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simple promises and Deferred constructs

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Use TypeScript for best in class instellisense.

Note: smartq uses native ES6 promises smartq does not repeat any native functions, so for things like .all() simply use Promise.all()

import * as q from '@pushrocks/smartpromise'

// Deferred
// -----------------------------------------------
let myAsyncFunction = (): Promise<string> => {
  let done = q.defer<string>() // returns your typical Deferred object
  setTimeout(() => {
      done.resolve('hi') // will throw type error for other types than string as argument ;)

  console.log(done.status) // logs "pending";
  done.promise.then(() => {
    console.log(done.status) // logs "fullfilled"
    console.log(done.duration) // logs the milliseconds between instantiation and fullfillment

  return done.promise

let myAsyncFunction2 = async () => {
    let aString = await myAsyncFunction()
    console.log(aString) // will log 'hi' to console


// Resolved and Rejected promises
// ------------------------------------------------
q.resolvedPromise(`I'll get logged to console soon`)
    .then(x => {

q.rejectedPromise(`what a lovely error message`)
    .then(() => {
        console.log('This never makes it to console')
    }/*, alternatively put a reject function here */)
    .catch(err => {

// Promisify (typed)
// ------------------------------------------------

let myCallbackedFunction = (someString: string, someNumber: number, cb) => {
    cb(null, someString)

let myPromisedFunction = q.promisify(myCallbackFunction)
myPromisedFunction('helloThere', 2).then(x => {
    console.log(x) // will log 'helloThere' to console

For further information read the linked docs at the top of this readme.

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