for status type information
myExistingGitRepo.check(); // returns promise, checks repo health
Tip: use smartssh to setup your SSH environment
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For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
MIT licensed | © Task Venture Capital GmbH | By using this npm module you agree to our privacy policy