handle strings in smart ways. TypeScript ready.
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Status for master
Use TypeScript for best in class instellisense.
import * as smartstring from 'smartstring';
// classes
// smartstring.Domain class
let myDomain = new smartstring.Domain('https://sub.main.tld');
myDomain.level1; // "tld"
myDomain.level2; // "main"
// level3 , level 4 and so on...
myDomain.zoneName; // "main.tld"
myDOmain.protocol; // "https"
// smartstring.GitRepo class
let myGitRepo = new smartstring.GitRepo('git@github.com:someorg/somerepo.git'); // takes https and git and npm repo URL versions
myGitRepo.host; // "github.com"
myGitRepo.user; // "someorg"
myGitRepo.repo; // "somerepo"
myGitRepo.accessToken; // accessToken if specified with https
myGitRepo.sshUrl; // "git@github.com:someorg/somerepo.git" (computed also from https)
myGitRepo.httpsUrl; // "https://github.com/someorg/somerepo.git" (computed also from ssh)
let myBase64 = new smartstring.Base64('somestring', 'string'); // first arg is the string, second is string type (can be string, base64, base64uri)
myBase64.simpleString; // 'somestring'
myBase64.base64String; // base64 representation of 'somestring'
myBase64.base64UriString; // base64uri representation of 'sometring'
// methods
smartstring.base64.encode('somestring'); // encodes 'somestring' to base64
smartstring.base64.encodeUri('sometring'); // encodes 'somestring' to base64uri
smartstring.base64.decode(); // decodes base64 and base64uri to simple string respresentation
smartstring.indent.indent('somestringanotherstring', 4); // indents a string by 4
smartstring.indent.indent('somestringanotherstring', '>>>> '); // indents a string with a prefix
smartstring.indent.normalize(' somestring anotherstring', '>>>> '); // looks for the least amount of indention and removes superflouous space
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A library for handling strings in smart ways, including manipulation and encoding, with TypeScript support.