2019-09-06 16:32:36 +02:00

53 lines
2.5 KiB

# @pushrocks/taskbuffer
flexible task management. TypeScript ready!
## Availabililty and Links
* [npmjs.org (npm package)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@pushrocks/taskbuffer)
* [gitlab.com (source)](https://gitlab.com/pushrocks/taskbuffer)
* [github.com (source mirror)](https://github.com/pushrocks/taskbuffer)
* [docs (typedoc)](https://pushrocks.gitlab.io/taskbuffer/)
## Status for master
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## Usage
We highly recommend TypeScript as this module supports **TypeScript intellisense**.
import * as taskbuffer from "taskbuffer";
myTask = new taskbuffer.Task({
preTask: someOtherTask // optional, don't worry loops are prevented
afterTask: someOtherTask // optional, don't worry loops are prevented
buffered: true, // optional
bufferMax: 3, // optional, call qeues greater than this are truncated
execDelay: 1000, // optional, time in ms to wait before executing task call
taskFunction:() => {
// do some stuff and return promise
// pass on any data through promise resolution
// Use TypeScript for better understanding and code completion
For further information read the linked docs at the top of this README.
> MIT licensed | **©** [Lossless GmbH](https://lossless.gmbh)
For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.
> MIT licensed | **©** [Lossless GmbH](https://lossless.gmbh)
| By using this npm module you agree to our [privacy policy](https://lossless.gmbH/privacy)