control nginx from node, TypeScript ready
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Status for master
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import * as smartnginx from 'smartnginx';
const smartnginxInstance = new smartnginx.SmartNginx();
myNginxHost = new smartnginx.NginxHost({
hostName: 'some.example.com',
type: 'reverseProxy',
destination: '' // some destination IP
myNginxConfig.addZone(myNginxZone); // adds the zone to the config
myNginxConfig.deploy(); // deploys the referenced NginxConfig and gracefully reloads it
For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
MIT licensed | © Lossless GmbH | By using this npm module you agree to our privacy policy
A TypeScript library for controlling Nginx from Node.js, with support for generating and managing Nginx configurations dynamically.