2019-09-10 18:02:42 +02:00

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# @pushrocks/smarthbs
handlebars with better fs support
## Availabililty and Links
* [ (npm package)](
* [ (source)](
* [ (source mirror)](
* [docs (typedoc)](
## Status for master
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[![JavaScript Style Guide](](
## Usage
> Note: Why did we decide against a class based architecture?
> Easy: handlebars.js is already pretty determined how things are handled internally, namely a global partial template registry
> It doesn't make sense to then introduce a scoped partial template approach.
import * as smarthbs from 'smarthbs';
// read all .hbs files in a directory and any child directories and use relative path as partial string identifier
// read all .hbs files in a particular directory and level, output them to a destination and specify a .json file to read any referenced data
smarthbs.compileDirectory(testHbsDir, testResultDir, 'data.json');
For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
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