214 lines
5.9 KiB
214 lines
5.9 KiB
import * as plugins from './taskbuffer.plugins.js';
import { BufferRunner } from './taskbuffer.classes.bufferrunner.js';
import { CycleCounter } from './taskbuffer.classes.cyclecounter.js';
import { logger } from './taskbuffer.logging.js';
export interface ITaskFunction<T = undefined> {
(x?: any, setupValue?: T): PromiseLike<any>;
export interface ITaskSetupFunction<T = undefined> {
(): Promise<T>;
export type TPreOrAfterTaskFunction = () => Task<any>;
export class Task<T = undefined> {
public static extractTask<T = undefined>(
preOrAfterTaskArg: Task<T> | TPreOrAfterTaskFunction
): Task<T> {
switch (true) {
case !preOrAfterTaskArg:
return null;
case preOrAfterTaskArg instanceof Task:
return preOrAfterTaskArg as Task<T>;
case typeof preOrAfterTaskArg === 'function':
const taskFunction = preOrAfterTaskArg as TPreOrAfterTaskFunction;
return taskFunction();
return null;
public static emptyTaskFunction: ITaskFunction = function (x) {
const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer();
return done.promise;
public static isTask = (taskArg: Task<any>): boolean => {
if (taskArg instanceof Task && typeof taskArg.taskFunction === 'function') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
public static isTaskTouched<T = undefined>(
taskArg: Task<T> | TPreOrAfterTaskFunction,
touchedTasksArray: Task<T>[]
): boolean {
const taskToCheck = Task.extractTask(taskArg);
let result = false;
for (const keyArg in touchedTasksArray) {
if (taskToCheck === touchedTasksArray[keyArg]) {
result = true;
return result;
public static runTask = async <T>(
taskArg: Task<T> | TPreOrAfterTaskFunction,
optionsArg: { x?: any; touchedTasksArray?: Task<T>[] }
) => {
const taskToRun = Task.extractTask(taskArg);
const done = plugins.smartpromise.defer();
// Wait for all blocking tasks to finish
for (const task of taskToRun.blockingTasks) {
await task.finished;
if (!taskToRun.setupValue && taskToRun.taskSetup) {
taskToRun.setupValue = await taskToRun.taskSetup();
if (taskToRun.execDelay) {
await plugins.smartdelay.delayFor(taskToRun.execDelay);
taskToRun.running = true;
done.promise.then(async () => {
taskToRun.running = false;
// When the task has finished running, resolve the finished promise
// Create a new finished promise for the next run
taskToRun.finished = new Promise((resolve) => {
taskToRun.resolveFinished = resolve;
const options = {
...{ x: undefined, touchedTasksArray: [] },
const x = options.x;
const touchedTasksArray: Task<T>[] = options.touchedTasksArray;
const localDeferred = plugins.smartpromise.defer();
.then(() => {
if (taskToRun.preTask && !Task.isTaskTouched(taskToRun.preTask, touchedTasksArray)) {
return Task.runTask(taskToRun.preTask, { x, touchedTasksArray });
} else {
const done2 = plugins.smartpromise.defer();
return done2.promise;
.then(async (x) => {
try {
return await taskToRun.taskFunction(x, taskToRun.setupValue);
} catch (e) {
.then((x) => {
if (taskToRun.afterTask && !Task.isTaskTouched(taskToRun.afterTask, touchedTasksArray)) {
return Task.runTask(taskToRun.afterTask, { x: x, touchedTasksArray: touchedTasksArray });
} else {
const done2 = plugins.smartpromise.defer();
return done2.promise;
.then((x) => {
.catch((err) => {
return await done.promise;
public name: string;
public version: string;
public taskFunction: ITaskFunction<T>;
public buffered: boolean;
public cronJob: plugins.smarttime.CronJob;
public bufferMax: number;
public execDelay: number;
public timeout: number;
public preTask: Task<T> | TPreOrAfterTaskFunction;
public afterTask: Task<T> | TPreOrAfterTaskFunction;
// Add a list to store the blocking tasks
public blockingTasks: Task[] = [];
// Add a promise that will resolve when the task has finished
private finished: Promise<void>;
private resolveFinished: () => void;
public running: boolean = false;
public bufferRunner = new BufferRunner(this);
public cycleCounter = new CycleCounter(this);
public get idle() {
return !this.running;
public taskSetup: ITaskSetupFunction<T>;
public setupValue: T;
constructor(optionsArg: {
taskFunction: ITaskFunction<T>;
preTask?: Task<T> | TPreOrAfterTaskFunction;
afterTask?: Task<T> | TPreOrAfterTaskFunction;
buffered?: boolean;
bufferMax?: number;
execDelay?: number;
name?: string;
taskSetup?: ITaskSetupFunction<T>;
}) {
this.taskFunction = optionsArg.taskFunction;
this.preTask = optionsArg.preTask;
this.afterTask = optionsArg.afterTask;
this.buffered = optionsArg.buffered;
this.bufferMax = optionsArg.bufferMax;
this.execDelay = optionsArg.execDelay;
this.name = optionsArg.name;
this.taskSetup = optionsArg.taskSetup;
// Create the finished promise
this.finished = new Promise((resolve) => {
this.resolveFinished = resolve;
public trigger(x?: any): Promise<any> {
if (this.buffered) {
return this.triggerBuffered(x);
} else {
return this.triggerUnBuffered(x);
public triggerUnBuffered(x?: any): Promise<any> {
return Task.runTask<T>(this, { x: x });
public triggerBuffered(x?: any): Promise<any> {
return this.bufferRunner.trigger(x);